Chapter 800 Fight to the death]

Slowly, the Qin Army cavalry began to fight for the upper hand!

After all, more than 10,000 Qin Qi and Sangan Duo Huns soldiers fired at each other, and they accounted for a big advantage in terms of numbers.

Furthermore, the Qin army rode on a horse, running like the wind, like a huge wind wheel, continuously rolling around the circle of the Huns soldiers, and shooting while rolling, which greatly reduced the hit accuracy of the Huns soldiers.

However, Qin Qi has undergone strict training in this area, and the accuracy of shooting is not reduced, and the power is invisible~ it is greatly increased.

All of a sudden, the huge wind wheel of the Qin Army shrank and tightened, and the arrow rain became denser and denser. Rows of Xiongnu soldiers were shot down, and the blood stained the yellow and desolate land for a while! Shake the heart and lungs of the Hun soldiers.

Mouton was guarded by the guards in the formation, watching his soldiers on the periphery being shot and killed by the Qin army one by one, blood was dripping violently in his heart!

Under the blood flooding his pupils, Mao Dun roared like a furious gray wolf, about to kill him, and fight Qin Jun to death and death!

The guards were in a hurry, and the arrogant man called Mao Dun La Jiang back, desperately protecting him with a hundred shields left.

It’s a pity that the Huns didn’t use shields often, and in addition to this dangerous raid, they had to be light and simple. Therefore, only Maoton’s guards had more than a hundred shields.

Otherwise, Qin Qi’s Arrow Rain offensive might not be effective so quickly.

“My lord, I led two thousand elite soldiers to cover you and rush out of the siege and return to the hinterland of the Huns.

The Dadang household roared under a shield.

“I will not leave these Xiongnu warriors, I want to kill the enemy with them.” Mao Dun said irritably.

It’s a pity that there was another burst of crossbow arrows that greeted this, and the two guards around Mao Dun were shot to death with several screams.

Dadanghu was a little excited: “Majesty, our Huns still have hundreds of thousands of troops, and we need you to go back and continue to command. What should we Huns do if you die here?”

These words made Mouton unable to answer. It’s just that Mouton didn’t want to run away. How could Shan Yu of the Huns escape on the battlefield.

Seeing that dozens of elite Xiongnu soldiers fell in a pool of blood under the Qin army’s crossbow arrows, Mao Dun roared like a beast.

“My Huns’ Shanyu fought with the Daqin soldiers.”

As soon as Maudun’s long sword was about to be raised, Da Dang directly knelt in front of him: “Great King, if you don’t leave, we will all die together, and our Huns will be killed by the Da Qin pattern. Is this what your King wants to see? ?”

Mao Dun’s long knife fell from his palm. He knew that Shan Yu, as the Huns, could not just kill him, but also for the sake of the tens of thousands of Huns’ people.

Mouton let out a sigh, “Da Dang, now he just wants to run, and there is nowhere to escape.”

“My lord, it’s too early to say this. I will lead two thousand elite soldiers to fight a bloody road and escort you and the guards back to our hinterland.”

Mouton wanted to say something, but Dadanghu turned around and said to the No. 10 guard beside him: “Protect the king.”

Yongyuan blamed himself a bit, thinking that these Xiongnu soldiers had lost their combat effectiveness.

Unexpectedly, these Xiongnu soldiers exploded with an incredible attack power.

Under their desperate attack, a hole was torn open by the Huns in one corner of the encirclement. Fortunately, Yongyuan commanded properly, only more than 200 Huns broke out.

It’s just that Yongyuan didn’t know that among the two hundred Huns soldiers, the Huns’ Shan Yu Mouton was inside.

However, Yong Yuan would not have thought that Mao Dun would risk coming to the rear of Da Qin for a sneak attack.

0……Look for flowers……

Gradually, Qin Qi’s huge wind wheel formation wiped out the last drop of the Xiongnu’s blood like a powerful grinding disc.

Rows of dead and wounded soldiers of the Huns were piled on the ground one by one with their corpses.

When the morning sun in the east just peeked out of the horizon, except for Mao Dun who had escaped and his 200-man guard, the remaining Huns could only breathe out their remnants under the protection of their shields!

At this time, Yongyuan from the back of the formation had already seen that the end of the victory had completely tilted to his own side.

… .0

He waved the flag in his hand and called out loudly: “Stop the attack, we have to catch alive.” This is a good time to get credit with the general, and Yongyuan will not give up easily.

“Ming, woo.” A burst of horns came out, and the turbulent riding array gradually stopped, and there were still hundreds of Xiongnu soldiers trapped in the middle.

The long knife in the front of Yongyuan’s horse was placed horizontally on the horseback of the horse, and his eyes blasted with tigers.

“Who is the commander of your Xiongnu soldiers, please come out and see, I am General Daqin Yongyuan.”

As a victor, Yong Yuan felt a bit polite, not to mention that these victories also brought some fluke elements! He wanted to meet the commander of the Xiongnu soldiers.

There is still some respect in his heart for this commander, Yong Yuan. As the saying goes, heroes cherish heroes.

Since Shan Yu Mouton is no longer in the battle, Da Dang Hu is now the supreme commander.

He carried a long sword and surrounded by four personal guards to more than ten steps in front of the two armies, shouting: “I am the leader of the Huns, what are you doing?” There was no fear in his voice.

This makes Yongyuan endure respect in his heart. It is indeed not easy for a defeated general to have such a spirit. factory,

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