Chapter 789 Divide into and encircle]

Meng Zhi also agreed with Zhi Ning’s view, nodded and said: “The general is reasonable, do you have a good way?”

Kuining frowned and smiled bitterly, “There is no way yet, Rong Wei will think about it again!”

Standing next to him, Li Zhong touched his head and said suddenly, “General, there will be an immature tactic at the end, I don’t know if I can tell it?”

Meng Zhi and several of his soldiers all looked at Li Zhong’s body, “General Li, but it’s okay to say.

Li Zhong’s finger was placed on the map, “General, we have an advantage in terms of military strength. Then we can use the method of encircling on all sides. The army will surround the center from four directions, clean up layer by layer, and gradually reduce the encircling circle. , And finally captured the Huns’ Shanyu Maodun! Isn’t this method suitable for the current situation!”

After hearing this, his blindfolded eyes lit up, he punched the table with a fierce 713, then patted Li Zhongde on the shoulder and said: “Generals, I have a way!”

The generals were overjoyed and said, “General, what good strategy do you have to say quickly?”

Meng Zhi eyebrows smiled, “My strategy was also inspired by General Li.”

Li Zhong said quickly: “I’m just an immature suggestion. Please tell the army your strategy.”

Meng Zhi smiled and said: “This general’s trick is called “Tiebi Encirclement!”

The few people next to Mengzhi looked at each other. They had never mentioned this tactic.

“Look, all generals, the northern part of the Xiongnu Kingdom is a continuous mountain, and the west is a thousand-year-old glacier. There is not much room for the two armies to return!”

“What the general said is extremely that the wild land here is originally a long and narrow area, and it is not suitable for large forces to deploy horizontally.” Ning turned his gaze to the sun from the map.

“We change the way of fighting, and divide the tens of thousands of troops into two groups, advancing from the east and south to the hinterland of the Huns, and each army is divided into multiple branches, taking care of each other’s successive levels of suppression and stepping towards the hinterland as camps. Advance.

Meng Zhi slowly said what was in his heart.

“Because of the large number of our army, and the enemy’s room for return is not large, under such a pressing method, the encirclement will inevitably shrink and shrink, and finally force the Huns to take the initiative to cross the mountains and fight with us!”

Meng Zhi grasped his hand into a fist and thumped it on the map, which showed his determination.

Meng Zhi looked at everyone and continued

“Of course, in order to prevent the Huns from escaping from the cracks in our army, each department must send more scouts and guerrillas into the mountains and forests to closely monitor their actions. Stop it to limit the scope of the Huns cavalry activities.”

Li Zhong suddenly woke up, and he couldn’t help but interject: “In this way, even if the Xiongnu soldiers and cavalry are hidden no matter how tightly they are, I am afraid it will not be long before we will be forced to come out!” head.

Several generals were overjoyed (aibd) when they heard the words: “The general’s strategy is wonderful! When our army has heavy soldiers and the Huns have little room for return, this method is indeed the safest and most effective!”

Zhi Ning seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Meng Zhi and asked, “General, what if the Xiongnu sees a bad situation and runs across the mountains to the boundary of Donghu?”

Without allowing Mengzhi to answer, Li Zhong smiled and said, “General Kuining, you are too worried. The Huns will not be so stupid. Although the Huns and Donghu are only separated by mountains, the relationship between the two countries is not good. There are often conflicts, and Donghu should not let the Huns enter the country!”

Meng Zhi took the conversation, “The most important thing is that the East Lake people don’t want us Da Qin to take them into Da Qin’s territory by destroying the Huns. Once the Huns and Dong Hu are in one place, then it coincides with the king. This means that we can wipe out all the Xiongnu and Donghu rightly. In this way, our Daqin territory will be expanded several times.

After Meng Zhi finished speaking, everyone will realize it. Qi claims to be wonderful!

Meng Zhi saw that the generals Moquan Chazhan was eager to try, and hurriedly said: “If you generals have no objections, let’s do that.”

The main general made a speech, and those lieutenant generals were left nodding their heads in agreement.

Meng Zhi drew a command arrow from the table: “The commander of the Southern Route Army should be General Kuining, and Li Zhong is the deputy. The army is fighting head-on.”

Mengzhi naturally commanded the army on the East Road. This kind of combat method of division and encirclement often appeared after thousands of years.

When the heavy snow stopped and the sky cleared, the tens of thousands of Qin troops were divided into two, one east and the other south came to the barren land occupied by the Xiongnu, step by step. The search step by step approached the hinterland of the Xiongnu.

Meng Zhi is still very clear about Qin Wang’s worries about winning the government. For a long time, winning the government always hopes to find a chance to destroy the Huns, so that Northern Xinjiang can recuperate and not let the King Qin worry about it.

Although it is a cold winter, Meng Zhi didn’t want to miss this opportunity. He wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of Mao Dun to start the war first to eliminate the Xiongnu and fulfill Qin Wang’s wish for many years to win politics. .

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