Chapter 802 Final battle]

Watching the Tan Ma galloping away. Immediately, there were 5,000 soldiers and horses outside the Yongyuan rush to adjust the camp, 3,000 reinforcements for the grain camp, and another 2,000 people defended along the hidden passage and restored the beacon tower along the road, finally eliminating the only hidden danger.

In the evening two days later, in the main camp of the Qin Army, the excitement in his heart could not be concealed by the slight exhaustion on his face, running for days.

He pointed to the sheepskin map and said to the generals: “Smashed the Huns’ attack on the camp, the Huns are already exhausted.”

“General, do we want to speed up the encirclement? General Kuining is ready to wait for the general to give an order.”

Meng Zhi shook his head. “The army only needs to advance at a speed of ten to fifteen miles every day! It is estimated that the remnants of the Huns will be forced out in three or five days. If they are wiped out in one fell swoop, the general situation can be set! ”

Yong Yuan next to him nodded and said: “General, those remnants who are defeated after returning to the Huns will definitely cause some damage to their morale in 2008. As long as the morale of their Huns is low, we can wipe out the Huns’ nest in one fell swoop.”

Meng Zhi nodded and said with domineering words on his face: “Nevertheless. All armies must not take it lightly. Although they know that the trapped beasts are still fighting, they will not wait to die! If there are those who neglect the military, kill them!”

“Hey! Honorable orders.” The generals looked at the stern look and the generals obeyed in awe!

When the generals returned to their headquarters, the Qin army from all walks of life accelerated slightly, and continued to push forward step by step toward the hinterland of the Xiongnu!

Gradually, the various armies still did not find the main force of the Huns, but they found several large strongholds in hiding places of the Huns one after another, and the Qin army captured them one by one. Set up a camp and guard! But according to the general order, in addition to restricting his freedom, he is not harsh!

Five days later, nearly one hundred thousand Qin army’s main force gathered all their search gazes into a mountain that was less than a hundred miles long and wide.

This is the only remaining land of the Huns.

It’s just that these mountains are awkward, and Daqin’s cavalry can’t play a role at all. They can only rely on the soldiers’ legs to approach a little bit.

Kuaining and Mengzhi exchange news every day, in order to prevent the Xiongnu soldiers from getting out of the siege. Meng Zhi absolutely doesn’t want to try something that has been exhausted.

It was getting late, in the connected caves deep in the mountains.

Mouton looked frustrated. Although he returned to the hinterland of the Huns desperately for his life, fewer than a thousand elite soldiers of the five thousand Huns returned. This blow made the generals sigh.

Mouton looked at his side. The chief lieutenants all bowed their heads and said nothing, their eyes were aimed at him. Mouton knew that this was waiting for him to make an idea, but he didn’t have any ideas to think about.

This sneak attack was thought to be a success, but Qin Jun didn’t expect that Qin Jun had taken precautions, and this last move could be regarded as a complete failure.

After waiting for a long time to see that no one was speaking, Maudun had to bite the bullet and said: “Generals, now Qin Jun is pressing hard, the most forward is less than thirty miles away. In two or three days, he will definitely find this place with us. In a decisive battle, we can’t go if we want to go at that time.

An veteran standing on the outer side coughed a few times and said: “My lord, there are only two roads in front of us. Either we surrender to Qin Zao. I heard that the commander of the Qin army is adored and generous. He never kills people. , Do not treat prisoners harshly, our military and civilians should be able to preserve.

The veteran’s words were interrupted by Lieutenant Right when he said this: “Are we the Huns only have to surrender?” Mouton waved his hand: “Lieutenant Dadu, you will be talking after listening to the veteran’s words.”

The old minister’s cough became sharp, and after staring for a few breaths, he was able to hold his breath, “Either surrender to Donghu, my old Huns opponent. No matter what, our two countries are also of the same clan. Although there are old hatreds, they should still be surrendered. Will take us in.”

“This is not right. Those East Lake people may inevitably humiliate us the Huns.” Another captain changed his head and said.

“It really doesn’t work. We still break through. There is still a large barren land behind the glacier for us to turn around.

“I don’t even think about breaking through. The Qin army is no less than 100,000 within a hundred miles around 720, and there is a little wind and grass! The Qin army will rush up like a pack of wolves after a day. We all tear it up! Which one should you choose?”

The captain on the right searched the sheepskin map to the bright spot.

What we Huns are now facing is only a two-way choice: either surrender to the Qin army or surrender to Donghu, there is no other way!

Mao Dun’s eyes rounded, he paused, and said loudly: “The left one surrenders, the right one surrenders, no matter which one you choose. Isn’t the foundation of my Huns still over!? Is there no other way?”

The people around who asked this sentence bowed their heads, and they couldn’t think of any good way to escape.

After Mouton finished speaking, he knew that there was no other way, and he couldn’t help lowering his head in discouragement. Also silent! But he was unwilling, he didn’t want to see these soldiers and people of the Xiongnu surrender to Daqin. .

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