Chapter 721 End of food and grass]

Looking at the military order in Mengwu’s hand, Hu Hai suddenly thought of a question. “General,” Son, now the mob’s army is divided into two groups, Chen Sheng Wu Guang, leading the army to surround Chenzhou, and Chu Jian to stop us again, their food and grass are not enough to support these two armies. Therefore, it will not allow more days to retreat. ”

It is not easy to raise the grain and herbs in winter, and Chen Sheng and Wu Guang and others did not consider that the battle would be so long. Looking at the dwindling grain and grass, Wu Guang still felt a little worried.

“Wu Wang, General Chu Jian sent an urgent letter.”

A caring soldier came to Wu Guang’s account.

After reading the secret letter, Wu Guang said in his heart “Sixty Seven Zero”: “The most worrying thing happened. Chu Jian’s army can hold on for three days at most.”

Wu Guang also understands that people in the army are panic without food.

Wu Guang was unwilling to let Fusu from Chenzhou City just like that.

So he made a determination to let Chu Jian retreat, put the two forces in one place, and strive to capture Chenzhou as soon as possible.

But this move is also a dangerous move. Once Hu Hai’s army conceals it from behind, they will have no way to escape.

Hu Hai and Zhao Gao heard what Meng Wu said so surely that they stopped urging him to send troops.

Every day, two people were drinking and playing chess among the army commanders. Mengwu did not bother them, but only trained his own armored troops on the playground.

The heavy snow that had fallen for a few days finally stopped, but the wind was getting bigger and bigger, and it hit people’s faces like a knife.

On this day, Hu Hai and Zhao Gao had nothing to do in the account, and the two decided to go to the Central Military Account to listen to the news of Mengwu.

As soon as I walked to the door of the big tent, I heard a shout in my ear, “Report to the general. There is an urgent matter to see the general.”

Meng Wu shouted in the army commander: “Hurry up and invite the detective in.”

Hu Hai also wanted to go in, but Zhao Gao stopped him, “Master, we might as well listen to the message outside.,

Hu Hai also nodded, and the two stood in a sheltered place outside the military tent.

A detective rushed into the big tent, “Tell the general, the army on the opposite side of Chu Jian is secretly packing up, and it seems to be preparing to pull out of camp and retreat.”

“Oh! Is this news accurate?” Meng Wuhu stood up and couldn’t help being overjoyed.

To the lieutenants standing on both sides said: “It seems that the time for our army to act is approaching! The food and grass in Chu Jian’s army should be exhausted.”

Nei Shiteng smiled and said, “Yes, the general should now be ready to beat the drums and gather the generals!”

Nei Shiteng’s injury has long since recovered, and he has been eating and drinking for a few days.

Meng Wu shook his hand and said, “No hurry, no hurry! Let me ask about the enemy’s situation!”

Meng Wu is a cautious man, he is considering whether it is an illusion created by Chu Jian.

So he bowed his head and asked, “What’s the recent situation of the grain and grass in the opposing army?”

A white cloth emerged from the waist of the detective who was kneeling down and listed these numbers on it.

“General, there were no grain and straw carts in Chu Jian’s army seven days ago. Three days ago, there were dozens of empty grain carts in Chu Jian’s army. Recently, it was discovered that the number of cooking stoves in Chu Jian’s army had decreased. Many, obviously, their food and grass have gradually dried up!”

Hearing this, Meng Wu stroked the short beard of his chin and laughed: “There is the danger of no food inside, and the danger of losing the big camp outside. Although Chu Jian is a genius, he has to withdraw his troops!”

Hu Hai and Zhao Gao couldn’t help but walk into the military account when they heard this.

Meng Wu immediately turned his face straight, “Master, supervising the army, I think the victory will be in the near future.”

At this point, he shouted: “Come here, pass me the order, beat the drums and raise the account!”

Boom boom boom, loud war drums sounded in the barracks. Originally, the three drums were used every day to stop all the generals. Who knows that there are less than two beats of the war drums today, and the handsome tent is full. It seems that the generals I have a hunch, how prepared!

Hu Hai rejected General Mengwu’s request to let him sit in the middle.

“General Mengwu, it’s up to you to send some troops.”

Hu Hai knew very well that with his military qualifications, no generals would listen to his orders, so he would send a favor to Mengwu and let Mengwu sit in the middle of the military account.

Mengwu was also not polite. At the most critical moment, it was a serious crime that he missed the fighter by resigning.

Meng Wu sat high behind the Shuai case, his face was cold, and the military order in his hand was raised.

“There is a saying in the army that it is a time to raise soldiers for a thousand days, and this time is today! The remnants of Chu Jian’s army have begun to pack up their losses, and they will definitely retreat tonight! The opportunity to break the enemy has arrived. Please all will work hard and strive for it. Annihilate the main force in one fell swoop!”

1.3 “Hey!” The generals were cheered and morale was high! Mengwu saw the surrounding generals with their eyes brightened and eager to fight.

Steady his mind, Meng Wu immediately issued the first order: “General Nei Shiteng listens to the order!

“We will not be here!” Seeing that the first order was from Nei Shi Teng, he couldn’t help but raise his head, triumphant! He knew this was Meng Wu’s battle to restore his reputation.

“I ordered you to select 10,000 warriors in the army, to be used as a vanguard, ready to break the enemy at any time!”

“Where is Ying Xin?” “We will not be here!” Ying Xin is also a veteran who followed Meng Wu to the year. Hearing Meng Wu’s command, he quickly stood out from the crowd of war generals. .

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