Chapter 796 Interrogation Wayfinding]

Although Yong Yuan saw the man with a bow and arrow in his waist, the two men did not look threatening. They lowered the long knife in their hand and asked gently, “Do you understand us?”

The older man nodded and said, “Listen, understand!”

Yongyuan was overjoyed and asked: “Then I ask you, are you the Huns? Why live here?”

The elder father shook his head in horror and said: “No, our father and daughter are not Huns, we are from the Chu country! Because of the Qin and Chu wars, I ran into this mountain because I can hunt and live by hunting here. .

From the dialogue, Yong Yuan knew that it was because when Da Qin wiped out the “July Seventh” of Chu State, this big man and his daughter were afraid of being chopped down by soldiers, and then fled into the mountains.

An cavalry soldier behind Yong Yuan said casually: “I am also from Chu Kingdom.”

The brawny man smiled with joy. Since they are all from the Central Plains, please come in.

Yong Yuan winked at the soldier, meaning that he wanted to appease the state of shock of the father and daughter.

The soldier nodded to indicate that he understood the meaning of eternity.

Seeing that more than a dozen people did not move their bodies, the strong man continued, “They are all fellow villagers, why are you still polite?”

Obviously the strong man is, everyone thinks he is from the Chu country.

The soldier didn’t give too much explanation, just waved to everyone, everyone put away their long knives, and their expressions also slowed down.

The brawny man smiled and said: “Everyone is a guest from afar, please sit in the house and stay in the house. There are no other things. There is enough liquor and game!”

All the Qin soldiers were overjoyed when they heard this. The Qin army was not allowed to drink alcohol during non-war time. These cavalry warriors hadn’t heard the smell of alcohol for a long time.

Just because of the strict military order, he didn’t dare to make any trouble. For a while, more than a dozen soldiers couldn’t help but look at Yongyuan.

A faint smile appeared on Yong Yuan’s face, “Drinking is free, but we can taste game.”

A dozen soldiers rushed in, and the strong man took out a lot of game from the steaming pot and placed them in front of the soldiers.

“Everyone quickly eat, there are still important things to do after eating, don’t forget.”

Yong Yuan wanted to say to take some back with him after eating, but he changed his mind again when he saw the little girl standing behind looking at the soldiers eagerly.

Yongyuan did not participate in the soldiers’ meal, but stood beside the soldiers and talked with the strong man.

“Strong man, the mountains are high and the forests are dense, and the roads are difficult and dangerous. Have you ever seen the Huns appear?” Yong Yuan asked slowly.

The brawny man pondered for a moment, “General, if you talk about the Huns, I have really seen them. They are quite large in number, and they seem to be an army.”

This sentence made Yongyuan startled in a cold sweat. He naturally knew what the Xiongnu’s army meant behind Daqin.

“Strong man, when did you discover those Xiongnu soldiers?”

The strong man said: “Just last night, I went to the front to look for prey, and I found a group of Huns passing through the woods.”

“Then do you know where they are going?”

The strong man walked to the door of the thatched house and pointed in one direction.

Yongyuan shouted, “No, these Xiongnu soldiers are going to attack our grain depot.”

The direction the strong man pointed was the location of the rear grain depot of the Great Qin Army.

Although Yong Yuan was anxious, he still wanted to ask. Because Yong Yuan was a little curious about how these Huns crossed the defense line of the Qin army and appeared here.

“Strong man, is there a path here that leads to the border of the Huns?”

The brawny man nodded. 0 “The general doesn’t know something. It’s about three miles ahead. It’s a secret path hidden in a ravine.”

Yong Yuan was shocked. He had never seen this hidden path on a map.

The brawny man continued: “This trail is a small stream and an underground river in summer. It dries up in winter and can be used for pedestrians. Except for the occasional mountain people, no one knows at all! I don’t know that these thousands of Xiongnu soldiers hurriedly approached. What is the purpose of Dong?”

When Yong Yuan heard this, he was shocked again: “Impossible, less than ten miles behind me, there must be a beacon tower of our army, why is there no warning!? And these thousands of Xiongnu soldiers want to die? I am on the Eastern Front at any time. Tens of thousands of troops can be mobilized to encircle and suppress them.

Ignoring the game, Yong Yuan yelled: “The military situation is urgent, we must set off, and rush to the grain depot behind the army with the soldiers in the next round.”

A dozen soldiers stood up instantly. Everyone can’t care about eating more of the game and rushing out of the thatched hut.

Just as Yong Yuan was about to command five hundred soldiers to march towards the grain depot, he heard the sound of horse hooves.

1.3 The two cavalry soldiers sent to investigate the beacon tower ran back, “General, the big thing is not good, the previous beacon towers were all attacked by the Huns, and none of our soldiers from Daqin survived all the deaths.”

Yong Yuan waved the long knife in his hand, “Leave a hundred cavalry guards on three beacon towers, and the others are galloping with me in the army’s grain depot. Make sure to wipe out all the Huns who attacked the grain depot and give revenge to our brothers. .”

There was a wild cry in the woods: “Vengeance, revenge.”

In the dark night, the elite soldiers of Mao Dun and the Five Thousand Xiongnu came to the vicinity of the Qin Jun Liangcao Camp quietly. .

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