Chapter 749 Respectively]

Meng Wu returned his salute and looked back and forth at these warlords, and said happily: “Finally, I have my own person. Watching the civilian officials have a good time, I stand aside and have nothing to say. I am really depressed. .”

After telling the truth, Mengwu let out a depressed breath.

Several people seemed to be a little unresponsive by Mengwu’s witty humor, but “haha” laughed and did not respond.

In their eyes, General Mengwu was an unsmiling person. They didn’t expect to be able to say such a joke in Fusu’s mansion, which surprised several warriors.

Several military commanders saw that General Mengwu did not enter the house, and several of them also stood under Mengwu.

There is an essential difference between civil servants and military attachés. Although there is also a hierarchy of civil servants, there is absolutely no military attaché’s fear of class. This fear is equivalent to military regulations on the battlefield.

Seeing these people laugh, Meng Wu suddenly remembered that when he was still a military commander, when he saw a high-ranking military officer, it seemed that he was restrained and afraid to talk too much.

Now I am a great general. Seeing these generals who are older than me but 687 is careful to deal with, I feel a lot of emotion for a while.

The setting sun fell completely, the whole Xianyang city was lit up, and the front door of Fusu Gongzi’s mansion began to lively.

Meng Wu’s eyes were fixed at the door, he wanted to see how many people in Xianyang city had a relationship with the son Fusu.

Among the guests who came one after another were civilian officials, but there were also many military generals. Among these generals are young men in school captain outfits.

There are as many as five generals, including Mengwu, and twenty-three lieutenants and partial generals.

These generals are the backbone of the Daqin army.

Probably because of the strict hierarchy, the lieutenants who stood by when Meng Wu communicated with several generals were afraid to speak.

Just stood there respectfully looking at the five generals. Several times Meng Wu wanted to let these generals participate in his topic, but after seeing their respectful look, it was fine.

Even if they were allowed to speak, it was only flattery, and Meng Wu didn’t want to listen to those shit and unreasonable words.

“Ding Ding” placed a copper tripod in the middle of the lobby and was struck by the maid. This voice was telling the people attending the banquet that the banquet was about to begin.

Meng Wu made a gesture of entering the room to the person under his hand, and then turned and entered the lobby.

The left and right maids appeared in two rows with plates in their hands, and the aromas of wine, vegetables and fruits wafted out instantly.

The eyes of the guests are fixed on these maids. The long hair on the back and the long silk skirts on the body flutter in the wind when they walk, and the posture of stepping on small and broken steps also has a sense of beauty.

The winning item came to the door and cried out to the ministers and generals who have not yet returned to their positions.

“Please, my lord, please,” Ying Xiang said humbly.

“Please, general, please.” After the civil and military courtesy each other, the lobby was full of guests.

At this time, Fusu finally arrived. Fusu has been (aibd) watching the visitors above the lobby from behind.

Fusu found that many ministers only had a relationship with him.

The winning item also told Fusu about the situation of some ministers.

Fusu’s ambition became stronger and stronger. What he didn’t expect was that some people who had been close to Lu Buwei and Li Si also ran to his house.

Although Fusu wasn’t sure where they came from, Fusu still hoped that these people would come by themselves.

Fusu, who walked to the front of the hall, kept communicating with the people sitting on both sides of the hall.

He felt that all those people’s eyes shot an eager look at him.

Fusu sat calmly behind the table, and the small hammer in his right hand tapped a few times on the copper grille at the corner of the table to make a “ding-ding” sound.

The ministers below were not talking with the generals in the army, and all their eyes were on Fusu’s body.

Fusu nodded slightly, and then said loudly, “Fusu is polite, welcome to my man’s mansion, and don’t forget that you care about the thinness of wine and food.”

The ministers under the hall said in unison: “The meaning of the son, we will understand it.”

The casual drinking with modern friends is very similar. In fact, most people in Qin drank banquets, but they were mostly not formal occasions.

At the invitation of Fusu, the guests did not mess up and just found a place to sit down.

The civil servants may be polite and humbly, procrastinating for a long time to sit in accordance with prestige or official position.

The military attache seemed extremely crisp. The lieutenant sat in the first seat, followed by joining the army, then the general, then the lieutenant, and finally the general. There was no conversation during the entire sitting.

Meng Wu’s position was close to Fusu Young Master. He could clearly feel the excitement of Fusu, and Meng Wu’s heart was also in the same mood as Fusu.

These ministers who were able to come to Lord Fusu’s mansion just explained that they would not be an enemy of Fusu in the future. .

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