Chapter 806 Confrontation Between Monarchs and Ministers]

“Bang!” The personal guards stepped on the spot under the command of Yan Shun.

They put their inner excitement into action, and in their eyes they seemed to see the bloody battlefield.

“Boom!” “Boom!”

They raised and lowered Zhang Ge in their hands, and even the soldiers in the city defense next to King Qin Ying’s political guard also roared with them.

“If you dominate the world, the Great Qin is mighty. If you dominate the world, the Great Qin is mighty.

These soldiers are not good at words and can only shout the simplest slogans.

However, although the slogan is simple, it also represents the spirit of the Daqin soldiers to kill the enemy bravely.

Boom boom boom! The spears in the soldiers’ hands are all raised high “July 20”, that kind of battle is magnificent.

“Dominate the world, dominate the world.

The sound broke through the clouds, and the Qin Jun arrogantly dried up the clouds.

In this way, they responded to King Qin’s victory.

Da Qin is a flying dragon, and every Qin army of them is the dragon’s claws.

As long as King Qin Yingzheng gave an order, let alone the Mobei grassland, it was the eighteenth hell, and they would also go out. Not to mention the Xiongnu cavalry, even if they were the heavenly soldiers, they would have to fight one. This is the mighty momentum of the Daqin soldiers.

Fight, win!

Attack, must take!

This is the widowed Qin army! King Qin Yingzheng looked at the cheering soldiers.

“The widows must let all nations come to congratulate! But those who don’t come to the pilgrims! Daqin Tieqi will chase them away!”

King Qin Yingzheng felt inwardly, and when he saw a group of generals, these generals were also eager to try, and they wanted to go to battle immediately and make a contribution to the great Qin.

Even Li Si, the civil servants, and the eunuch headed by Zhao Gao, had a fire in their hearts.

At this moment, it can be said that every Daqin official hopes to see Daqin dominate Kyushu.


This is so, someone actually opposed it and stepped forward. The atmosphere of this fish at the moment is very incompatible.

“No, Da Qin can’t fight rashly at present.” Qin Wang Yingzheng turned back abruptly when he heard the words, he wanted to see which minister had broken his good mood in this way.

This “no” sound, like a basin of cold water, more like a piece of ice, made the people angry!

Ying Zheng swept over, frowning.

Seeing this, Li Si shouted: “Who?, who is so bold that makes the king unhappy?,

“Weichen, see the king.”

A voice came, it was a gray-haired, elegant old man.

“Presumptuous, is it you?” Qin Wang Yingzheng slowly spit out a few words.

For this veteran, King Qin still respected his victory in politics.

This person was Dr. Qin during the Warring States Period, and later served as a servant in the DPRK. In the DPRK, he belonged to the old people of the pre-Qin Dynasty.

A year ago, when he bought the Xianyang Palace, Yan Yue proposed to restore the Zhou dynasty system, change the prefectures and counties into enfeoffments, and enfeoff the land to the princes, which was refuted by Prime Minister Li Si.

These flashed in the mind of King Qin Yingzheng.

“The king, the minister believes that the world is initially set, Daqin should rest and recover, and must not be mobilizing troops. This is public opinion.”

“The world is initially set?”

Zhao Gao, who was standing behind Qin Wang Yingzheng, sneered and interrupted Baiyue’s words: “Doctor is always confused. My Da Qin swept across the four kingdoms, and I saw that I was about to dominate Kyushu! Where did the world come from?”

“Huh, Zhao Gao, you are just a flatterer.”

Yan Yue gave a cold snort, staring at Zhao Gao, the only one who could say this in front of King Qin Yingzheng was Yan Yue.

Relying on his relationship as an old man in the pre-Qin period, he didn’t put Zhao Gao in his eyes, but instead scolded Zhao Gao as a blood spray.

Later, he was even more cold to Li Si, thinking that he was just a vulgar person who admired the legalists.

Li Si was angry, but did not refute it. Li Si was waiting for King Qin Yingzheng to express his attitude.

In front of King Qin, Li Si still restrained his temper.

These Confucian students can’t be steamed and boiled. Even King Qin didn’t treat him a year ago. I, Li Si, shouldn’t ask for trouble!

“Then you say, what should a widow do?”

Yingzheng asked patiently.

“Great King, as the minister just said, the Great Qin Kingdom should recuperate, and there should be no war, just like the words of the sage Kong…”

Yan Yue originally wanted to enlighten the two people on a high platform, but thought that King Qin Yingzheng had always disliked Confucianism, and reluctantly changed his words and said: “Sun Ziyan: The warrior is dead. Please think twice!”

“Dr. Yuyue bullies the widow and hasn’t read the Art of War?”

Ying Zheng looked at the arrogant, and said loudly: “Sun Tzu Day: The belligerent is dead, and the one who forgets the war is in danger. It is not easy to remember, the king of the world.”

At this point, 1.3 Qin Wang paused after winning the government, and he was a little displeased: “Does the doctor want the widow to forget the battle and put the Great Qin in danger?”

The weight of this sentence is too heavy, and everyone hears some discoloration in their ears.

“This prince, this is not the original intention of the Weichen.”

For a while, the king of Qin won the political power to establish the Great Qin Dynasty and annihilated the Four Kingdoms successively, and naturally read the art of war!

Baiyue is a Confucian student, how can he compete with King Qin’s warfare? This is self-deprecating and boring.

However, Baiyue Zhang is an old man in the pre-Qin period, even if King Qin wins the government, he must respect himself by three points. .

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