Chapter 720 Another picture]

The defeated soldiers of Chu Jian rushed into the main camp and fell exhausted.

Many people have found a place where they can rest and sit down, panting wildly!

This chaos is really exciting. Many soldiers are exhausted on the battlefield.

Chu Jian didn’t dare to neglect him, sternly leading his guards to patrol the barracks, while looking anxiously at the south.

In a short while, a heavy armored cavalry came and poured into the camp at the place where the smoke was billowing.

“General, King Wu sent another 20,000 soldiers and then arrived.

King Wu is Wu Guang, and Wu Guang and Chen Sheng also received reports. They knew that Hu Hai personally led an army to solve the siege of Chenzhou.

After the two people discussed for a while, they decided to give Chu Jian another 20,000 soldiers to block the army that Hu Hai came to rescue at the fortress, and set aside time for his army to capture Chenzhou as soon as possible and capture the eldest son who won the government. Fusu.

Then he forced the King of Qin to abdicate, and handed over the Kingdom of Great Qin to both of them.

After listening to these words from the investigator, Chu Jian was not only not happy, but some melancholy appeared on his face.

It is not a good thing to have more soldiers, which shows that one’s burden is heavy.

Chu Jian still understood Chen Sheng and Wu Guang’s thoughts, so he was here to stand firm, and he would never take a step back.

But what Suo could see in front of him made Chu Jian a little frustrated, and there was even more anger burning in his chest.

The anger in Chu Jian’s heart was sent to Qin Jun.

The broken halberd in his hand fell heavily to the ground. With a “grab” sound, the halberd plunged into the thick soil.

But the halberd tail was still “buzzing” and trembling! This was also a kind of helpless vent in Chu Jian’s heart.

The lieutenant flew off his horse and came to Chu Fitness, without speaking for a while.

With a gloomy expression, Chu Jian asked, “What are the casualties of our army?”

The lieutenant sighed: “The loss is a lot, maybe about 20,000!”

Chu Jian looked at the Chu clan soldiers behind him again, and estimated that they were damaged by 20% to 30%.

“General, we should make a peace with Wang Wangbing, so that we can defeat the opposite Qin army.” The lieutenant’s words were already a bit wary.

Chu Jian put away his sad mood, he was still very affectionate for those Chu heroes that he had lost.

Those soldiers were all trained by Chu Jian. In the current situation, it is already impossible for Chu Jian to supplement these heroes of the Chu family.

“Notify the generals under the account that the 20,000 soldiers sent by King Wu are coming.”

Chu Jian knew that the most important thing at the moment was how to improve the morale of the soldiers.

For several days, Chu Jian stayed in the camp instead of sending troops to fight.

Twenty thousand soldiers sent by Wu Guang also joined Chu Jian’s barracks. For a while, Chu Jian’s barracks regained some mighty atmosphere.

Hu Hai and Zhao Gao discussed in the military account, “Master, in this matter, you should order General Mengwu to send troops to attack the mob’s barracks in order to win the battle. In this way, you can rescue Young Master Su and General Mengzhi as soon as possible.”

Hu Hai was also anxious at this time. Hu Hai wanted to let King Qin win the government and see that he could also make a great battle. He was not far behind Fusu.

Since Mengwu had won the battle, he should take advantage of the victory and attack. Seeing that Mengwu was still standing still, Hu Hai was a little confused.

Meng Wu looked at the snowflakes flying outside in the military tent, but also looked helpless.

Seeing Hu Hai and Zhao Gao coming in from outside, he hurriedly saluted, “Master, supervising the army, what’s the matter with you in the military tent?”

0……Look for flowers……

Hu Hai hid his hands in his cotton robe, “General, when will we launch an offensive?”

The military generals of Meng even invited individuals into the military tent, where there was a brazier burning blazingly.

“Young Master, Supervisor, it’s the twelfth lunar month outside, and the snow on the ground is too thick for our cavalry to function at all. So this offensive will have to be delayed for a few days.”

When a war horse walks on the snow, its limbs will slip if it touches the ground, and the horse can’t use the power of the whole body. In this way, it is easy to fall during battle, and soldiers riding on horses can easily fall off their horses.


Meng Wu spoke and pointed to the outside of the military tent. The snowflakes in the sky were densely falling.

Hu Hai looked at the horses and hoofs outside the military tent covered with cotton cloth, and the soldiers’ feet were also wrapped with several layers of cotton cloth. He understood Mengwu’s intention not to attack.

“General Meng, once we stay here, will Chenzhou City be captured by Chen Sheng and Wu Guang?”

Meng Wu returned to the back of the account, “Master, supervise the army, please rest assured, I have received a secret report from Fusu Master, Chen Sheng Wu Gong and the others are also unable to attack and stationed outside the city for a long time.

Zhao Gao also expressed his worries, “General Mengwu, I don’t know if Chenzhou’s food and grass can support us when we are relieved?”

Mengwu laughed three times, “The supervising army is relieved, there is sufficient food and grass in Chenzhou City, and the general Mengzhi is well prepared. The mob army can’t help them.”

Hu Hai immediately asked, “General, are we going to wait until winter and spring come to attack Chu Jian’s camp?

“My son, you don’t have to wait until then. After a short while, Chu Jian’s army will automatically retreat.

Hu Hai was a little confused, “General Mengwu, are you telling the truth?” Chang,

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