Chapter 717 Invincible]

Upon seeing this, Hu Hai heaved a sigh of relief: “It seems that our army is already in the upper hand, and there is no need to deploy a reserve army.

Zhao Gao hurried to the front of Hu Hu Hai: “My son, hurry up inside the car, your clothes are soaked with sweat.

A cold wind blew through, and Hu Hai shivered, only to realize that his upper body had already been sweaty.

“The overall situation has been decided, we can go back to drink celebration wine.” Hu Hai said, raising the curtain in front of the nest car.

At this moment, a peculiar roar of “quack quack” sounded from behind Chu Jian’s array.

A soldier who was originally the last soldier in the army formation slew in front of Qin Jun.The number of soldiers in this team is not large, there are only a few thousand people, but this is the cold killing in the eyes of the soldiers. Yi and icy chill!

This is a cyan armored team, and its temperament is very different from the sharp pawns of Chu Jian’s 08 army.

Its temperament and its equipment far surpass those soldiers rushing in the forefront!

Suddenly, with a loud rumbling sound like a drum of war, the elite soldiers in this cyan armor erupted.

They were divided into two groups. About two thousand cavalrymen greeted the Qin Jun Jingqi from the two wings, and the two thousand infantrymen in the middle stepped on the trembling ground, wielding huge battle axes, strong shields, and great swords with an indomitable momentum. Coming in!

This group of cyan armored warriors looked from a distance, as if a cyan torrent flooded the Qin army.

They shouted “Mie Qin! Mie Qin! Coming like thunder!”

The huge shouting and shouting instantly overwhelmed the battlefield like a mountain collapsed and the ground cracked. The soldiers who had already been somewhat low-spirited suddenly shook, and became crazy again, and shouted wildly together: “Destroy Qin! Destroy Qin!”

For a while on the battlefield, only the loud “Qin Qin” was heard, but the fighting of the two armies was not audible!

As soon as the elite soldiers with cyan armor entered the fierce battle, the situation on the battlefield immediately changed dramatically.

The Qin Qis, who had been madly arrogant and like entering the realm of no one, instantly slammed into the iron plate.

The cruel cyan knights waved their huge spears and halberds, and with a huge force, they smashed the sharp Qin army off the horses one by one.

The unfavorable battle situation was reversed in an instant, and this force crushed the Qin Army’s cavalry formation! And the cyan armored infantry who came straight to the Qin Army’s infantry square waved a solid shield to block the crazy attack of Qin Jun’s spear forest. .

Then the battle axe and the giant sword came out, cut off the Qin army’s dense spear forest, and rushed into the Qin army’s spearman formation like a group of blood-eating tigers, tearing out a huge mouth of blood in an instant.

The people of Chu Jian cheered and rushed forward, killing the Qin army spearman, who was fragile in close proximity, and blood flowed across the field!

The battle situation suddenly changed violently.

Meng Wu’s complexion instantly became stern, his eyebrows furrowed, obviously he did not expect such a drastic change in the battle situation.

He is quickly thinking about how to break the enemy!

Meng Wu, who was sitting on the horse and watching the battle, suddenly remembered: “Could it be that this is Chu’s most fierce and best-skilled soldier of the Chu clan!? That’s right, it is them, otherwise there would be no such powerful soldiers among the mob. He actually killed the Qin Army’s elite soldiers who had experienced hundreds of battles!”

Meng Wu knew that Chu Jian had trained an elite army when he was in Chu State. He called this army the Chu’s hero.

When the Qin army destroyed Chu, it did not fight this powerful army. With Chu Jian’s disappearance, this Chu army also disappeared. Unexpectedly, on the battlefield of Chenzhou, Meng Wu encountered this. A mysterious force. .

Hu Hai almost fell from the nest car behind. Fortunately, Zhao Gao quickly supported Hu Hai’s body with his hand.

“The prison army, who’s the army on the other side, so brave?” Hu Hai’s back couldn’t help but get chills as he spoke!

You know, there has never been an army that will bring such a big impact to the Qin army.

Watching the soldiers of Qin Jun keep falling down, Hu Hai climbed into the nest wagon.

“Quickly, find General Mengwu at 667. Only by getting close to him can we be safe.” Hu Hai and Zhao Gao finally reached the side of Mengwu’s horse.

Seeing Qin Jun’s gradual retreat, Hu Hai’s original calm attitude of the battle situation immediately changed dramatically.

Hurriedly said to the Meng Wu next to him: “General Meng, the situation is not good, withdraw troops immediately!”

Zhao Gao also reconsidered afterwards: “General Meng, we are going back to the camp to make another plan.”

Seeing Hu Hai’s expression of horror, Meng Wu said in astonishment: “Why the son is so alarmed! Our army still has a rear army that has not been put into battle, as long as the enemy’s weaknesses are found, it may not be impossible to reverse defeat and win!

Hu Hai shook his head hurriedly. It is important for him to save his life now.

Meng Wu glanced at Hu Hai and Zhao Gao, and had a little contempt for the performance of these two men.

Although Hu Hai issued a military order to make the army retreat, Mengwu was unmoved. Because the command was in the hands of Mengwu, there were no soldiers to follow Hu Hai’s opinions, which embarrassed Hu Hai a bit.

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