Chapter 797 The Method of Sneak Attack]

Among the tall grass and dead trees, the five thousand elite soldiers fell down, and the beast-like eyes quietly looked at the guards of Qin Junliang Camp!

Although it was almost dawn, the lights in the Qin Army Camp were bright, because before dawn was the darkest time.

With the light, a huge camp appeared in front of everyone.

Rows of huge wooden walls are as high as two people, firmly guarding the grain and grass piled up like hills. Mouton couldn’t help being pleased secretly. On the surface, the Qin army here was lax.

Mouton stabilized his excitement and continued to observe. Many of Qin’s guards walked back and forth on the wall, watching the distance vigilantly.

Every about a hundred steps away, Qin Jun built a watchtower about four to five feet high, and the Qin Jun sentry on it could detect distant movements farther.

It’s just that most of the Qin army didn’t pay attention to the distance, they all gathered in twos and threes.

Mouton thought: “The Qin army is reasonably well-prepared, but under the attack of my five thousand Xiongnu warriors, it is nothing but paper!”

Mao Dun gently waved his hand behind him, and two capable Xiongnu soldiers crawled over: “My lord, what’s your order?”

Mouton whispered: “Where is the nearest Qin Bing army? I have to make sure!”

Mouton is still very shrewd. He must first figure out where the Qin army is stationed closest to the grain depot. This is to prepare for their retreat after a successful sneak attack.

The soldier whispered: “The main camp on the northern line of the Qin Army is about 70 miles away, and there are about 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers and horses! The nearest branch camp is about 30 miles away, and there are about 5,000 to 6,000 people!”

Mouton once again calculated in his heart: “Once the two sides start to stand up, the latest Qin army’s aid force will be all cavalry. I am afraid that it will not arrive until dawn, and our army should have been there long ago. End the battle and sneak back to your own hinterland!”

Thinking of this, Mouton sneered: “Meng Zhi, today I will tell you to see how powerful my Huns are than Mouton. Although my Huns are small, I am not a weak person who is bullied! Your military camp is about to change. In ruins”

Mao Dun slowly pulled out the long knife under his waist, and the cold sword glow emitted a deep chill in the night light. This chill suddenly turned into murderous aura, and the murderous aura gathered among the five thousand Xiongnu elite soldiers.

Mouton whispered: “Ignite, prepare rockets! Salvo.” In that room, all the five thousand Huns soldiers took out the strong bows behind them, stiffened their crossbows, and ignited the rockets with fire folds!

“Let it go! Let it go.” Mouton raised his long knife and waved it in the air. As he shouted, the sound of whoosh was endless.

Qin Bing, who was in the watchtower of the camp, had just discovered that the western spark was a little bit weird. Before he had time to call the police, the sky full of fire arrows screamed and rushed over.

The Huns have survived in the wild since they were young. Everyone is a good hunter, and every one is good at shooting. This fiery stream instantly surpassed a distance of two hundred steps.

“Chirp, chirp,” those crossbow arrows screamed and shot accurately on the wall and watchtower of Qinying!

“Hoo-bang-bang” The fire ignited in an instant. Amidst the roar of the Qin army, the clear alarm bells and clappers rang quickly, breaking the tranquility of the Daqin military camp in an instant!

Mouton watched the flames soar into the air with the cold wind. He stood up, his long hair standing up in the night wind, and the long knife pointed to the front.

Mouton yelled: “My warriors of the Huns, the first king is looking at us in the sky, let us show the Qin people a little bit of power! Kill-kill!”

With this shout, Mouton quickly jumped out of the grass and ran towards the burning Qin army camp. He wants to charge ahead and set an example for the Huns soldiers.

“Oh-oh!” some of the Xiongnu soldiers wrapped in armor and holding long swords cried out strangely, and rushed out together, rushing to the Qin army camp like crazy.

Other Xiongnu soldiers held up bows and arrows to shoot towards the Qin army camp. They wanted to use crossbow arrows to prevent the Qin Army soldiers from counterattacking.

“The Huns are coming! The sneak attack is coming to our camp! Come to the wall!” The 717 Qin Army camp is full of mad cries!

It can be said that there is almost no defense against the Huns’ sneak attack in the Daqin Barracks.

“Shoo!” The Xiongnu soldiers held bows and crossbows and moved forward quickly. They were still able to quickly and effectively release arrows while moving, and shot down the Qin army on the wall one by one!

The blood of Qin Jun instantly stained the fiery wall of the wall! The blood was burning with the beating flame, and in a blink of an eye it was as if the wooden wall of the wall had turned dazzling red.

Seeing that the Sudden Huns soldiers were about to kill the wall, the Qin soldiers who were closest to the wall finally reinforced the wall.

After all, Qin Jun is well-trained. After a long battle, they quickly boarded the wall of the wall. Three or five people formed a small team. With crossbows, halberds, and swords, they were matched with distance and near, and they fought back against the madly rushing Xiongnu soldiers!

“Shoo, hoo, the arrows flew randomly in the night sky, and from time to time, under the starlight of the dark night, it brought a blossoming and beautiful bloody light.

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