Chapter 718 Brave invincible]

The Qin Army and the Chu family were strangling together. Although they were on the slow hind legs, the entire formation did not become a mess.

Hu Hai said anxiously: “The situation is urgent. It’s too late to explain. Let’s withdraw as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late! Go back to the camp.”

Meng Wu saw Hu Hai’s solemn and anxious expression, unlike joking, his expression became heavy, and he said solemnly: “My son, it is not easy to withdraw troops at this moment. There are not many so-called warriors in Chu Jian, and our Qin army can wipe them out.”

Zhao Gao leaned out half of his body from the nest car, “General Mengwu, how can our Qin soldiers fight back with serious casualties?”

Meng Wu didn’t say much, but raised the flag in his hand high, and shouted: “The cavalry of the rear army, come with me!”

The five thousand heavy armored cavalry of Mengwu headquarters are all iron-blooded troops honed in many bloody battles. Then they cheered and rushed forward! This is what Mengwu calls a sharp army.

The Qin army’s large formation suddenly gathered, allowing Mengwu’s sharp army cavalry to stand out from the tens of thousands of infantry, and face the heroes of Chu Jian.

Meng Wu gave a long roar, the long knife in his hand raised, and a circle was drawn in the air. The galloping cavalry raised their crossbows together, swiftly opened the strings, raised their arrows, and fired at their backs.


“Ding Ding Ding 々” After a crisp sound like a golden bead falling on the plate, the arrows that hit the cyan armor fell to the ground! Not a single soldier was shot through by a bow and arrow.

Meng Wu gasped in a cold breath: “Damn, this Chu clan soldier is actually a heavy-armed soldier!

Mengwu really ignored this point. He did not expect that the army organized by Chen Sheng and Wu Guang would still have heavy armor.

After thinking about Mengwu, I also understand that since Chen Sheng and Wu Guangneng have been able to win over a famous general like Chu Jian, it will be natural to have a heavy armored soldier.

Meng Wu’s eyes stared instantly. At this moment, he has no retreat. Only by going forward bravely and repelling these Chu heroes can he not be punished by Hu Hai and Zhao Gao.

Meng Wu kicked his horse mirror with his feet, and yelled, “Iron Cavalry is invincible, only Daqin!”

The heavy horses of the Qin Army under him roared, screaming, “Iron Cavalry is invincible, only Da Qin!

With the shouts of the Qin army’s cavalry and the fiercely rushing Chu’s heroes, they quickly twisted together!

The two most elite troops of the two armies collided violently, making passionate sparks splash in the space.

Countless human bodies rose into the air in the first violent collision between the two sides, and the blood spurted wildly, and fell back to the ground heavily.

The tragic scene made Hu Hai and Zhao Gao who were watching the battle from a distance, could not bear to watch anymore.

“My son, let’s go back to the nest cart.” Zhao Gao held Hu Hai’s arm in favor.

“Supervisor, let’s watch the formation here. It seems that General Mengwu is confident of defeating the enemy.”

Although Hu Hai doesn’t understand marching operations, he can analyze the situation on the battlefield.

Hu Hai found that when the Qin army’s cavalry was on the battlefield, those Chu heroes were obviously a little scared.

And Qin Bing, who had retreated, has now stopped.

Hu Hai was looking around, and the Mongolian military placed some cavalry around Hu Hai’s nest cart.

Mengwu also understood that once Hu Hai was hurt, winning the government would not forgive himself lightly.

Thinking about the methods used by King Qin to win the government, Mengwu still drew some cavalry from his confidant’s guard to guard Hu Hai and Zhao Gao.

The reason why Meng Wu did this was to eliminate his worries first, and then he could charge in front.

Monvuna was angry with his chest and let out a long roar, sound like a dragon chanting.

The long knife flew, and the silver broad knife pierced the hard front chest and stomach of a Chu clan soldier who was rushing forward, bursting with scarlet blood!

In a closing gesture, the soldier’s body fell to the ground in a bright red arc with the blade’s edge.

“^” Kill without pardon. Kill without mercy. “Meng Wu glanced at the bleeding long knife.

“Huh!” There was a sharp scream on the right side, and a black heavy halberd slashed quickly, chuckling in mid-air, murderous!

“Be careful, general!” Because Meng Wutu’s (Wang Zhao’s) attack was too fast, the guards did not follow up in time, and watched him be surrounded by a group of Chu Xiong Corps.

Only at a critical juncture can the ability of a general be discovered.

Meng Wu waved his hand at the guards in the distance with a single hand knife, which meant clearly saying that don’t lean over, I can clean up these enemies alone.

Between the electric light and flint, Meng Wu hurriedly returned the long knife, and turned sideways. The long knife soared like a silver dragon to meet the incoming black halberd.

“Dang!” At the loud noise, a soldier snorted, and he retreated two steps in a row until he was shocked to the point of bleeding! Meng Wu also numbed his arms.

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