Chapter 726 Chen Sheng Wu Guang]

Nei Shiteng was a little bit disbelieved when he heard this: “General, the elite Chu soldiers passed an ambush from our army, and at most there are more than 2,000 soldiers left! The soldiers on the opposite side are only 5,000 at best, but our army still has 50,000. , I don’t believe that, with ten to one, our army still has the advantage of morale, and it’s not even stepping on them!”

Regarding the reckless Neisten, Mengwu had only the patience to explain to him, “General, what you said makes sense. As long as we take this opportunity to level down this elite soldier, we can invade the mob’s barracks. But. How could there be such an easy thing in the world?

At the stall that Neisten had to argue with, a detective turned over and dismounted: “Report to the general, just “six seven three” behind these soldiers, and 50,000 mobs ambush on both sides of the official road.

Meng Wu didn’t speak, just faintly sang and glanced at the blushing Neisten.

“General, what shall we do, are we just watching Chu Jian escape from birth?”

Neisten was a little bit worried about not swallowing the fat in his mouth.

Meng Wu is very open, “General, Chu Jian, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang will be wiped out by Qin sooner or later. Now we only need to follow them, and we won’t leave them a lot of time.”

Meng Wu wanted to use fifty thousand soldiers to bring Chen Sheng, Wu Guang and the others a sense of oppression, so that they could not spare time to deal with Fusu and Mengzhi in Chenzhou City.

Both Wu Wang Wu Guang and Chu Wang Chen Sheng gathered at the gate of Daying. They did not expect that Chu Jian would be ambushed by Mengwu, let alone that Mengwu was not fooled.

It was just that they slowly followed the army that they had sent out to meet Chu Jian. In this way, the soldiers ambushing on both sides of the official road were all exposed.

“My lord, shall we still attack Chenzhou City?’

A general came to Chen Sheng and Wu Guang.

The two looked at each other and shook their heads almost at the same time. The goal has now changed. Fusu and Meng Zhi, who had been besieged for many days in Chenzhou City, were not important anymore. The important thing was the Mengwu army that arrived from behind.

Of course, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang also knew that the second generation son Hu Hai was in the army.

In Chen Sheng and Wu Guang’s eyes, it was also a blessing to be able to capture Hu Hai.

Chu Jian took Fengchen and jumped down from the war horse, “My lord, I have tried my best, and I am ashamed of the two princes for failing to complete the task assigned to me by the lord.”

Chen Sheng and Wu Guang stepped forward to help Chu Jian together. Under such circumstances, the two would never complain about Chu Jian.

“General Chu, you have worked hard all the way, let’s go back to the camp and rest.”

Chu Jian shook his head, “My lord, the chase behind is approaching, how can I rest assured? Chu Jian can still fight.”

Chen Sheng and Wu Guang looked at Chu Jian’s eyes and nodded, “Since General Chu is determined to fight, then we will fight together.

The three immediately returned to the military account.

Regardless of whether Chu Jian was the defeated general, he was still slightly better than Chen Sheng and Wu Guang.

“General Chu, now that the army is facing both sides, how should we choose?”

Chu Jian said: “The two great kings, from the current situation, the most unfavorable thing for us is the army Mengwu rushed to relieve the siege. As long as we defeat them, Fusu and Mondo in Chenzhou City will still be unable to escape us. In the palm of his hand.”

Wu Guang was a little worried, “A hero is hard to come by. I am afraid that once we attack the Mengwu army, Fusu in the city will take advantage of the chaos.,

Chen Sheng also said: “Although our army has an advantage in numbers, I am afraid that we will suffer from the enemy.

Chu Jian looked at the two people, and there was always an anger in his heart. He wanted to avenge those Chu heroes who died.

After thinking twice, Chu Jian said: “Two great kings, I think we should fight quickly. King Wu and I can deal with the enemies of Mengwu’s siege. King Chu, you can lead a part of the soldiers to monitor Fusu and Meng in Chenzhou City. Zhi, but when Wang Wu and I defeat the enemy of Mengwu, then we are here to deal with Fusu and Mengzhi in Chenzhou City.”

Chen Sheng and Wu Guang didn’t think of a better way, they could only agree with Chu Jian’s combat intention.

Mengwu did not set up a camp, he kept his soldiers in an offensive mentality at all times.

Getting closer to Chen Sheng and Wu Guang’s barracks, Hu Hai was a little worried, “General, does Chen Sheng and Wu Guang have any plans to deal with us?”

Meng Wu looked at the closed camp door, “My son, I think they have nothing to do. They can only wait for us to come to an urn to catch the whole thing.”

Nesten raised the iron rod in his hand, “General, please give the order, we can charge into the camp of those mobs as soon as we charge 1.3.”

Meng Wu received a report on the battlefield, and Fusu and Meng Zhi were ready in Chenzhou City, ready to go out of the city at all times.

Mengwu decided to attack himself first, so that he could attract most of the enemies to deal with himself, so that Fusu and Mengzhi could easily get out of the city.

Immediately Mengwu Prancing Horse came to the front of the army and shouted: “My soldiers of the Qin Army, in front of you are Heyan’s remnant enemies. We will defeat them with one effort.”

On top of the horse, Neisten also shouted loudly: “The soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty will go forward and fight to the end.”

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