Chapter 716 Offensive and defensive]

Chu Jian understood this truth in his heart. If he was fighting alone, his soldiers would not be well-trained opponents of the Qin Army.

It can only rely on the number of advantages plus a spirit of not being afraid of death to fight the Qin army.

Therefore, the ruthless Chu Jian turned a blind eye to the huge casualties of his soldiers, but repeatedly sounded the drum to urge the Chu army to go forward and succeed! Chu Jian pursued the first battle to make the Qin army retreat hundreds of miles, and then coordinated with Chen Sheng and Wu Guang’s army to defeat Chen Chen. Fusu in the state city was captured.

As long as Master Fusu from Daqin is in hand, he won’t worry about winning politics or bowing his head.

“Eighty steps!” While the Qin Army crossbowmen shot the last wave of arrows, the huge column of Qin Army spearmen “six six seven” stood up.

The sharp spear was raised forward at a 45-degree angle, forming a huge spear forest square!

This distance should also be time for hand-to-hand combat.

The roar of the two armies on the field clearly passed into Hu Hai Zhaogao’s ears.

His two-person nest cart has reached the end of the Qin army. It is very safe here. Hu Hai got out of the nest cart. You are the leading general. He does not appear in the formation and always makes other soldiers feel something is wrong.

“My son, it’s a hand-to-hand fight, so let’s go back to camp.” Zhao Gao always felt his little heart pounding and pounding at an accelerating pace.

He complained a little bit why Qin Wang Yingzheng sent himself to the front line.

Hu Hai didn’t pay attention to the change in Zhao Gao’s face. Instead, he cheered up and shouted to a small group of soldiers beside him: “You don’t need to protect me here, all rush to the front.”

The long knife in Mengwu’s hand was raised high, and he was directing the bowmen to withdraw.

The bow and arrow lose their effect if the distance is too close. If you shoot it down like this, you will accidentally injure your soldier.

As the crossbowmen retreat, the huge spear forest phalanx quickly closed, like a beast full of fangs waiting coldly for the deadly enemy!

Chu Jian made a desperate bet and shouted at the soldiers under his hands, “Destroy Da Qin, and we can live a good life.”

Those mobs were actually peasants who were oppressed by the Qin Dynasty, all fighting for the first place under the bewitching of Chu Jian.

“Bump!” The two huge army formations finally collided fiercely together, shooting innumerable brilliant sparks.

“Pump, Pounce, Qin’s huge spear forest became powerful, and the soldiers rushing forward suddenly looked at a loss when facing the dense spear forest in front of them.

Chu Jian’s soldiers had never seen such a huge battle, and they didn’t even know how to protect themselves.

Those soldiers wanted to stop but were greeted by the huge inertia behind them, and turned into a string of dead bodies on the giant spear!

In an instant, in front of Qin Jun’s formation, the blood ran into a river, and the corpse was resting!

The soldiers of the Qin Army almost ignored the corpses on the ground, and stepped forward in neat steps with the shouts. Meet the pawns who are on the opposite side.

The corner of Meng Wu’s mouth finally showed a smile, “Broadcast the drum, let our Qin army boost morale.”

Following these words, the drums shook the sky, and the flag in the hands of the Mongolian generals was about to shake a few times, which caused Daqin’s cavalry to attack.

The cavalry on the two wings of the Qin army stood out with the sound of battle drums, and slammed into the two wings of the Chu army from the two wings!

“Boom!” With the sound of horses hoofs, Chu Jian’s cavalry rushed forward.

Cruel torn and slaughtered on the edge of the huge battlefield!

On the huge battlefield, nearly one hundred thousand soldiers are cruelly killing each other like a group of crazy soldier ants.

The neat and powerful black and the crazy and powerful variegated are constantly attacking and consuming each other, and the original faint breeze on the battlefield is instantly full of thick blood.

Everyone has red eyes, and there is no fear in their hearts. They only need one idea to destroy the person in front of them in order to let themselves live.

Only after an hour, the balance of victory has begun to tilt.

The miscellaneous army is always incapable. Even if Chu Jian is well trained, he still can’t compare with the fighting power of Qin army at the critical moment.

Although these people have the courage and crazy courage not to lose to the Qin army, they seem helpless for a while in front of the Qin army’s large and rigorous army.

Waves of unyielding soldiers rushed to the front of Qin Jun’s formation, and then fell in waves of blood.

Chu Jian’s army paid a lot of casualties but still failed to tear the huge mountain spear forest to pieces. Instead, it left the bodies and souls of countless soldiers in front of the Qin army.

As for the battle between the cavalry of the two armies, the outcome was even more obvious. These people under Chu Jian were originally bad at cavalry.

Although I learned that the Qin army was equipped with horse mirrors, horseshoes, high bridge saddles and other things, but did not learn the essence of the Qin army’s new cavalry combat.

Therefore, once he fought against the elite Qin Qi, he couldn’t help being killed and retreat step by step.

Moreover, the cavalry under Chu Jian did not learn how to attack, they just blindly lined up the cavalry into fan-shaped formations to attack the orderly Qin army.

Chu Jian deliberately wanted to reorganize these cavalrymen to launch a more fierce attack, but the battlefield was changing rapidly, and the cavalrymen were all red-eyed and ignored the flags in Chu Jian’s hands.

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