Chapter 804 The Immortal Huns

The weather gradually entered a severe winter, and the whirring cold wind began to get bitter.

Qin Jun, who was just accustomed to the severe cold in the North, didn’t seem to feel the cold. Everyone insisted on their posts vigorously.

The Xiongnu’s peace is imminent, and the Qin army is filled with an optimistic atmosphere.

But the lesson that the grain and grass camp was almost burned is still in the heart of the Qin army.

At the same time, the Qin Army’s main camp commander’s account. A warm charcoal fire started.

Light curls of smoke wafted from the exit at the top of the tent.

As the cold wind faded in the air! The tent was warm, and dozens of Qin army chief generals gathered in the handsome tent, conducting daily routine meetings!

Everyone looked very relaxed.

In the severe winter, the vegetation dies, and the concealment function of the forest is becoming weaker and weaker.

The Xiongnu could not hide for a few more days in the narrow area.

Seeing that there are only a handful of victory days, can everyone not be excited?

It’s just that there is a gloomy look on the general’s face.

This made the generals a little puzzled, “The 720 general, this Xiongnu eradication is right in front of him, why is he unhappy?

Meng Zhi raised his head and looked at the outside of the military tent. “You generals, although the Xiongnu are no longer able to struggle, the weather may help the Huns.

After listening to General Mengzhi, the generals looked at the outside of the military tent. Large patches of snowflakes fell from the sky, and in a blink of an eye the ground was all white.

“General, when it snows for a few hours, it will not affect our besieging the hinterland of the Huns.

Meng Zhi shook his head, “Generals, this kind of weather is rare these days. Maybe this heavy snow will continue to fall for several days.”

After listening to Mengzhi’s words, the generals looked at each other.

They know that the heavy snow like this will not say the next few days, even if it falls for one day, the road in the mountains is also impassable.

This was a blow to the soldiers of Daqin.

Heavy weapons are impassable on mountain roads, and it is impossible for (aibd) to attack the hinterland of the Huns.

“General, if there is continuous snowfall, we can only wait until next spring to launch a siege.

Meng Zhi simply stood up and walked out of the military tent, looking up at the sky, the sky that was originally clear and clouded.

On the edge of the sky, there are layers of black mist pouring here.

The sky above Meng Zhi’s head is like a black pot upside down on it.

“It seems that this remnant of Mouton can survive for a while.”

After muttering these words in his mouth, Meng Zhi returned to the military account.

“The generals quickly returned to the camp, stopped besieging the hinterland of the Xiongnu, and withdrew our soldiers from Daqin back to the camp.

“General, no, I am in front of my Great Qin to attack the Xiongnu. Why does the general retreat?”

Meng Zhi glanced at the generals standing next to him, and their eyes were also puzzled.

General Meng Zhi waved the flag in his hand: “Generals, this heavy snow will not stop within a few days. Once my army stays in the mountains for a long time, it is still a big problem whether the subsequent grain and grass can enter the mountains. The soldiers starved to death and froze to death here. Therefore, the soldiers of Daqin were withdrawn to the camp as soon as possible.”

“General, what should I do about the siege of the Xiongnu?”

Meng’s face showed a slight regret. “This matter can only be discussed when the spring blossoms.”

Seeing the generals looked a little depressed, Meng Zhi continued: “The Xiongnu’s vitality has been damaged. They are trapped in this place by my Daqin soldiers. The opening was also the time when the Xiongnu subjugated the country.” Then the generals dispersed.

The rolling mountains have become completely white, and some low-lying areas have been filled with white snow.

The entire mountains have almost become a huge plateau, but under the white plateau it is not clear that it is the road and the mountain.

Mao Dun was a little excited at the moment. He stood outside the cave in Shandong, letting the cold wind and snowflakes disturb him.

“My lord, you’d better come in, it’s too cold outside, don’t hurt your body.”

Several captains shouted together.

Mao Dun’s face glowed red. “Everyone, this is the Huns who will never destroy us. This heavy snow hinders Da Qin’s army. They will not launch a siege on us.”

“Great King, Meng Zhi is not a fool. Their Da Qin army will let us recuperate?”

Mao Dun shook the snowflakes on his body, “The soldiers of Daqin have no experience in snow combat at all, and if the snow falls for a few days, their food and grass will not be sent to the mountain, and the soldiers of Daqin died of hunger.

Mouton’s men kept nodding their heads. “The king’s words are reasonable.”

As soon as the voice fell, several Xiongnu soldiers rushed over from a distance: “Great King, Daqin’s army has begun to retreat.”

Mouton stroked his palm and laughed, “The heavens have eyes, so that we the Huns can survive.”

“Majesty, what do we do after Daqin’s army retreats? Do we still have to stay in these mountains?” Lieutenant Right asked in a low voice.

This matter is also the most concerned issue of these Xiongnu generals. They focused all their eyes on Mao Dun.

Even the old official who originally said that he would surrender to Da Qin looked at Mao Dun eagerly, as if Mao Dun at this moment was a god in the sky. .

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