Chapter 792 Sneak Attack on the Grain Depot]

His statement quickly resonated. Those generals talked a lot.

“In our way of breaking through the encirclement of the family, the Qin army will be encircled in less than a day, and will be trapped to death in two days! The odds of winning are too small to be advisable!”

Mouton shook his head and said, “Since everyone refuses to fight the Qin Jun and claim the courts to Donghu, then they have to break through to the west.” After speaking, Mouton looked around.

After waiting for a long time, seeing no one commented, Mouton focused his attention on the sheepskin map. He wanted to find the easiest path to pass.

After a while, he saw that no one had spoken yet, so Mouton continued: “Since it is a breakthrough, we must not drag the family.”

After saying this, Mouton’s gaze swept to the depths of the cave, where are his concubines and the relatives of these captains. The meaning of his words was to give up all his relatives and let them become prisoners of Da Qin.

Although Mouton and his men also knew that the soldiers of the Qin Army would not kill innocent people indiscriminately against those unarmed Huns, but Mouton was really unwilling to say such words that were almost inhumane.

After a few breaths, Mouton withdrew his soft eyes.

“If you use elite soldiers to attack the Qin army a little bit at night, you should be able to cut a bloody road. As long as you don’t love fighting, the number of successful breakthroughs should be 50-50%. It’s dead.

Mouton quickly ended his words, and his attitude was where he stared at everyone’s choice.

Regarding this tactic of Mouton, the generals suddenly widened their eyes when they heard it, and they were dumbfounded together!

Looking at the crowd, Mao Dun didn’t speak at this time. He cast his eyes on a sheepskin map on the stone wall on the right, thinking hard.

Several chief lieutenants were a little anxious: “My lord, the situation is critical now. Please make a quick decision on how to deal with Gu Xiu. If you delay, the Qin army will become tighter and tighter. I am afraid that we will only have to let Qin Junwen kill and be helpless. .

These generals also knew that once they got into an encounter with Daqin’s army, they would definitely fail. As for the consequences, these people should think clearly in their minds.

A big man under Maoton suddenly stood up and said: “It’s a big deal, and Qin Jun is fighting, anyway, it is impossible for me to surrender to Donghu. It is even more impossible to leave my wife and children and home, and break through alone. None of our Huns are afraid of death. Yes, Great King, please give an order, let us fight Qin Jun to the death!”

“Yes, fight Qin Jun! In a decisive battle, either he will die or I will die.” “The crowd is passionate, like a group of trapped beasts!

Mouton was silent in this exciting situation, still remembering his feelings quietly.

Suddenly, Mouton uttered aloud and asked, “Generals, do you know where the Qin Army’s grain and grass farms are now?”

Lieutenant Dadu on the right heard the words and stood up and said, “Majesty, the land of the Qin Army’s grain and grass farms is probably under the Kunyu Mountain a hundred miles to the east.”

After listening to the words of Lieutenant Right, Mouton flashed a series of sparks in his eyes. He muttered softly, “A hundred miles away, under Kunyu Mountain.”

When the generals saw Shan Yu Mouton talking to himself, they knew what he was thinking about at the moment, and the cave fell silent for a moment.

After doing the math for a while, Maudun asked, “About how many people are guarding the workers?” Captain Right said: “Not many, there are about five thousand people.”

The Maulton quickly swiped across the sheepskin map, and a winding curve was completed in the blink of an eye.

“Hundreds of thousands of Qin Army’s grain and grass are shipped from here!”

After Maodun asked this question, everyone immediately noticed it, and Du Weiyou said: “Does the king want to fight Qin Junliangcao?”

At this time, a fierce light flashed in Mao Dun’s eyes, “Only this strategy can change the current battlefield situation.

“My lord, how can we get close to the grain and grass depot of the Daqin army? Is it necessary to burn all their grain and grass in a fire?”

Mao Dun said coldly: “Yes, since the grain and grass of the Qin army are all accumulated here, as long as our army sends out a surprise soldier to burn the grain and grass, the Qin army will have no grain and will retreat without fighting. If it does not retreat, 713 will have an empty stomach. , Even if you have a million soldiers, what’s the fear?”

Hearing the words, Lieutenant Dadu shook his head and said, “My lord, although this proposal is good, it is not desirable! Kunyu Mountain is a hundred miles away from the back of the Qin Army. How can we go deep into the hinterland of the Qin Army for hundreds of miles without being discovered by the Qin Army?”

At this point, he was interrupted by a big boss: “My lord, once we go deep into the enemy of Daqin, this lone army will be besieged and wiped out quickly by the Qin army! This danger is too great, my lord. Please think twice!”

Mao Dun suddenly smiled: “Of course I know what you said. Under normal circumstances, it is indeed impossible for our army to go deep into the hinterland of the Qin army without being noticed! But if there is a secret tunnel, it is more likely to succeed. many!”

“Secret Dao? Great King, is there an unknown road to the rear of the Great Qin Army?” Everyone was stunned and at a loss!

Mouton was very willing to see this astonishing look of his subordinates, which meant that his strategy was to win by surprise.

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