Chapter 748 Banquet for Civil and Military】

Fusu also wanted to find out what the civil and military ministers in Xianyang thought about him as soon as possible.

That’s why I decided to entertain those who want to take refuge in myself tonight. He understood that coming to Xianyang from Yicheng was like an outsider, and he was easily squeezed out by local forces.

If you want to gain a foothold in Xianyang, you need people like Mengwu.

Fusu decided to do a career in Xianyang and let his father change his view of himself.

Meng Wu knew that this was a kind of polite statement from Young Master Fusu, and he really agreed to his request.

Mengwu did not delay any longer. After the ceremony, he said: “Just as the son wanted, we will visit the son’s mansion tonight.” After speaking, Shili left.

The land area of ​​this mansion given to Fusu by the King of Qin Yingzheng is not prominent in Xianyang. In other words, King Qin also hoped that Fusu was not an overly arrogant person.

This mansion does not have any commendable scenery, but there is a question worth pondering. It may be that Fusu is the eldest son of the prince, and the servants in his mansion are very similar to those in the palace.

This similarity is reflected in the reticence and cautiousness, not the respect for the superiors on the surface.

Fusu was also a low-key person, and he also liked the cautious attitude of his servants.

Fusu didn’t know how long he had been in this pavilion. Passing by him, they all passed quickly and silently with their heads down.

Until the outside of Ting Pavilion was dim, Fu Su オ stood up slowly.

He recovered from the daze and looked at the maidservant who kept making tea and tea, and then looked at the male servant who was standing next to him with his head bowed, and then turned his head to look at the person coming from the garden path. That is to follow his personal butler win for the year.

Winning item stood at the door of the court, “My son, everything is ready, just waiting for the arrival of the adults, 々.

Fusu looked at the sky, and he still had some doubts about Mengwu’s appeal.

Fusu also had no bottom in his call, because he lived in Yicheng for a long time, and basically had little contact with the hundreds of civil and military officials in Xianyang.

Returning to Xianyang this time, Fusu also wanted to use Mengwu and some generals in the army to increase his popularity among the hundred officials.

Although Fusu would cultivate cronies before the conflict with the second son Hu Hai, who was not doing it in the court? It was just that Fusu hadn’t been too concerned about fostering cronies before.

At this moment, Fusu had never expressed his undue ambition, but from the moment he returned to Xianyang, his ambitions filled his chest.

Fusu’s low-key and the incompetence before, made him popular among Daqin. So that every aspect treats him well.

Meng Wu was definitely not the first person to win over Fusu. This can be seen from the occasion that Fusu arranged for the evening banquet that night.

The place where the banquet was held was an airy lobby on all sides. It was not airy on all sides, but the hall was so warm.

In the four corners of the lobby, there are four stoves burning raging, so that even though it is cold in winter, the hall can be regarded as warm as spring.

Regardless of Fusu speaking politely to Mengwu, there was no deliberate preparation in the Yandao Mansion. In fact, King Qin Yingzheng had already prepared some food for Fusu in the mansion.

There are long rows of long cases on both sides of the lobby, and servants who shuttle constantly are bringing food back and forth on the cases. Before Meng Wu arrived, some people gathered, but no one took the seat first.

Meng Wu glanced at him, secretly surprised, some ministers did not notify him, and took the initiative to come to Lord Fusu’s house.

In fact, to be honest, after several consecutive heavy snowfalls, the air is full of water molecules causing humidity. In this cold and humid weather, it is not suitable for a banquet in a ventilated place.

But Fusu didn’t know how many people could come, so he could only choose this spacious place.

It’s just that there aren’t many people gathered right in front of you. They look like they are dressed like civil servants. These people saw the appearance of Mengwu, who was wearing a military houjia stomach, and even though they didn’t know him, they bowed their hands and expressed a deliberate politeness.

Meng Wu also hurriedly responded. I have a lot of admiration for the character of the son Fusu in my heart.

The civilian officials of Qin Shi did not have uniform uniforms, and the clothes that represented the status of court clothes had not yet appeared. It was because the military needed to wear armor to see official positions at a glance.

Although those people were wearing very clean clothes, the clothes on their bodies were somewhat mixed (Wang Qianzhao). Naturally, Mengwu could not see the status of the people. The sky looks gray.

Meng Wu didn’t find Fusu appeared in the hall. He ran to the study to visit him, but he looked at the civilian officials who used the corner of his eye to sweep him, and he dispelled the idea.

The so-called gathering people in groups, after seeing several generals coming to Fusu’s mansion in succession, Meng Wu finally didn’t have to look at the civil officials and talked with joy, but stood aside in a daze.

Several generals from the army came to the banquet and saw Mengwu standing under the eaves in military armor. They all walked over quickly and respectfully: “^”See the general!”

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