Chapter 798 Between Offense and Defense]

Seeing that the sneak attack by the Huns was a little blocked, Mao Dun was a little anxious. If he didn’t invade the grain depots of the Qin army and burned the grain in the shortest time, then the soldiers waiting for the five thousand Huns were encircled by the Qin army. That way, it’s hard to escape.

So Mao Dun kept howling, letting the Xiongnu soldiers behind him attack frantically.

In an instant they rushed under the wall of the Qin Junzhai! Some of the Xiongnu soldiers bit the sharp blade with their mouths, hugged the wooden fence with their bare hands, ignored the burning wooden fence, and learned to climb.

The agile skill and the reckless spirit made Qin Bing’s witnesses dumbfounded. For a while, I forgot to fight back.

Seeing the Hun soldiers leaping three times and twice, they were about to rush up to the wall. The Qin soldiers who reacted were anxious. They also understood that if the grain and grass were obtained or burned by the Huns, their sins would not be lighter.

Therefore, the swords and halberds of the Qin Army on the wall of the village were all stabbed, and some of the Xiongnu soldiers screamed and fell.

Another part of the people was able to dodge flexibly between the cracks of the wall under the mad counterattack of the Qin Army, and sometimes they could free up a hand to swing a knife to counterattack.

For a time, fierce fighting on the wall of the wall, the soldiers of the Huns gathered like ants, covering the wall of the wall strictly!

Losing the camp is death, and fleeing in battle will be punished by strict military laws, but if you die by fighting, you will get a generous compassion.

The soldiers of the Qin Army who had no retreat also went crazy.

Because many people got up in a hurry and it was too late to get their armours, the Qin army, who had regained the old tradition of headless combat, fought hard against the Hun soldiers who were struggling to charge through the wall and gate.

One named Qin Jun fell, one after another Qin Jun took over! Both sides have already smashed their eyes. At this time, whoever retreats means who is the loser. The loser thinks this is death. This is a truth that everyone understands.

Although the Qin Army’s blood was bleeding all over the ground, the gap in the wall was still tightly controlled by Qin Army

It’s just that Qin Jun also paid a huge price. The walls of Saizhai were already full of Qin Jun’s corpses, but none of them flinched. The army soldiers of Da Qin who went forward and succeeded rushed up frantically with their fiery eyes open, and guarded the precious grain and grass!

Qin Jun’s grain depot was baptized by blood and fire for a while.

Although the Qin army rushed to the battle was extremely courageous, but they lost the first opportunity and gradually couldn’t resist the violent attack of the Xiongnu soldiers.

The defense line of the wall is in danger! Mao Dun smashed a soldier of the Qin army to death, and he shouted: “Warriors of the Xiongnu, we will be able to attack the Qin army’s grain and grass camp. 々,”

At this precarious time, suddenly, a huge shout came from the western sky, followed by the sound of horses hoofs rushing into thunder!

This sudden army shocked the soldiers of the two armies who had been fighting fiercely near the Jiazhai wall.

Everyone can’t help being shocked: what kind of military horse is this? How could it come out at this time?

“The Great Qin is mighty, the Great Qin is mighty!…In a moment of horror, the Qin’s cavalry army, which was as fast as a gust of wind, had already killed the generals, and the rigorous bugle immediately revealed the identity of the future! Don’t even look at it with only four hundred horses, but That kind of momentum is like a million soldiers.

“Reinforcements are here! Reinforcements are here! We are saved!”

The Qin soldiers in the food camp cheered, their morale increased sharply, like drinking a bowl of strong wine, all of them were full of strength.

With the roar of shaking the sky, there was a hacking on the wall of the wall, and some of the Huns who had just smashed into the wall were driven out!

Yong Yuan rode on the horse and looked at the camp from a distance.

Only the first-line wall of Nanzhai is burning, and there should be little loss.

Yongyuan shouted loudly.” Brothers, let the Huns in the wild land break through the army to see how powerful our Daqin is! The cavalry is invincible, only Daqin!”

“Iron cavalry is invincible, only Daqin!” The cavalry of the cavalry screamed wildly, wielding heavy blue halberds, stepping on the withered grass clippings, and instantly swept behind the Xiongnu soldiers led by Maodun!

“It’s Daqin’s cavalry. It is General Meng Zhi who came to rescue us in person! Brothers, kill!”

Qin Jun couldn’t see who was coming to rescue them, but from the cavalry position, Qin Jun thought it was General Mengzhi who was in the battle himself.

The most elite cavalry came for reinforcements, which made the morale of the Qin army in the grain camp even higher.

Everyone was no longer defending, they opened the gates in a swarm, and the killers came out and flanked the Xiongnu soldiers back and forth.

Looking at (Zhao Dezhao) the Xiongnu soldiers who had been defeated in an instant, Mao Dun was a little silly at this time. This result was something he never expected.

He looked back at the cavalry of the Qin Army that came from behind and swept up like a storm. !”

Mouton had no idea where these Daqin cavalry came from, and how they knew their sneak attacks.

“Could it be that spies appeared in your team?”

Soon Mao Dun eliminated this idea. It was impossible. Every Huns treated the Qin people as their enemies, and there was absolutely no possibility of rebels.

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