Chapter 790 The Huns Crisis]

According to Meng Zhi’s detailed deployment, the Qin army in the east and the south were divided into four armies, each with 10,000 people, searching and advancing every fifty miles.

As many as hundreds of thousands of Qin troops cast large nets on the front line of hundreds of miles, and scattered a large number of soldiers on every gully and every mountain, and conducted rigorous searches.

Meng Zhi’s only idea was to force the Xiongnu’s Shanyu Maodun to make a decisive confrontation with his Daqin army.

The Qin army’s massive encirclement and suppression proceeded in an orderly manner, and Meng Zhi strictly ordered his subordinates not to be negligent and underestimate the enemy.

As a result, the Xiongnu, who was entrenched in the wild land, immediately had little room for reversal, and was pressed by the Qin army step by step and pressed towards the Hun’s own hinterland-.

For several days, the confrontation between the Qin army and the scattered Huns gradually increased. Whenever a cavalry of the Huns appeared, the soldiers of Da Qin swarmed.

After several battles, although Daqin’s soldiers had some casualties, the Xiongnu’s cavalry continued to decrease.

Although it was only a small army of the Huns, it also made the Qin army generals very excited. This phenomenon shows that the living space of the Huns is shrinking step by step.

This shows from the other side that the patience of the Xiongnu is gradually eroding, and the time when the two armies are in direct confrontation is about to come.

Meng Zhi quickly adjusted the formation of Qin Jun when he saw that this method was effective.

After stabilizing the rear that had been cleaned up for a while, we continued to advance. Only by letting the family settle down can the army charge forward without scruples. This truth is well known.

The army marched all the way, the Qin army either burned all the dangerous passes and mountain roads with fire or blocked them to death. As long as the roads could be destroyed, the soldiers of Daqin would do nothing.

They also knew that the Xiongnu’s cavalry were powerful. As long as those cavalry were not effective, Daqin’s infantry could march forward boldly.

As a result, some important passways, roads, and towns are even more heavily guarded.

Moreover, the Qin army will set up a beacon tower every ten miles, guarded by a hundred people, communicate with each other, and report to the police. Anyway, the Qin army has a lot of soldiers, and this arrangement will not waste much force.

The speed of the Daqin army was very fast, and the Qin army gradually established a very strict early warning and counterattack system on the Xiongnu territory.

These tactics did not even think of King Qin’s victory in Xianyang. Meng Zhi will achieve such a result in a short time.

It’s just that he is still depressed, because he knows that he has not found the Huns’ Shan Yu Mouton to fight with him.

The longer the time, the attrition of soldiers in Daqin will be severe, and many soldiers have been frostbited by the severe cold. Meng Zhi ordered to speed up the speed of encirclement and suppression.

Gradually, the Huns, whose living space had been greatly compressed, couldn’t help but assemble a few larger units to launch a whirlwind and sneak attack on the various Qin troops.

They hoped that Daqin’s soldiers would retreat back to the spot after the attack.

However, the complete early warning system of the Qin Army discovered the Huns’ large-scale counterattack. As the smoke rose, nearby Qin troops came to help.

The Qin army, who had a huge advantage in number, easily smashed the Xiongnu’s counterattack, and continued to advance slowly and firmly to the central area of ​​the Xiongnu.

The generals of the Qin army were extremely excited when they saw that the Xiongnu’s territory became less and less.

In this situation, within a few days, tens of thousands of Huns soldiers will definitely be forced to show their true shape and fight the Qin army! This is exactly what everyone wants to see.

As a result, the Qin army from all walks of life became more and more courageous, while continuing to advance, while following the general’s instructions, treated and mobilized some nomadic aliens as the guide and eyeliner of the Great Qin army.

0……Look for flowers…

When these aliens were grazing early, they were often harassed by the Huns, causing their property to suffer a lot of losses. I heard that Daqin’s army was going to wipe out the Huns, and these aliens were even fighting for the first to lead the way for the soldiers of Daqin. .

Let the army quickly approach the places where the Huns gathered. Seeing that the last moment to wipe out the Huns is coming.

This is a huge group of caves, hidden in the mountains. The caves are connected to each other, half natural formation, half artificial excavation.

This is the most secret place for troops and supplies of the Huns. The main force of the Huns is 50,000 and about 20,000 civilians are hiding here, waiting for the order to send troops.

The air in the cave was filled with an atmosphere of failure, depressing people a little breathless. Tens of thousands of people stayed there in silence, waiting for Shan Yu Mouton to give orders.

The sky gradually turned to pitch black, and a layer of fog rose between the mountains and forests. In addition to the cold and cold moonlight, the mountains and forests at night have become a paradise for hungry wolves and night tables.

The animal roars of the rashers one after another, hearing the ears make people feel a kind of heart tremor. At the same time, the flaming torches have been lit in the cave long ago, and the cave is bright as day.

In the middle of a cave with rich decorations and precious animal skins, more than a dozen Huns with shawls and armors were discussing matters in it.

The man in the middle, with a red face and bristled mane, is tall, and wearing a black iron armor, looks majestic and majestic, especially the slender face with a pair of brilliant eyes, which makes this man extraordinary! This is the Xiongnu’s. The supreme leader is Shan Yu Mouton. factory,

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