Chapter 724 Encountered an attack]

They gradually walked into a canyon!

Chu Jian’s men didn’t feel the danger in the canyon at all.

According to the usual practice, Chu Jian and the others should have sent a horse to investigate the progress of the Qing Qin army along the way to quickly withdraw.

It’s a pity that Chu Jian is in a state of confusion, and he just wants to break through the Qin Army’s defense line as soon as possible, escape the current danger, and return to Chen Sheng and Wu Guangdajun.

In a hurry, I forgot to send a detective horse to investigate carefully!

This may be destined. Under Chu Jian’s fatal negligence, only a few thousand troops left gradually entered the canyon, leading to the east so far.

Chu Jian had some wolf foxes, and the armor on his body was slanted to one side, leaking the tight-fitting jersey inside.

There was also a little blood stained on it, which was left by his elite soldiers to protect Chu Jian’s safety.

Just at the top of the mountain gorge, behind the dense jungle, Mengwu led the Qin army cavalry to dismount and lie in ambush here, everyone wound their crossbows and swords out of their sheaths, ready for a fierce battle!

Meng Wu rode on his horse and looked down at the enemy in the canyon.


As expected, Chu Jian would choose to take this path.

At a glance, the cyan heroes of the Chu family were a little messy, and Chu Jian’s horse was in the middle of those elite soldiers. Moving forward slowly, it’s time for people to be sleepy and tired.

Nei Shiteng smiled at Meng Wu in a low voice: “Unsurprisingly, Chu Jian and these heroes will be wiped out by us.”

Meng Wu closed the rope, and the horse probably smelled a trace of the warplane, and was a little unbearable and wanted to rush down.

Meng Wu still held his mind and said, “Don’t move around, wait until those Chu heroes have entered the middle of the canyon before doing anything.”

After speaking, Meng Wu looked up at the sky, and after some fierce fighting, the sky was a bit faint.

Meng Wu looked at the unsuspecting Chu clan soldiers at the foot of the mountain. Perhaps they were too tired to run. The horses in front lay in the middle of the path after they made a neigh (aibd).

No matter how the knight beat, he didn’t want to stand up and walk.

Chu Jian’s face was even more listless and a little drowsy.

Meng Wu saw that thousands of Chu’s heroes gathered in the middle of the canyon.

Said to the soldiers who accepted: “Yes! If the order is passed on, Arrow Flying Stone will mainly greet Chu Jian’s elite soldiers, and kill a few of them. And they will send a team of elite soldiers on the top of the mountain to brag for me. , Be sure to make a look of hundreds of thousands of soldiers!”

“Wow!” Nei Shiteng waved his hand for the soldier to pass the order quickly.

Seeing that the team was not moving forward, Chu Jian sat on the horse and asked, “How far is this place from King Wu’s Chenzhou Camp?”

The surrounding soldiers shook their heads, and they didn’t know how far they were from the camp.

Chu Jian waved his hand to signal the soldiers who wanted to rest to set off quickly.

This place is not a safe place for them when they come.

Just as Chu Jian led his army to start again, suddenly there was a loud clapper sound from the top of the cliff.

There was a sniffing movement in the still quiet canyon just now.

Countless Qin troops sticked their heads out from the cliffs, shouting wildly: “Kill–! Kill all the mobs, catch Chu Jian alive! Da Qin is mighty.

This earth-shattering shout couldn’t help making Chu Jian tremble with fright.

Looking up, the Qin army was densely covered on the cliffs on both sides, and the cold light of countless weapons seemed very gloomy in the cool morning light.

Chu Jian’s horse spun a few times on the spot, and finally managed to control the direction.

Chu Jian was shocked: “What’s the matter? How come Qin Jun is here?”

The answer to Chu Jian was that the arrows on both sides of the cliffs were like rain, and thousands of arrows whizzed down like meteors in the sky.

The unprepared soldiers shot arrows, and the valley suddenly hissed.

Hundreds of heroes of the Chu clan fell to the ground heavily!

Standing on the top of the gorge, Nei Shi Teng gave orders to Mengwu, and he just stepped down to the rolling wood thunderstone next to him.

Then he waved his hands to the soldiers who were waiting for orders, “What are you still doing? Put all these rolling thunderstones in the canyon.”

Immediately afterwards, the huge sowing stones and rolling logs made a loud rumbling noise, and flew down from the top of the mountain.

Because the speed was too fast, the boulders and rolling logs couldn’t help making loud “whoops” in mid-air, and the soldiers in the gorge were broken in their nerves and ran and didn’t choose!

However, the valley was small and the soldiers were inevitable, and there was no way to escape. There were countless people who were hit and crushed at once.

The dull sound of a penetrating heavy object hitting the human body was rejected for a while in the valley!

In a short period of time, Chu Jian lost a lot of Chu’s heroes.

“Oh–!” The Qin army on the top of the mountain was so excited when they saw it, they couldn’t help screaming.

While beating the drum of victory to the sound of the mountain, while striving to wave the flag to cheer!

Chu Jian lema raised his head and looked at the top of the mountain anxiously. A military flag was fluttering among the bushes. On the flag, the words “Meng” were striking!

Chu Jian couldn’t help being stunned: “Meng’s flag? Will Mengwu arrange an ambush here at such a fast time?”

This made Chu Jian a little puzzled. This is the gap between the two armies facing the two generals.

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