Chapter 793 Mutual calculation

Mouton smiled and said: “Yes, the king, I traveled through the mountains and rivers of northern Xinjiang when I was young, and I have been looking for some shortcuts to East the Central Plains in order to restore the hegemony of my ancestor Tou Mandanyu.”

Hearing that several generals in the crowd held out their thumbs at Mao Dun. “Wang Yingming.

Mouton waved his hand and now he won’t stop flattering. He just wanted to explain how he discovered this shortcut.

“Later, I accidentally discovered a secret road! This secret road bends and bends for six to seventy miles. In summer, it is a channel for mountain creeks and groundwater to flow through. In winter, it becomes a narrow channel after it is dry. And the secret road. The eastern exit of this passage is only more than ten miles away from Kunyu Mountain.”

Lieutenant You Da hurriedly added: “Cross the Kunyu Mountain, and you will reach the Qin State Food Camp. The king should have expected that the Qin Army would not discover this secret passage. Our army can use this place to break the enemy and go straight to the Qin Army’s grain and grass field. .”

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this, and felt a little desperate for a while.

It was just after Mouton finished speaking, a big official said: “But the king, isn’t the area east of this concealed passage not protected by the Qin army, if it is discovered, is it possible to lose a game?”

This sentence was also something that several captains wanted to ask Shan Yu Maodun, which was related to the life and death of thousands of Huns.

Mouton smiled and nodded and said, “What you said is reasonable, but I have a way to solve it! A few days ago, our army fought against the Great Qin Army. Didn’t we pick up a batch of Qin Army armor and weapons, 々.”

Lieutenant Dadu right said quickly: “The clothes of those Daqin sergeants are placed behind the cave.”

“You quickly send someone to find out the clothes and clean them up.” Watching the captain send someone to go, Mouton continued.

“We can select five thousand elite infantrymen, use two hundred men in the Qin army’s armor to open the way, and pull out the Qin army’s stronghold in troubled waters.”

Mao Dun did not say the following words, but looked at several people around him, one of the big owners followed Mao Dun’s thoughts and said the following words.

“In this way, with the help of the secret path shortcut, although there is no one-hundred-percent certainty of success, there is at least a 70-80% certainty. It is worth a gamble. What do you general think?”

The generals’ eyes brightened when they heard that, yes, this plan is at least 70% to 80% certain, and it is worth a bet; it is more reliable and more convincing than sitting and waiting or other methods!

So everyone looked at each other and nodded together.

Upon seeing this, Mouton grabbed a simple knife on the table and stood up and said: “Okay, then it is decided. The fate of my Huns depends on whether I can win the bet this time! The few experts sent to explore the way will probably return tomorrow night, so you will be prepared to send troops tonight to raid the Qin army’s grain and grass fields!”

Mouton is a decisive Shan Yu, as long as he finds an opportunity, Mouton will take the opportunity to enter.

“Yes, King!” The Dadu and Dadang beside Mao Dun shouted in unison, slapped the hilt of the knife with their hands. As if a victory is right in front of them.

At this time, the Qin army camp, Meng Zhi was discussing the military situation with the generals in the handsome account.

Meng Zhi was still very proud of his heart, seeing victory was right in front of him, even without the support of a strong crossbow, the soldiers of Daqin were brave.

Although there were some casualties, it was regarded as trapping the Xiongnu’s Shan Yu Maoton in the mountains.

Meng Zhi pointed to the map and said with a domineering look: “Generals, now the Huns have been crushed by our army to a small area of ​​only about 100 miles from east to west, north to south.”

Speaking of this, the two hands are just hooped together, as if pinching a person’s neck.

“I think there will be about six or seven days, even if the Huns are rats, they will have to show us their true colors! The battle between Da Qin and the Huns will also come to an end.”

The generals were also very relaxed, and said with a smile: “””Yes. Those Huns are more cunning. It’s hard to escape the palm of the general. I don’t think they have a place to hide this time. ”

Meng Zhi smiled and said: “Everyone, but you can’t be careless. After all, the beasts are still fighting. After all, those Huns are brave and brave. If they die before they die, they are still quite powerful.

Speaking of which, Meng Zhi picked up the flag in his hand, “I will send the order immediately, all armies and battalions will strengthen guards to prevent the Huns from dying back, especially the iron cavalry, which is a mobile force. rush to the rescue.”

“Hey!” The generals responded, and hurriedly returned to the military camp of (Zhao Dezhao) Dao headquarters with Ling Qi to make some arrangements.

It was also at this time that the sky was getting late, and the light in the handsome tent was somewhat insufficient. A few soldiers flashed in quietly and lit dozens of giant butter candles in the tent. , Bright as day.

Sitting at the back of Shuai’s case, Meng Zhi felt restless, always feeling that something important was about to happen. When he was upset, Meng Zhi walked outside the military account.

Mouton watched the Xiongnu soldiers come out quietly at the entrance of the cave.

In the dim night, five thousand elite Huns warriors carried their knives on their backs and ropes on their waists. Taking advantage of the night, they quietly dived into this cave among the mountains and went straight to the western end of the hidden passage mentioned by Mouton. . ,

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