Chapter 723 Residual forces

Therefore, despite Chu Jian’s orders, the soldiers’ actions were different.

Chu Jian’s elite soldiers immediately stopped and prepared to take the enemy; but some tribal armed men saw that the situation was not good, and ran away like a tide.

Suddenly, even the army formation that had been basically lined up was rushed to the ground and torn apart.

Chu Jian glanced at the generals under his hand, and his elder brother also looked frustrated, as if he was about to become a prisoner of the Qin army in an instant.

Seeing this, Chu Jian was furious, set aside his sword, and led the personal supervising team to stop the defeated soldiers, and then the military was already at the enemy, how did hundreds of people in the district stop the chaos of tens of thousands of troops!

Just as Chu Jian’s army was hustling and hustling, and when they were doing their own things, the Qin army vanguard smashed!

The 10,000 most brave soldiers of the Qin army came in the cold winter with bare heads and shirtless arms, armed with simple swords and heavy swords.

It was like a sharp cone asking that room to crash into Chu Jian’s rear team!

Nei Shi Teng shouted loudly from the horse: “Grab the official Chu Jian to be promoted to the third level.”

After drinking the three beeps, he grabbed the iron rod and waded among the soldiers. Inner Stern had only one goal, and that was Chu Jian. He wanted revenge, and he would take revenge on Chu Jian with one stone.

“Peng–! Kill,– kill without mercy.” Blossoms of blood flashed in the blazing night, 10,000 burly giants of the Qin Army armed with heavy soldiers, laughing like a group of demons from hell Screaming and shouting, a huge storm of blood was set off in the Chu army!

The soldiers of the Qin Army had already lived and died to the end. They smashed the weapons of the Chu Army, cut off the enemy’s head, and then lit the torch in their hands on the soldiers who fell on the ground.

Watching the raging Erhu flaming up, she continued to shout and charge.

The bloody and murderous soldiers, under the blazing fire light, are as terrifying and terrifying as evil spirits!

The soldiers under Chu Jian were frightened, and fled back like crazy, smashing the messy army formation to pieces!

The pioneers and brave soldiers of the Qin Army took advantage of the situation to advance rapidly.

In the chaos army, several of Chu Jian’s lieutenants have died! The first level does not know who was cut off by the Qin army!

For a time, in the starry night, the defeated soldiers fled across the mountains and the fields, and the Qin army chased them over the sky, and a fierce bloody battle was staged in the dark night!

Seeing that the general situation was gone, Chu Jian sighed, and surrounded by his own Chu family soldiers, the wolf and fox ran to the east!

The soldiers under him saw that Chu Jian was still running away, and they were in chaos, unable to form an army, and fled in droves!

Nai Shiteng finally got out of depression, and the iron rod pointed at the night sky in his hand, “Give me a chase, 々.”

After giving the order, Qin Jun pursued it bravely and pursued it!

Chu Jian glanced at his surroundings hurriedly. It was not bad. There were thousands of soldiers from the Chu family around him. Chu Jian didn’t have time to think about it. This would be able to retreat with his cavalry in the direction of Chenzhou. For those tens of thousands of soldiers, Chu Jian could only pray for them to protect themselves.

While he was walking, he suddenly heard the earth-shattering screams coming from behind, and Chu Jian restrained his horse and raised his head to look.

But seeing that the western sky has almost been reflected by the fire, the screams of killing and killing are like endless rushing thunder, and they are getting closer and closer!

Chu Jian didn’t expect that his soldiers were so vulnerable. Before half an hour’s face arrived, Nei Shiteng had already chased him in front of him.

Chu Jian ordered to his side: “Go forward quickly, if the Qin Army catches up, we will stop!” After speaking, he slapped his horse a few times.

The heroes of the Chu clan next to him were back home like an arrow at this time, and the soldiers had no intention of fighting.

Chu Jian’s thousands of elite soldiers rushed out for more than 20 miles in one breath, and gradually separated from the rear army, and the thunderous shouts of killing behind gradually disappeared!

Chu Jian breathed a sigh of relief and preached: “The soldiers are not allowed to stop, eat some dry food to fill their hunger, and rush to Chenzhou as soon as possible!,

The heroes of the Chu family heard the order, they didn’t care about grieving, but their lives were precious, so they had to gritted their teeth and continued to advance!

The sun gradually rose from the horizon, the fiery red sun radiated thousands of rays, and the white earth brought warmth. Hu Hai and Zhao Gao took the nest car to the military camp where Chu Jian left (Wang Zhao’s).

“General Mengwu’s victory in this battle is a great achievement.” Hu Hai eyebrows smiled.

Zhao Gao said next to him: “I want to send a letter of merit to King Qin, and let the king award a reward to General Mengwu.”

Mengwu quickly said modestly: “This victory is inseparable from the son and the supervising army.

Hu Hai was even more happy in his heart, so he sent the happy news of his military exploits to the city of Xianyang.

The morning sun was slowly rising, and Chu Jian and the thousands of soldiers under him were panicked like a fish slipping through the net.

They were not in the mood to admire the beautiful scenery at all. They just bury their heads and hurry. Chu Jian constantly urged his men to leave the road as soon as possible, because they were afraid of Qin army patrolling on the road.

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