Chapter 791 But let’s fight]

Under him are the Huns’ left and right chief captains and several big heads.They are in charge of the tens of thousands of soldiers and cavalry who command the Huns.A few of them have fierce faces, strong bodies, and a complete barbarian style!

Mouton looked gloomy, with a precious tiger skin on the seat, and a map of the Huns drawn in sheepskin hanging on the back, which marked the battle between the two armies in detail.

Mouton looked at the people with a gloomy expression, and the gloomy voice couldn’t help making the demon’s generals a little bit frightened and discouraged: “The tactics adopted by the Qin Jun are very strange, unheard of and unseen by us, but they are very effective.

Mouton paused for a few breaths when he said that, he was looking at the expressions of the big “July 13” generals under his hand.

“In just a few days, half of my Huns’ land is lost! If we don’t think of a solution, I am afraid that it will not take ten days before the Qin army will advance to our center, and I am afraid that our army will have to fight the Qin army head-on! Everyone! General, do you have any way to retreat from the enemy?”

More than a dozen generals looked at each other and were speechless for a while.

A large captain said dissatisfied: “Qin has deceived people too much. In the previous battle, our Huns returned after victory, but Da Qin chased after them and vowed to put me to death. It is really annoying!”

Another big official with a lower rank shook his head and said: “You can’t say that. For a big country like Qin, it is not important to lose some property and population.”

“Da Dang, what do you say? Isn’t the Great Qin Empire afraid of this loss?” Dadu Lieutenant did not understand.

“The important thing is that the dignity of Da Qin cannot be violated! Now that King Qin is about to unify the world, it is just when the ambition is full and the intention is still unfinished, our army has taken the initiative to attack the Taiguo, this will not make the King Qin angry and seek his own death.”

“Dadan, if we wait like this, what will our Huns do?”

Dadanghu ignored the noise of these people, and said the second half of his sentence again.

“At that time, I advised you not to be greedy for petty gains and send troops easily. Now that the Qin army is overwhelming, what’s the point of regret!?”

This remark caused dissatisfaction among several chief captains of the Huns.

They were a little irritated: “This is unreasonable. If we don’t grab some of the Great Qin territory and come back, then the Huns will have no place to live. Years of disasters have already made our people of the Huns hungry.”

Mouton waved his hand when he heard the words: “You, the chief captains, the big bosses, now is not the time to regret, let alone complain to each other. The most important thing now is to unite as one and figure out a way to retreat from the enemy! Otherwise, we the Huns may be destroyed. Right in front of me! If I wait until I am dead, what face is there to see the ancestors!”

Lieutenant Right, under Mao Dun, frowned upon hearing this, “Mao Dun, it’s difficult to retreat from the enemy.”

Another chief lieutenant continued: “My lord, originally I planned to stand firm and clear the country and retreat into the mountains. This way, the enemy’s supply line will be lengthened, and the second will prevent the Qin army from finding the main force of our army for a decisive battle, and then send a large number of guerrillas to attack it. The grain road and the barracks, over time, the Qin army will inevitably retreat.”

A soldier next to Mouton also said immediately: “However, now the Qin army uses such a weird and effective method to reduce the retreat of our soldiers and civilians little by little, which is very vicious.”

“My lord, the several thousand-person exploratory attacks that were instigated the day before were quickly discovered by the Qin army’s scouts and beacon towers. The Qin army from all walks of life swarmed up and down, and they all defeated. Facing the Qin army, it was as dense as a copper wall and an iron wall. I am afraid that there is only a decisive battle with the Qin army, there is no other way!” The remaining big players said together 0.

Mao Dun heard the words: “Lieutenant Dadu, Dadang, the main force that the Qin army can mobilize at any time is at least more than 100,000. Our army is fully assembled and it is less than half of the Daqin army. Fighting hard with the Qin army is not a dead end. One! Let’s think of a way again and see if there are any tricks!”

Lieutenant You Dadu smiled bitterly: “Majesty, what’s the trick? Nowadays, the Qin army has beacon towers every ten miles, and there are rangers and spies everywhere. If our army has a larger scale, it will be discovered by him, and it is useless. count!”

The Dadang household thought for a while and said, “My lord, if I don’t want to fight the Qin army, there are only two ways. First, quickly send someone to contact the Donghu people, expressing my intention to surrender, and let him accept me. Waiting for entry! In this way, we will make peace with Donghu soldiers, and there will be mountains obstructing it. It is estimated that Daqin’s army will not be able to attack.”

As soon as this statement came out, it caused an uproar like stabbing a hornet’s nest. Several generals stood up and said: “No, surrender is not a matter. We Xiongnu and Donghu have been enemies for more than ten years. How can we surrender? he.

The rest of the people also opposed it, and they never approve of it!

Mouton also frowned and said, “This proposal 1.3 is not advisable, do you have any suggestions?”

Seeing Mao Dun turning his gaze to him once again, Lieutenant Right gave a wry smile: “The other way is to break out of the encirclement to the west. As long as we can cross the glaciers and snow-capped mountains that never melt, we will be safe!”

“No, we Huns have lived here for generations, how can we abandon our homes and let the Qin army ravage them!”

Another chief lieutenant said worriedly, “The Qin army has a large unit every fifty miles, and they have timely contact with each other, and the cavalry of Da Qin intersperses with each other, no matter where we break through, such a large number of people will definitely be Qin The army quickly found out.”

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