Chapter 794 Assault

Since this part of the journey is the hinterland of the Xiongnu, the Qin army’s wandering horses and horse-searching still dare not go too deep.

This section of the road was still safe for the Huns, so they were very relieved when they were marching, and they did not send detective horses forward.

Although, here is about a hundred miles away from Qin’s forward forward.

But the Huns are even more familiar with the environment here, and they are naturally good at walking the mountain road. This mountain road that is nearly a hundred miles away at the feet of these five thousand Huns will disappear before the sky is bright.

In the last darkness before dawn, the forward of the Xiongnu attacking army approached a Qin Jun beacon at the forefront, and quietly lurked down.

The beacon towers of the Qin Army were generally built temporarily according to the topography and mountain, and were mostly made of huge stones. About a hundred troops were stationed, which was equivalent to a small barracks.

This kind of beacon tower was also designed according to the geography of the wild land.

The soldiers are not only in charge of 717, but they are also responsible for multiple tasks such as alert and sentry.

Since the beacon towers of the Qin army are very close, and the main force nearby is equipped with a lot of cavalry, the speed of hearing the police is very fast, so the Qin army is very relieved about the safety of the beacon towers.

Especially in the past month, the Xiongnu’s counterattack was very sparse, so the Qin army who guarded the beacon tower were not very vigilant.

Not only did he not send secret guards and guerrillas to the surroundings at night, even the guards guarding the stone wall were a bit listless and drowsy. They would not have thought that the Huns’ army would be in front of them at this time.

This is no wonder, after all, the eager Qin army has been searching mountains and valleys every day for this month, but has not seen a few enemies. They are all a little bored, and their morale is slack.

In the hearts of these soldiers of the Qin Army, they all thought that the Huns’ surrender was just a matter of these few days. The army is about to win the aibd division.

Mouton personally led the team this time, he came with the mentality of being benevolent if he didn’t succeed, because if the attack on the Qin Army’s grain and grassland failed, the Xiongnu would really be helpless.

Therefore, despite the great persuasion of Lieutenant Dadu and Dadanghu, Mouton personally followed the army to the rear of Daqin.

After hiding behind the thick weeds, Mouton looked at the sparsely guarded beacon of the Qin Army. He was secretly happy and beckoned behind him. In the grass under the night, nearly a hundred men dressed in Da Qin uniforms and fierce and fierce men climbed up.

These people saw Maudun’s gestures, no one spoke, but silently lined up in a column, and gradually approached the beacon tower with the help of the cover of night and grass.

A pair of murderous eyes flashed with cold air in the dark night. This kind of cold can destroy everything that has warmth in an instant.

This group of people moved to the base of the beacon tower and they clung to the roots of the wall. They seem to be waiting for something.

Suddenly, three cricket chirps flashed in the night, and then a burst of silver light flashed in the grass. Several sharp poisonous needles shot out from the grass, and instantly fell into the throat of the Qin Army sentry.

This kind of poison needle is a tool often used by the Huns in hunting and hunting. The poison needle contains a large dose of poison. A huge beast can be poisoned instantly, not to mention using it on the human body.

The poison instantly destroyed the nervous system of the Qin army, causing several Qin State guards to collapse silently. Although they opened their mouths wide, they couldn’t make a sound.

The hundreds of Xiongnu soldiers below the root of the wall used the gap between the stone walls to climb the top of the beacon like a monkey without using ropes, and disappeared on the top of the wall.

Mouton couldn’t help touching his thick beard, even he didn’t expect things to go so smoothly.

After a while, three light applause sounded on the wall, and he was overjoyed: “It’s solved! It seems that Daqin’s soldiers are vulnerable to a blow.”

Having said this, he turned his head and swept to the soldiers behind and shouted in a low voice: “Go, hurry up, and pass through this beacon in the shortest time.”

Except for a slight gasp, no one spoke, and the sound of the collision of weapons was almost inaudible. Five thousand Huns quickly stood up from the grass and passed the beacon tower.

The more than a hundred fierce warriors who attacked the beacon tower also trot out from the side door of the beacon tower and returned to the team.

“My lord, there are three beacon towers ahead, so you can reach the grain and grass depot of the Great Qin Army.”

In the same way, the soldiers commanding the Xiongnu by Mao Dun took advantage of the last darkness before dawn and stole two more Qin army beacon towers.

Mouton became more and more excited, and the victory he had imagined was just before his eyes. His right hand gripped Pu Dao’s hilt tightly, and in an instant, Mao Dun felt his soul merged with the Pu Dao in his hand.

Meng Zhi turned a few times outside the account, and the barracks were quiet. In the dark, a few soldiers standing guard Wolong stood in front of a brazier, and a delicate fragrance emerged from it. This scent tempted Meng Zhi to walk over.

“General.” One of the soldiers saw Meng Zhi and hurriedly saluteed.

Mengzhi was very kind to his opponents and asked several soldiers: “What is in the brazier that emits such a fragrance?”

“General, some of us are burning corn.” The soldier bowed and replied.

“Burning corn?” Meng Zhi walked to the brazier and saw the black corn on the cob in the brazier at a glance. .

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