Chapter 803 How to be good]

Mouton raised his head again, with some plea in his eyes: “Everyone is thinking, is there no suitable strategy to bring us back to life?”

After all, no one can come up with a good way to make everyone’s eyes shine.

After a while, the old official thought for a while and said: “According to my intentions. Don’t be dying and struggling to kill the army and the people, and you can’t surrender to the Donghu people. It is better to surrender to the Qin army!”

The grumpy Captain was a little unhappy again: “Why? Must surrender to Da Qin, Dong Hu is at least the same race as us, surrendering to them we can still retain a little dignity!”

The old official sighed and said: “I heard that in Chu in the east, hundreds of thousands of Qin troops are building roads to the south. In my opinion, they will not only build roads in the country, but will also go all the way north and go straight. Donghu left.

This remark of the old official surprised Mouton and several chief captains a little bit. “That is to say, the ultimate goal of the Qin army is not to solve the simple problems of the Huns, but to smooth us and Donghu together?”

The old official nodded, and twisted his gray beard with one hand and said, “What is the use of you saying that we fled to the Donghu country? The Qin army suppresses the Xiongnu and will continue to go north to Donghu. Do you want us to choose where to flee again? ?”

After speaking, the old official looked at a dozen lifeless faces under the torch again, “When will we be the end at that time! And if our army surrenders to the Qin army, it can save the lives of the army and the people, or stay Homeland, this is the best choice right now, 々!”

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and Dadu Wei said: “The elders think that after the Qin army destroys the Huns, I will continue to be killed? This is impossible. The barren land of the Huns is better. Then the territory of Donghu can be said to be a hundred thousand mountains. Over and over again, it’s not easy for the Qin Army to capture it!”

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, even Mouton felt that his veteran was a bit alarmist, and he also felt that Qin Jun should not continue to go north. If Mouton is allowed to choose, he would rather choose to surrender Donghu.

The old official shook his entire head into a rattle and said: “It’s not that simple! Then, who is the King of Qin, who has wiped out the Four Kingdoms in just a few years, and the rest of the Kingdom of Wei and Qi are also the delicacies of the King of Qin.

Everyone didn’t refute this sentence, and they all knew what happened.

The old official sighed long: “What a man who won the government! Recently, I heard that we have been building roads and fighting against the Huns in the north. Such an emperor is clearly a person with incomparable ambitions for the territory. You think we are the Huns. Will a mere county fill his taste?

A major lieutenant next to the veteran said: “The Qin army dispatched hundreds of thousands of troops this time. If it was just to destroy our Huns, would it be necessary to use such a large position? And Meng Zhi’s soldiers have always been brave and invincible until the enemy is defeated. until.”

When everyone heard this, most of them shook their heads and sighed, and their intuition was reasonable.

After listening to these analyses, Mouton couldn’t help feeling a swish in his back. The picture shows that I have some regrets for provoking this war, and my impulsive actions may completely destroy the Huns.

It seems that this time, there is no Ann birthday to escape anywhere!

For a while, everyone couldn’t help looking at the Xiongnu’s Shan Yu Moudun, waiting for him to make up his mind.

When Mouton saw everyone looking at him again, there was a sound of sadness in his heart. It turned out that the powerful Huns perished in his hands, and everyone would only regard him as the king of subjugation and spurn him.

However, the generals and the Xiongnu people did not lose much, they can still rely on their status in the clan to enjoy prosperity.

And he was miserable if he surrendered, and Qin Jun surrendered, but he didn’t know what he would end up with!

Although Mouton knew that the Qin Army’s policies were beneficial to the prisoners, what would he do with him, the supreme leader of the Huns.

Mouton was not clear in his heart, and even he was thinking about what would happen if he was beheaded by the soldiers of the Qin Army. He regretted why he didn’t die on the battlefield.

The truth is now just riding a tiger, this is also the last thing Mouton wants to see. On the surface, he wanted to make the most powerful choice for the Huns, but in fact he sent himself on a road of no return.

Mouton himself had no rules, so he nodded and said: “^” The king also agreed with the old official’s opinion. Since there is nowhere to escape in the end, it is better to surrender to the Qin army, so that our Xiongnu people will not receive it. Some unnecessary casualties!”

After speaking, Mouton looked at the people (Zhao’s), and although everyone looked dejected, there was no objection. Because at this moment, everyone is thinking about how they should go in the future.

Mao Dun knew that everyone had acquiesced, so he had to say again: “Since you all have no opinion, let’s do it, Lieutenant Captain. You send someone to Qin Jun, please surrender!” After saying this, Mao Dun suddenly felt Easy sentence in one suit.

In an instant, he seemed to be a few years old, and he sighed. “It’s not easy to be a minister of subjugation!”

This sentence seemed to be spoken to himself and to everyone around him, but everyone was silent. The sound of the cold wind blowing outside the cave was left in my ears.

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