Chapter 725 Escape from the Dead]

Chu Jian drew out the long sword hard and shouted: “Brothers, don’t panic, quickly rush out of the canyon, as long as you rush out, you are safe!”

The rest of the soldiers realized that, desperate to escape, they rushed towards Taniguchi with a swarm of arrows!

Meng Wu had already judged Chu Jian’s next step, how he could easily let go of these defeated soldiers.

When the flag was waved, the crossbow arrows fired densely at the general canyon.

The attack direction of the rolling woods and rubbing stones was mainly on the horses under the soldiers.

The heroes of the Chu family who opened their way in front of them were continuously attacked by waves of frenzied attacks by the Qin army.

The rainy boulders and rolling logs kept smashing on the soldiers’ horses, and the horses fell one after another.

The soldier above stood up and ran in the canyon.The poor and brave Chu Clan’s elite soldiers had no strength to fight back at this time, and they were completely in a passive position!

Chu Jian was surrounded by a few cronies and rushed towards the valley mouth of the canyon.

After a loud noise, he saw a personal guard next to him died helplessly under the Qin Army’s boulders and rolling logs.

This kind of sadness made Chu Jian couldn’t help his eyes to split, and he was going to climb the cliff like crazy-attack!

Several lieutenants hurriedly took hold of Xiang Liang and persuaded them: “The general will not want to be buried in Lu. The Qin Army of the Mengwu Division has a large number of people, and it occupies a favorable geographical position. You should not fight hard! Let’s go quickly and leave the green mountains without fear of firewood!”

Chu Jian gritted his teeth and stared at Qin Jun on the cliff. For a long time, he viciously ordered: “Let’s go, this blood debt will be calculated later!’

For a time, the only remaining soldiers did not dare to fall in love with the war, and just tried their best to get out of the valley.

There are countless corpses along the way, and they are gone! The battle has finally come to an end.

The corpses of soldiers were lying everywhere in the gorge, and there was a strong blood floating in the air.

The original majestic flags lay scattered around, almost trampled into rags by the rebel army.

From time to time, wounded horses made real wailing sounds on the ground, which made people feel a little uncomfortable in the bloody valley.

Although some of Chu Jian’s soldiers had already escaped from the encirclement, the outstanding military exploits at the bottom of the cliff couldn’t help making the Qin army full of joy. They waved their weapons on the top of the mountain, jumping and jumping!

Nei Shi Tengzhi triumphantly said to Mengwu: “General, Chu Jian has already led the remnant army to the east, chase right away!”

Meng Wu thought for a while and said: “Wait a moment, let him escape a little bit further! If you leave the ground to chase Chu Jian, so as not to let Chu Jian relax our vigilance and lead us out of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang’s camp. ”

Neisten still figured out the tactics of the cute things, he bowed and saluted, “Hey! General, I will let the army behind slow down.”

Meng Wu beckoned a detective horse to him, “Quickly mixed into the Chenzhou city and reported to the old man Fusu, and followed the general Mengzhi. My Daqin relief division is about to kill behind the mob’s barracks. Let him quickly send troops to form a flanking attack. Power.”

Explore the horse flying away. Mengwu was passing a military order to let Hu Hai and Zhao Gao join the army.

Mengwu also knew that Hu Hai and Zhao Gao were gilding with them this time, and even if they had the credit, they had to share half of them.

In this case, Meng Wu decided to let these two people suffer a little bit. As long as he didn’t suffer any harm, he could go back to engage with King Qin Yingzheng.

Hu Hai Zhaogao smiled even more when he saw Daqin’s sergeants fighting for the first place in the nest cart.

0……for flowers…

“General, can we reach Chenzhou City today?”

Meng Wu looked at the sky brightly, “Sir, if there is no accident, we will fight against the mob’s army with the eldest son and General Mengzhi.

Hu Hai stroked his palm, “Okay, that’s great. If Fusu is rescued sooner, we will be able to return to Xianyang sooner.”

Although Hu Hai was not required to command the battle, the cold weather here already made Hu Hai a little unbearable.

“Report–, General, ten miles ahead, thousands of elite soldiers sent by Chen Sheng and Wu Guang are found blocking the way, waiting in line!”

Mengwu had just finished speaking with Hu Hai and Zhao Gao when a detective rushed over.

Meng Wu secretly said in his heart: “This is King Wu sent troops to meet Chu Jian. We still have to watch out for a while.”

Thinking of this, Meng Wu hurriedly stopped the horse and shouted: “Stop moving!

“Ke Lü Lü” amid a thunderous horse hiss, Mercedes-Benz’s riding formation quickly stopped and waited for orders!

The foremost Neisteng Zongma returned to Meng Wu, “General, Chu Jian has already joined the soldiers of King Wu, are we attacking in the chaos?”

Meng Wu got off his horse and said to the attendant beside him: “Get the map!”

An army aide quickly took out the map and presented it. As the leader of the army, you must know the battle situation and the terrain at any time. Only in this way can you know what you are doing.

Meng Wu looked at the current situation and said to Nei Shi Teng, “General Nei Shi Teng, we have been chasing for three hours. It is estimated that King Wu is ready. They must have been ambushing in front of us by now! Waiting for our army to follow up blindly.” Factory,

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