Chapter 808 Whatever should come is always coming]

“Meng Zhi, the widow is now waiting for your good news.” Ying Zheng sat in the car and looked at the heavy snow on the goose feathers outside. He couldn’t help but sighed.

If Meng Zhi attacked the Huns this time, if he could not win in a short period of time, wipe out the Xiongnu in one fell swoop, and garrison the Western Regions, then the Donghu will definitely take action and strengthen guard in the spring of the coming year.

Although it is not a big deal for winning politics, at best it is just a little bit of waste.

But if you can exchange for the greatest victory at the least cost, why use the blood of Daqin’s soldiers in exchange for victory.

“Great King.” Zhao Gao’s voice rang softly from outside the car.

“Say.” Ying Zheng heard Zhao Gao’s voice and said slowly.

“My lord, arrogantly overstepping this son, Damn it, don’t stay, do I want to

“Zhao Gao.” Yingzheng didn’t wait for Yan Yue to finish speaking, and interrupted directly: “Are you teaching widows to do things?”

“Don’t dare, my lord, Zhao Gao has always been loyal and loyal. It’s just that today’s arrogant collided with the king, Zhao Gao didn’t think about it. That’s why Zhao Gao didn’t have any intentions to say this. I also ask the king to forgive him.”

Although there is no way to see Zhao Gao outside through the car, but Ying Zheng can probably also think of finding the scene of sweating profusely.

“Okay, how the arrogant should go down, the widow has its own conclusion, now it is not your turn to teach the widow, go back, it is exhausted.” After Yingzheng finished speaking, he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Inside the Qin army camp.

At this time, Meng Zhi was instructing the generals of the Qin army to withdraw from the mountain in an orderly manner.

Originally, the Huns were already a winner, and the one who won’t die depends on today’s time.

However, I never expected that the snow fell on this day, so that the Qin army led by Meng Zhi had no way to encircle and wipe out the remaining forces of the Hun Maudun.

To be honest, Meng Zhi was actually very upset when such a thing happened.

It was a victory that came in hand, but now it looks like the cooked duck flies.

But no, if Meng Zhi continues to besiege Maodun now, although he can continue to encircle Maodun’s army in the mountains.

However, there is nothing to do with such things as follow-up food and grass support.

Marching and fighting is no better than playing family, this is to be private.

Starting from the city of Xianyang, before leaving, he had been given a guarantee to the Great Qin King. You must take these Da Qin soldiers and children home with the final victory.

Therefore, at this time, you can’t take a risk.

“General, 々.” A general stood beside Meng Zhi, arching his hands and said, “All retreat matters have been prepared, and the general can retreat at any time.”

“Yeah.” Meng Zhi nodded: “Hey!”

“Why does the general sigh?”

“It’s nothing, I just feel that everything in this world seems to have a certain number. I didn’t think that Mao Dun actually had God’s help at a critical moment.”

“If I can finish this heavy snowfall for another day, then the head of Mao Dun will already be in my hands.” Meng Zhi was obviously unwilling.

“General, in fact, our sergeants in Daqin have never seen a scene. It’s not insurmountable that there is a little snow.”

“Don’t think like this. This is a marching battle, not a trifling matter. Let’s retreat.” Meng Zhi interrupted the general and the ropeway.


With an order, the generals of the Qin Army pulled out their camp and withdrew from the continuous mountain range.

“Mao Dun Dan Yu, Mao Dun Dan Yu.” You Dadu Li excitedly ran in and looked at Mao Dun and said: “Mao Dun Dan Yu, Na Meng Zhi and Qin Jun have withdrawn.”

“Really?” Mouton asked while looking at Captain You in disbelief.

“Yes, Maudun Shanyu is indeed a magical calculation. This heavy snow should be the snow of life that God has given me to the Huns. With this heavy snow.”

*” In the spring of the coming year, the people of the Huns will be able to re-equip and fight to the death with the Qin army to defend the dignity and land of the Huns. “You Dadu Lieutenant said excitedly.

“Well, God blessed me the Huns, I took the opportunity to thank God.” Mao Dun said excitedly.

“Go, retreat with me to the other side of the glacier.”

Originally, there was a subtle atmosphere in the Huns camp. Now because of such good news, the entire Huns camp was full of cheerful atmosphere for a time.

This long-running war between Da Qin and Xiongnu Maudun ended in an incredible way.

Everything has to wait until the beginning of the coming year before the winner can be determined.

On the vast ground, there was heavy snow like feathers everywhere.

Everywhere is (Zhao’s good) scent of uninhabited silence.

It seems to be telling the world what seems to have happened here.

“Pop!” Ying Zheng heavily smashed the cup in his hand to the ground.

“The king calms down his anger.” Zhao Gao knelt on the ground and shivered.

At this time, the biggest feeling in Yingzheng’s heart is the angry brother.

It’s nothing else. The main reason is that winning the politics against the thief God. At a critical moment, when Meng Zhi was already trying to completely wipe out the Huns, it turned out to be heavy snowfall.

What this heavy snow means, winning politics is very clear.

This represents winning the government, representing the war of extermination meticulously planned by the civil and military ministers of the entire Great Qin Dynasty.

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