Chapter 722 Attack early]

“I asked you to select 10,000 cavalrymen and walk around the back of Chu Jian’s army to block their way! You must not let the enemy escape easily.” “Choo!” Ying Xin took the order!

“Where is Ju Qiu?” Meng Wu raised the third army order. “We will not be here!”

“I ordered you to lead five thousand troops. After Chu Jian’s army retreats, you will immediately lead your troops into Chu Jian’s camp. You can’t make mistakes!” “Hey!” Hit the enemy hard tonight!”

“Hey!” Zhujiang Fenran!

Hu Hai and Zhao Gao both stared at Meng Wu with expectant eyes.

They also want to stand up in the army, so they want Mengwu to arrange a task. Of course, Hu Hai and Zhao Gao don’t want to go to the front line to fight with the soldiers they first met. 08

Where will Chu Jian use his heroes tonight? Will it be used as a forward assault or as a post-breaker? This elite soldier is a great hindrance to my Qin army, so I must prevent it!”

This sentence really reminded Meng Wu that Chu Jian would arrange his own way back if he wanted to escape. He closed his eyes and pondered for a while.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, shining brightly, and said vigorously: “Chu Jian, this person hurried away, intends to be fast, so he will definitely use his Chu’s hero as a forward!”

Hu Hai said: “In this way, the pressure on General Stern is too much.”

Mengwu knew that Hu Hai was only saying this, and it was not appropriate for him to charge and trap him.

Mengwu glanced at Nei Shiteng, he was asking for Nei Shiteng’s opinion.

As long as Neishi said something, Mengwu decided to send some more people to him.

Unexpectedly, Nei Shiteng directly ignored the gaze that Meng Wu handed over for inquiry.

“General, please rest assured, the general will definitely live up to his mission.

As soon as Meng Wu saw this, he didn’t speak any more, but he complained a little bit about Nei Stern in his heart.

It’s not the time to do so now.

After everything was deployed, the vast Qin Ying immediately started secretly!

Murderous, soaring into the air, every Qin soldier cheered himself up in his heart, “Tonight, we will destroy the enemy on the opposite side.”

Hu Hai and Zhao Gao also received military orders from Mengwu, and they were a little disappointed by their lack of knowledge.

Mengwu’s military order was for Hu Hai and Zhao Gao to stay in the camp.

It was night, and at the hour of the shift, Chu Jian ordered all the remaining grain to be made into dinner.

Now that I have chosen to retreat tonight, the best way is to reduce the weight. Chu Jian ordered his subordinates to resolutely give up if they could give up, but they were ready to set off at all times with their weapons and equipment.

After the army finished the battle meal, they waited in the barracks in accordance with the prescribed retreat sequence.

Chu Jian was still a little worried. The matter was of great importance. King Wu had instructed Chu Jian not to let Qin Jun know when to retreat.

Chu Jian decided to sneak out of the camp to look at the movements of the Qin army, and open the door of the camp. Under the protection of a few close city committees, Chu Jian took advantage of the darkness to walk a few miles into the camp of the Qin army, and found a high slope, Chu Jian Climb high and look far.

At this time, the smoke from the Qin Jun’s camp was curling up, and looking at the past, the Qin Jun’s camp was quiet.

Some soldiers can be seen walking through the military tent with their clothes tightly wrapped. They should be soldiers going out to eat.

After watching for a long time, Chu Jian didn’t notice anything unusual. He then returned to his barracks.

“General, when are we going to leave?” The lieutenants were a little impatient. They also knew that the army had no food and grass. Even if they stayed, the military’s mind would be in a mess. It’s better to retreat earlier.

Chu Jian made up his mind, and it was safer to leave early than late. I raised my head and looked at the night sky.

Chu Jian sighed and waved to the lieutenant, “Go.”

Tens of thousands of soldiers stood up quietly and retreated towards Chenzhou City under the cover of night. Where is Chen Sheng and Wu Guang’s army waiting for them.

After walking for about half an hour, everything was normal, and he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he didn’t find any chasing soldiers from the Qin army.

“It seems that Meng Wu didn’t realize his intention.” Thinking of this, Chu Jian was somewhat complacent.

The soldiers passing by all relaxed their vigilance, because the night was already dark.

“Speed ​​up the march.” Chu Jian gave another order. He still wanted to join the army of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang 670 as soon as possible. Only if they captured Chenzhou City could they be safe.

Chu Jian, who was sitting on the war horse, was very anxious, and suddenly there was an earth-shaking clapper around him.

Immediately, countless torches appeared from the north, south, and west as if conjure, countless Qin army generals shouted frantically, and the crossbow arrows flew towards the unsuspecting soldiers under Chu Jian like locusts.

As the bows and arrows weakened, the soldiers of the Qin Army ran, stepping on the shaking ground, and rolling in madly!

Suddenly, Chu Jian’s men were a little panicked. They didn’t expect Qin Jun to appear in front of them at this moment.

Chu Jian was shocked, and only now did he understand that Qin Jun was prepared.

Fire hastily ordered to line up to meet the enemy! However, the mixed soldiers are fierce troops who are only good at fighting with the wind.

No one will listen to Chu Jian’s military orders anymore, they have only one idea left to escape as soon as possible.

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