Chapter 795 Night Walk Baili]

In the cold winter, eating such barbecue-like corn on the cob is also a way to keep out the cold. When Meng Zhi saw the carbon black corn on the cob, he thought of something in his head for a moment.

This incident stimulated the nerves of the burnt.

“No, did I forget that the dog jumped the wall in a hurry?”

Meng Zhi suddenly thought of the grain and grass depot of the Great Qin Army a hundred miles away.

Once the grain and grass are attacked by the Huns, hundreds of thousands of troops will have no food to eat. In the cold winter without grain and grass supply, the consequences will be shuddering.

He hurriedly returned to the military tent, and shouted to the guards at the door: “Go and ask General Yongyuan to come to my tent.”

Yongyuan is the leader of the Mengzhi Iron Cavalry. All the cavalry under Meng Zhi belonged to General Yongyuan.

“General, the final general is here.” With little effort, a general rushed to the scorched military account with the sound of the impact of the armor.

Meng Zhi didn’t have too much nonsense, “Yong Yuan, immediately sent five hundred cavalry troops back to the grain depot of our Great Qin Army, telling the soldiers stationed that they must not take it lightly to guard against the Huns’ sneak attacks.”

After Yong Yuan raised his head after saluting, he could see from the general’s look that he was a little anxious-.

“General, I personally lead the five hundred cavalry-set out now.”

Meng Zhi nodded and exhorted a few more words, which made Yong Yuan leave.

Yong Yuan returned to the barracks and quickly lit up five hundred cavalry rushing out in the night.

He also knew what Qin’s food meant to the soldiers on the front line. So he was more anxious than General Mengzhi, because once he got out of his wife, he needed to go to the thunder.

Meng Zhi felt relieved when he heard the sound of horses hooves running out of the barracks.

Secretly said, “I hope Mao Dun will not sneak attack on our Daqin grain depot.” It’s just this idea that even Meng Zhi himself does not believe it. As a general, Meng Zhi understands that sometimes the enemy will be unexpected.

A faint starlight appeared on the hill, and a pair of horses and men stopped by the stream in the valley.

This is Yongyuan and his five hundred cavalry troops who are still a little tired after a night of rushing.

“General, should we rest for a while when we are tired?”

An army soldier following Yong Yuan said cautiously.

Along the way, Yong Yuan kept urging the troops to rush to the location of the grain depot behind the Qin Army as soon as possible.

Five hundred soldiers did not dare to neglect.

At this moment, Yongyuan watched the horse squirting heat continuously from his mouth, and he knew that the horse was also a little tired.

“Everyone dismounts and rests for half an hour.”

Yongyuan recognized where he was, and he should be less than twenty miles away from the location of Daqin’s grain depot.

Five hundred cavalry soldiers dismounted one after another, found a creek to wash their faces, and then gave the horses water.

Yong Yuan turned around and said to the two cavalry behind him: “You two walked forward a certain distance, where is our beacon tower, see if you can find something to eat back.”

Because of the hurry, Yongyuan and his soldiers did not bring some dry food.

The reason why Yongyuan didn’t let his soldiers rest on the beacon tower was because they were going to take a small road closest to the location of the grain depot.

When Yong Yuan was about to find a clean place to sit down, he saw a detective horse walking in the front hurriedly came to him. “A piece of smoke was found in the forest in front of the general. It should be that people are living again. Do we want to go over and see?”

Yong Yuan was also a little curious, “How come there are people in this mountain forest? Is it the Xiongnu’s eyeliner?”

0……for flowers…

Thinking of this, I turned on the horse again and ran forward with the horse.

Through the withered branches, Chung Yuan found that there were a few houses made of rocks and thatch in the depths of the forest.

Green smoke appeared on the roof of one of the rooms. After I took a closer look at the surroundings, no suspicious people were found. Yong Yuan dismounted and led a dozen soldiers into the thatched house. Know who is living in the house again.

Seeing that he was about to walk to the door of the thatched hut, Yong Yuan whispered: “There are people in the house, and they are surrounded by separate heads. Everyone pays attention. The Huns are brave and must not be taken lightly. There are still people who want to catch alive, so I can ask for some information!”

The soldiers nodded, gently drew out the sharp long knives in their hands, scattered lightly and dived towards the hut!

“Bump!” With a loud noise, a cavalry soldier kicked the door open.

The two shocked faces in the kitchen were suddenly greeted by Yong Yuan’s eyes.

A middle-aged man is about forty years old, his head is wrapped, he is dressed in black plain clothes, and there is a simple bow and arrow hanging from his waist.

The fire behind the stove was a young woman who was about ten years old. She had a simple dress, but she was handsome, with delicate skin, and she was very beautiful. She was holding a bundle of dry wood behind the stove. Obviously this is the father and daughter who are making a fire and cooking!

Yongyuan breathed a sigh of relief and shouted loudly, “Do you understand what we are saying, come out!”

The father and daughter were cooking comfortably, and suddenly broke into this group of sturdy and fierce armed men. They were so scared that they were so scared that they walked out tremblingly, with a look of horror!

Yong Yuan couldn’t tell whether these two people were Huns from the costumes, so he could only call them out for questioning. factory.

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