Chapter 751 Attracting Civil and Military

Fusu, who was sitting in the main seat, could see everyone’s expressions clearly.

What he cared about was not those who were indifferent, but the salivating look of a few old civil servants who showed lust.

The maidservants who stood up again did not leave, they moved slowly to the side of the long case, and knelt down behind the guests.

Mengwu, who did not pay attention to the maidservant anymore, looked at the porcelain basin on the long case, opened the basin with white smoke, there were some bones in the muddy and greasy soup, and some deboned meat floated quietly on the soup.

Meng Wu’s heart was gathered back only after a few violent beatings.

“Six-Eight-Seven” is like this kind of big scene, he still knows himself well, and just glances at those gorgeous and humble girls and forgets them.

He didn’t want to leave an impression of coveting female sex for his son Fusu.

Several people who have not participated in such a formal banquet are full of backtesting.

Fusu did not speak, allowing the ministers to spy on the humble women they had selected.

What’s more, more than a dozen old guys with white beards.

These veteran officials should all have followed King Qin’s victory for decades, and they no longer care about the eyes of the son Fusu.

Turning his head and staring at the maidservant beside her with squinting eyes, her hands were whirling on the robe with a little eagerly moving hands.

This dinner hosted by the son of Fusu was indeed unusual, and he arranged it like this after careful consideration.

This kind of banquet is actually taken from the “Zhou Li”. People who don’t understand it may be confused by the complicated description.

Simply put, this kind of banquet will not have a variety of food at all, and everyone will only get two foods according to their own identity.

The tool for holding food represents everyone’s identity, and the true Zhou ritual is not only the Ding tool, it should be a combination of Ding and Gui, Sister, Wok, and Cuan.

Of course, Fusu was not qualified to arrange a full set of Zhou ritual banquets. In the authoritative era of Zhou’s emperor, only the emperor was qualified, which means that only Qin Wang was qualified to arrange a full set of Zhou rituals and banquets.

Later in the Spring and Autumn Period, when the Emperor Zhou was majestic and mournful, the princes would also perform. Until the Seven Heroes Period of the Warring States Period, only the kings, princes, and princes of the seven kingdoms were eligible.

Now Daqin dominates China, and the complete dietary etiquette system is only left to win the government. Whoever violates the system is a traitor.

However, the nobles of Daqin were unable to give a full set of banquets, but some marquis could give three sets of banquets. The so-called three sets of banquets, gui, and sisters, the ingredients have also been increased, such as animal breasts, tails, and sashimi.

These ingredients are actually complementary to the tools, and each tool can only handle one type of ingredient strictly.

At present, the most qualified to explain Zhou Li is nothing more than Confucianism, but the bureaucrats of Da Qin have no good impression of Confucianism who emphasizes Zhou Li and likes to exaggerate, and even does not attach much importance to Zhou Li.

The banquet that Fusu gave because of his rush was just a banquet of the Zhou ritual.

In fact, he didn’t have the qualifications to impose dietary etiquette, but special people always have some privileges, even in Daqin where the law is strict.

The banquet that Fusu was the eldest son of King Qin Yingzheng was not excessive.

The most inferior type of ingredients, such as bone soup and deboned meat, is probably just a pomp.

The banquet began with the voice of “Drink together!”

The guests do not need to do it themselves, but the maidservant next to them does it for them. It seems that the guests only need to bring a mouth. 0

The mouth was eating the food picked up by the maidservant, the nose smelled the faint fragrance of her body, and then he felt the maidservant’s soft body swaying from time to time. Mengwu tried to dodge a few times, but failed.

He peeked and watched, all the civil servants moved happily.

At this time, the sound of music suddenly played. It turned out that there were many musicians outside the lobby. Amidst the sound of music, a dozen dancers came to the center of the lobby with long sleeves.

From the beginning of the banquet to now, except for Fusu’s occasional urge to drink, no one, including Mengwu, talked out loud, fully demonstrating what is meant by “food without words”.

In fact, even if they are allowed to talk to each other, these people are absent-minded, and their attention is completely focused on the beautiful humble girl next to them.

Meng Wu held back his excitement, and turned his head to look at Fusu who was sitting on it. An unpredictable smile hung at the corner of Fusu’s mouth, and his eyes passed from the faces of the civilian generals sitting below.

Suddenly, Meng Wu understood that this was an exam held by the son Fusu. He wanted to select those with a calm mind to take care of some important things. After understanding this matter, Meng Wu bowed his head to drink and eat food without a second thought.

In the long and long sound of music, the dancers danced very slowly. Following the sound of Mans’s orderly music, they posed their limbs in a posture that resembled a certain animal activity.

No one spoke, and most of the people were attracted by those dancers’ dancing postures.

Meng Wu had to turn his attention to the musicians outside the lobby.

Mengwu, who didn’t know what he was thinking, looked straight at the wine cup on the long case.

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