Chapter 727 Immediately]

By this time, the morale of the Daqin soldiers had completely risen.

Tens of thousands of people shouted in unison: “Kill the enemy, Daqin is invincible.” Mengwu waved the flag in his hand.

“Now that the enemy is the dog of the bereavement, but we are the tigers in custody! Under such circumstances, do you have the confidence to defeat them?”

There were shouts on the battlefield, “We must win, we must win.

We held up their weapons, which screamed wildly, and the fighting spirit was boiling to the extreme!

Hu Hai and Zhao Gao are also passionate at the moment. Facing tens of thousands of soldiers, Hu Hai also shouted loudly: “Destroy Chen Sheng and Wu Guang and rescue Prince Fusu. We Daqin soldiers are invincible in the world.

“Invincible! The world is invincible! The Qin army is invincible in the world. The Qin’s cavalry roared like thunder, driving the angry horses, hovering on the ground like a huge tornado storm about to rise.

At this moment, there was a drumbeat from the middle leaf of the opposite military camp, and the closed camp door opened instantly.

The soldiers swarmed out. Leaded by 08 Chu Jian and Wu Guang. Mengwu understood that this battle was the most critical one.

The contest between the brave is about to begin!

Qin Jun’s galloping iron cavalry dispersed in the blink of an eye, rushing towards the army led by Chu Jian and Wu Guang in layers.

In terms of numbers, the Qin soldiers led by Meng Wu are at a disadvantage, and Hu Hai and Zhao Gao can also see the comparison of the numbers of the two sides. “General, are we seeking self-protection first, and then launching an attack.”

Meng Wuge glanced at Da Qin Tieqi who had already entered the enemy’s formation, “Young Master, if we retreat a little bit, it will put pressure on Young Master Fusu in Chenzhou City.”

Mengwu gritted his teeth fiercely: “If you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins! Today I must fight these mobs to the death!”

“Kill–! The cavalry is invincible, only Da Qin!” Nei Shi Teng could not bear the fighting intent in his heart for a long time, and with this violent shout, he led his army into the battle.

The soldiers screamed, waving the weapons in their hands, driving the horses to run wild! At the whistling wind horn in their ears, the murderous aura in their hearts almost made these Daqin soldiers red eyes like a burning fire!

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” The Qin army cavalry screamed like wolves, stepping on the trembling ground, and swept over!

“Four hundred steps!” The soldiers watching the enemy formation danced the flags in their hands and shouted in their mouths!

“Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Opposite Chu Jian also waved the flag, and the pawns knocked on the shield with their weapons, making a neat and uniform sound.

“Boom boom boom! The dull voice is strong and powerful, running through the surging fighting spirit and the heroic swearing to death! “Three hundred steps!” The soldier’s voice trembled a little!

“Two hundred steps!” The voice is almost hoarse!

“One hundred steps–!” The long tail has not yet ended, Neishi waved his hand fiercely: “Da Qin’s iron cavalry come forward together, come on!”

There was a cloud of smoke and dust on the ground, and it was difficult to see the enemy on the opposite side.

Meng Wu suddenly thought of it, and shouted: “Pay attention to horse legs!

As soon as the voice fell, the Pentium’s riding formation had already sturdyly collided with the pawns led by Chu Jian and Wu Guang!

At the moment when the two armies intersected, the elite soldiers led by Nesten flexibly dodge the galloping horses, covering the whole body with a shield.

After a few dodges, Nesten smashed the pawn on the ground with the iron rod in his hand.

Chu Jian’s eyes were already red. He waved the flags at the defending soldiers,

“KeLüLü–!” Countless Qin Army horses hissed horribly, and fell to the ground hard.

Many cavalrymen of the Qin Army suddenly fell to the ground with the horses, unable to stop, flew out like clouds and fog, and fell heavily to the ground!

Either his arm was broken or his neck was broken. Fortunately, those who were still conscious hadn’t gotten up, they were cut into flesh and blood by the surrounding steppers!

Seeing the cavalry hand damage, Meng Wu felt a little pain. He grew up from the horse and shouted again: “Pay attention to your feet! After hitting the enemy’s side! Protect your horse.”

On a battlefield like this, once you fall from the horse, you will definitely die.


For Chu Jian’s tactics, Meng Wu was very convinced. In such a short time, Chu Jian could think of a way to crack the cavalry, which shows that Chu Jian still has some strategies in his heart.

Meng Wu quickly waved the flag in his hand a few times. This was to inform the cavalry of Men’s Shoes Qin State to be more careful when attacking.

The Qin army immediately became smart after hearing the general order.

Seeing those steppers pounce on the ground, they raised Ma Jin heavily. Let the four hoofs of the war horse fly into the air to avoid weapons such as lay knives.

At the place where the war horse hissed, it rose into the air, and the great halberd long knife pierced straight down, penetrating heavily from the enemy’s heavenly spirit, directly through the internal organs.

Then he dragged the soldiers under the horse’s hoof forcefully in his hands, letting the war horse stomped down arbitrarily.

“Oh–!” Seeing that the tactics worked, the Qin army would do the same after cheering!

Unexpectedly, when the next group of Qin troops who played the same trick again manipulated their mounts to fly into the air, what the giant halberd pierced straight down to meet it was a strong shield!

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