Chapter 799 No way to escape]

Yong Yuan commanded five hundred cavalry troops to rampage in the Xiongnu’s army.

Those Huns never thought that reinforcements would come so quickly. Unsuspectingly, many people were stabbed to death by the Great Qin cavalry’s halberd.

At this time, a big boss who saw the bad news quickly rushed to Mouton and shouted: “My lord, the situation is not good, let’s withdraw quickly! We will be wiped out if we don’t leave.”

Mao Dun’s heart was cold, “Retreat? Where to retreat!? My five thousand Huns have left about three thousand soldiers.”

An anger rose in Mao Dun’s heart, “Can we Huns run past the Qin army cavalry on the flat ground below this mountain! No matter, since the sky is going to destroy me, my sons and grandchildren must not die like a gangster!”

Mouton shouted, “You can’t evade in a hurry. On the flat ground, we Huns can surpass the Daqin cavalry. It is said that I will order the army to form a circular formation, retreat with bows and crossbows, and fight and go!”

“Ming, wooming,” a horn horn sounded, and there were 720 Huns who were still attacking the village and retreated in an instant.

At the beginning, the well-trained group gathered together, pressing the foot with dense arrows, Mao Dun wanted to fight and go.

The already dark gate was slowly pushed open, and several groups of Da Qin cavalry came out from inside.

Now that the camp saw that their reinforcements had smashed under the wall, they gathered all the Qi Jun and rushed out of the barracks.

This cavalry attack is fatal to the Huns. Mouton felt desperate for a while.

“Kill, Da Qin is mighty,” the Qin riders raised their halberds flatly, and rolled up a blue cold wind in the dawn.

The condescending halberd protruded from the horse, and with the help of the huge impact inertia, the lethality was amazing, although the Hun soldiers who were outside the circle of the Huns and had not had time to retreat were instantly overwhelmed by the dense Qin army cavalry array. !


The soldiers of the Xiongnu were in their final dying struggle. Following Maudun’s command, the circle shot out thousands of streamers in an instant, covering the rushing grain camp Qin army and the cavalry of the brigade!

“Puff Puff Puff”

Although the Qin army worked hard to cover the whole body, they still couldn’t stop the powerful and precise flow arrow that hit the sky.

Let the cavalry flash to the outside in an instant.

Mouton’s eyes were full of angry hatred, and there was almost no reason.

He kept urging his soldiers to fire crossbow arrows.

Seeing this, Yong Yuan hurriedly issued an order, “Enclose the Xiongnu soldiers first.”

The soldiers under his command said: “General, our Great Qin forces are still slightly inadequate. Even if the Qin army in the camp comes out, it will not be enough to eliminate these Huns.”

As the soldiers shouted, some Qin troops were shot to the ground by crossbow arrows.

Yong Yuan gathered the reins of the war horse and looked up carefully. The sky was already slightly transparent, and everything on the battlefield could be seen clearly.

The cavalry he led did not wear heavy armor for speed, and there were many bareheaded and shirtless people in the grain camp Qin army who rushed to the battle.

If the time delay is too late to encircle these Huns soldiers in time (aibd), then these Huns will take the opportunity to flee.

Just as Yongyuan was in a hurry, the sound of horseshoes sounded behind him. This sound was so loud that he could feel the ground shaking.

There is no need to look back, Yong Yuan also knows that the surrounding Qin army has sent reinforcements.

In an instant, the strength of the Qin army was more than three times that of the Huns.

Yong Yuan could finally laugh, “Let the soldiers in the camp go back first, put out all the fires on the walls of the village, and protect the food and grass of our army.

His long knife was raised in the air. This is a kind of signal, sending out a kind of attack signal to those Qin army who are coming for reinforcement.

Another burst of horns came out of the Qin Army formation, and the galloping cavalry was divided into two in an instant, one from the left and the right surrounded the Xiongnu soldiers, quickly cutting off the Huns’ retreat and the Qin Army’s grain camp. aisle!

Watching the Qin army in the camp continue to strike forward, Yong Yuan waved his hand to make a Qin army ambassador also fly out, shouting to the grain camp Qin army: “The general has his life, the brothers in the grain camp retreat. Go back to Shouzhai and put out the fire first!”

Yong Yuan didn’t want the fire to get bigger and bigger. If he accidentally burned the grain and grass, his guilt would be much greater.

Therefore, he saw that the reinforcements had arrived, so he asked the Qin army in the camp to retreat.

This order couldn’t help making the grain camp Qin soldiers a little depressed. They had just been beaten on the head by the Huns for a long time. This time they had a chance to fight back, but they wanted to defend the camp.

Although there were complaints in his heart, the military order was like a mountain, and he dared not follow it.

Soon, the Qin cavalry’s encirclement of the Huns remnants was successfully completed. Amid the sound of drum horns, the Qin riders hung their halberds on their horses, took out the cavalry crossbows, and began to shoot hard at the Huns in the circle.

For a time, in the dim morning light in the wild outside the grain camp, thousands of crossbow arrows flew in random, making sharp and strange howls.

Although the range of Daqin’s crossbow arrows is not as far as the Huns, under the constant impact of the cavalry, the distance between the two armies is getting closer and closer, and the crossbow arrows have become the opposite shooting of both sides. .

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