Chapter 788 War in Northern Xinjiang]

Meng Wu was a little proud of this, but Qin Wang Yingzheng’s face was very calm.

The range of this powerful crossbow has been said before, and it is no better than the Xiongnu’s powerful crossbow.

“General, can you let me take a strong crossbow?”

“My lord, I will send my soldiers to the palace for you.”

Meng Wu saw the strong crossbow he liked with Ying Zheng’s eyes.

Because the size of the strong crossbow was too large, the nest car of King Qin Yingzheng couldn’t be loaded at all, and Yingzheng could only agree to Mengwu and let him use a chariot to send a strong crossbow into the Xianyang Palace.

Qin Wang Yingzheng originally wanted to hand over the drawing to improve the strong crossbow to Meng Wu, but when things came about, he decided to transform the strong crossbow himself in the palace.

It’s not that King Qin Yingzheng doesn’t believe in Mengwu, but that he wants to complete the transformation of Qiangbow as soon as possible, because the Mongolian northern Xinjiang urgently needs this transformed weapon.

Back to Xianyang Palace, King Qin Yingzheng asked the soldiers to directly send this strong crossbow to his bedroom.

Then King Qin Yingzheng found a few craftsmen in the palace and asked them to bring tools to the palace to follow their instructions.

Without sleep all night, Ying Zheng transformed the strong crossbow that Mengwu had sent to the palace based on the drawing that was drawn to improve the strong crossbow.

Meng Wu was recruited to the palace by King Qin Yingzheng, and he was really stunned to see the transformed crossbow.

Mengwu didn’t believe that King Qin had such a skill, so he increased the range of the Qiangbow by more than fifty steps overnight.

But the facts are right in front of his own eyes. King Qin Yingzheng asked several soldiers who followed Mengwu to test fire several crossbows in a row. The results obtained by Yingzheng were very satisfied.

“Great King Shenwu, Great King Shenwu, 々.” Mengwu shouted prostrate in the mouth, and his heart was even more admirable. I am also happy for Daqin to have such a Mingjun.

“General, you will send all the crossbows and ballistas in the arsenal to Northern Xinjiang after the results of the transformation of the widows.”

Mengwu immediately agreed, and he also knew that the war in northern Xinjiang needed this thing urgently.

Qin Wang Yingzheng was worried at the moment whether Mengzhi could persist until these improved crossbows were sent to his barracks.

The safety of Northern Xinjiang is what he cares most about, but the king of Qin Yingzheng won’t be able to give Mengzhi the most effective help in Xianyang for a while.

The cold northern Xinjiang is a barren land, and only a few foreign races and Huns have been entrenched here for a long time.

It’s just that in recent years, northern Xinjiang has been suffering from droughts year after year. In order to survive, Shan Yu Maodun of the Huns decided to compete with Da Qin for some fertile land.

This triggered a war between the two.

The Mengzhi army was superior in number, but the Huns’ tactics were small-scale guerrilla warfare, and there were almost no large-scale guerrilla warfare. In addition, Maoton used some sneak attacks and some mobile warfare, which made Mengzhi a little tired.

It is almost impossible to guard against such a vast northern Xinjiang. Some of the land of Daqin has been occupied by the Huns.

The soldiers of Daqin once again became unaccustomed in combat, and some soldiers became ill as a result, which also reduced the combat effectiveness of the army sharply.

After a heavy snowfall passed, Daqin’s soldiers were given some rest time, which made it easier for those who were struggling to deal with it.

Re-form the battle plan.

On the border of the northern border of the Great Qin Dynasty, under a small hill, the military camp of the Great Qin Army is stationed here.

And within the handsome account, the lights are brightly lit, and the generals are gathering to discuss matters!

Meng Zhi is not an arbitrary person. He can be qualified as a general. It depends on Meng Zhi’s ability to learn from others and he likes to listen to others’ opinions.

Meng Zhi looked at the simple map drawn by the detective horses and detectives based on the descriptions of the villagers and frowned. A contest in the sense.”

The generals also sighed, and Mouton had been avoiding Daqin’s brigade.

Meng Zhi could also see that several generals were complaining.

**” These Xiongnu soldiers mostly adopted sneak attack tactics and did not confront us head-on. Even the people of the Huns ran away. It seems that the Huns are planning to play cat and mouse tricks with us! What do you think?”

Meng Zhi was not afraid of the frontal combat of the Huns, he just didn’t want the Huns to use this sneak attack tactics to fight against his army for a long time.

Meng Zhi’s deputy Kuai Ning looked at the map and said, “This area is full of mountains. I (Zhao De’s) I am afraid it will be difficult to find its traces!”

Another Lieutenant General Li Zhongyan said: “These Xiongnu soldiers are good at riding and shooting, but our soldiers are more than foot combat, and they are not as flexible as they are.”

Meng Zhi nodded, “Everyone is indeed like this. Our cavalry has not yet played its due tactics. It is just that the strong crossbows of the Huns have a longer range than our crossbow arrows, which also restricts our cavalry. .”

Kuaining raised his waist from the map, “General, under the current situation, the Xiongnu’s Shan Yu Maodun knows that hard work is definitely not our army’s opponent, so he stood up and cleared the country and escaped into the mountains! Since they don’t want to fight with us. Fight, then we have to use tricks to force them out, or lead them out!”.

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