Chapter 750 Take a high look]

Everyone’s eyes turned to the long case. There were not many things on the case table. This also won the government and Fusu’s words, and preparations were a little hasty.

Daqin’s requirements for what to eat are relatively simple, and it’s not like we can eat some fancy dishes in today’s society.

What is noticeable is a kind of boiled meat that looks pale. Obviously, the meat is mutton, because of the obvious smell that several civil servants can’t bear.

The boiled meat is simply packed in a blue-black magnetic basin. This basin has three legs. There is a small stove on the left side of the table.

Obviously the small stove is a tool for heating. Beside the porcelain basin, there are some odds and ends.

The civil servants were not eager to fiddle with the dishes in front of them, but said to Fusu-some compliments,

This caused a group of officers to straighten their waists and sit on their knees and look at the group of civilian officers.

Those military commanders scolded the group of civilian officials with all their strength in their hearts, “How come they are endless.”

Fusu, who was sitting in the hall, smiled and looked at the civil servants who were talking to him. Seeing his expression, he seemed to listen with gusto?

As time passed slowly, the military commander on one side was a little commotion. The military commander had to practice every day, and he must have been hungry a long time ago.

“When are you going to be modest?” Meng Wu found that several generals under his command had some grievances.

For such a scene, it is certainly a bit annoying to be a warrior. In their hearts, they can only eat meat and drink a big bowl of wine as a delicious dinner.

After saying this, Meng Wu looked at Fusu subconsciously. Fortunately, how would Fusu react.

The civil servants seemed to be embarrassed.

However, they didn’t make any irony of “I don’t know the etiquette” of Meng Wu.

Because these people all know that the current Meng Wushen King Qin should be trusted, and now he is entangled with the eldest son Fusu, and no one wants to be unhappy.

The civil servants really accelerated the speed of speaking. Those ministers who did not speak also hurriedly spoke.

On the contrary, the expressions on the faces of those generals who looked at Mengwu’s side did not change, but there seemed to be some relief in that expression. This shows that Young Master Fusu still cares about the big and small generals in the army.

“General Mengwu is hungry” Fusu pretended to be unhappy: “Did we say too much?”

Mengwu said nonchalantly: “My son, we are really hungry. We have to practice in the military camp every day. Naturally, we can’t compare with the civil servants in the court.

Fusu laughed loudly, “Let’s have a banquet, our general is starving, but I am guilty of Fusu.”

Fusu gave himself a face, and Mengwu naturally had to accept it. “My son, we generals are rude people. We rushed to attend the dinner of the son after we finished our official duties. We were grumpy under hunger. Please forgive me.”

After speaking, Mengwu didn’t stand up, but just bowed his hands to the civil servants on the other side in his seat.

The civilian officials danced with long sleeves and said “where and where” in their mouths. Looking at the ugly expression, it is estimated that Mengwu had already been cursed several times in their hearts.

0………Look for flowers…

Because those eulogies in Wenchen’s heart were not finished, they were interrupted by Mengwu.

Nothing happened to Fu Sudang. Seeing everyone sitting down, he patted his palm three times.

This applause seemed to be a signal. The maidservants outside the lobby stepped on small pieces with plates in their hands. Their bodies twisted their arms when they walked, and the hem of their clothes would sway slightly to reveal their delicate barefoot.

It seems that the maidservants who are constantly shuttled back and forth, the generals of Mengwu found that the tools used to hold food in the plates they were holding were not the same.

Some are porcelain basins, some are small wooden barrels, and a few three plates are filled with hot food in small tripods. This makes them curious.

Waiting for the maidservants to stop, a maidservant stood in front of each guest.

Almost at the same time, the maidservants turned to face the guests who were sitting on their knees.

After kneeling down, put the plate on the long table, open the lid of the food tools, and stand in this position for a while before standing again.

This kind of etiquette only appears when the guests are here. This kind of hospitality satisfies the curiosity of the ministers and generals on the left and right.

The maids knelt and sat down and began to fiddle with the wine-making tools. They put the boiled wine on top of the wine master.

Then put it in the corner of the long case next to the guest.

In addition to the aroma of wine and vegetables in the entire lobby, there is also a kind of pink air. This kind of atmosphere makes the people attending the banquet feel excited. factory,

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