Chapter 710 Kill the battle] [First update]

The war can be independent. This is Yingzheng’s final explanation to Mengwu.

King Qin still had a certain understanding of Hu Hai, and Hu Hai was a layman in battle. Since we are going to clear the siege, we must strive to win the battle. This is also the reason why Mengwu can be independent in winning the government.

Mengwu quickly inspected the terrain and placed 50,000 troops under a small hill.

Ten miles around the mountain camp, the deep ditch is high, the antlers are strong, and the camp is guarded like an iron bucket!

Mengwu did not have the heart to underestimate the enemy. Since these mobs can besieged the Lord Mengzhi, it means that there are still people who know tactics among them.

After setting up the camp, Mengwu hurriedly sent a letter to Chenzhou City, letting Fusu and Mengzhi know that the rescuers were outside Chenzhou City.

Hu Hai originally wanted to make a quick battle, but unfortunately the gods were not beautiful, and it was heavy snowfall for several days.

After a few days of confrontation between the two armies, it seemed as if someone was more patient in the match, and they all stood tightly at their bases and could not escape.

After three days of confrontation, the mob still couldn’t calm down first, and felt that it would be nothing if the confrontation continued, so it was convenient to send a large army to fight on the morning of the fourth day!

Hu Hai stayed in his sleeping tent and did not want to come out in the past few days. Although Zhao Gao had discussed the situation with Mengwu several times, he was even more confused about the battle, and he no longer came to Mengwu’s army. It’s in the account.

The drums of war sounded in my ears, not long after Zhao Gaogang got up.

Since Zhao Gao was not the main general, but only supervising the army, he was almost rusty in his spare time except for walking around the camp and looking at the military capacity.

The same is true today, lazily dressing under the service of the guards, while figuring out how to spend today’s time.

At this moment, the drums suddenly rang suddenly, and dozens of shocking drums made the earth tremble!

Zhao Gao was taken aback, and hurriedly said to the guards around him: “Hurry up, Jiaken is no longer necessary. The prison army does not have to wear the armor! Hurry up, if all the generals are here, my supervisor will be late. , That would be miserable and make the generals laugh.!”

Zhao Gao still didn’t want his subordinates to say that he was an idiot winner.

The guard beside him smiled and said, “It’s too late, Supervisor!’

Although I didn’t say that, a few people stepped up their activities and quickly dressed Zhao Gao.

At this time, there were soldiers outside the tent to prepare the nest car, and Zhao Gao hurriedly got into the car and rushed to the army!

When he arrived in the Central Army, the generals had basically gathered, and Zhao Gao hurriedly came to Hu Hai and sat down.

At this time the three-tone drum just finished! Hu Hai was a little confused, just now he was making fun of several maids in his bed. Hearing the sound of the drums, he also hurriedly came to the Great Account of the Chinese Army.

Meng Wu glanced at Hu Hai: “Sir, the mob army on the opposite side has come out to challenge, what should we do?”

Although Hu Hai was sitting in the middle, he stood up and said to Mengwu: “We Daqin soldiers are not afraid of challenges. Since the mob has arrived at the gate of our camp, we are not welcome. Just go out to fight.”

Meng Wu nodded and looked at the generals, and smiled calmly: “The general called the generals to come early in the morning, I am afraid that everyone has not eaten! I didn’t want this, but the mob sent troops to fight in front of the camp. So please come to discuss it!”

Although Hu Hai gave the order, Meng Yi still wanted to listen to the opinions of the audience.

The real battle still depends on these generals.

“We listen to General Mengwu’s instructions.”

Meng Wu pushed the military order to Hu Hai, “Master, please order it.”

0……Look for flowers……

Hu Hai quickly stood up. Knowing his strength, he said to Mengwu: “The two armies oppose each other and bother General Laomeng’s command.”

When Mengwu arrived at this time, he no longer shied away, and took the military order in his hand, “This battle is the first battle of our Daqin army, and we must succeed in the first battle. The three armies cannot retreat with their lives.”

The generals shouted, “Go ahead bravely.

Meng Wu handed the military order to the general standing next to him, “Nei Shi Teng, this general will send you out, and the first battle will be successful.” With the rustle of the armor, Ne Shi Teng stood up.


“The general can rest assured that the final general will never embarrass Qin Jun.”

Meng Wu nodded, “General, do you know who your opponent is now?”

Nesten shook his head: “General, I don’t know who leads the mob’s army?”

Meng Wu smiled and said, “Speaking of which, this person is also very famous. This is Chu Jian, a native of Chu!”

The generals were surprised when they heard this, Chu Jian and the others had heard of it.

Chu Jian is a tiger general in the Chu Kingdom. It is said that his arms are powerful, and he has beaten a tiger to death with his bare hands. He has been missing since the fall of the Chu Kingdom. Unexpectedly, he would get entangled with those mobs.

Today, Chu Jian personally led the army to come to the challenge.

Hearing these two words, Nei Shi Teng stood up and said enthusiastically: “It’s great. It’s been a long time that Chu Jian has the ability to capture the tiger with his bare hands. Today, since he came to our army to challenge, please allow the general to give him permission. You can leave the camp and meet him for a while!”

Several other generals under Mengwu also opened their mouths one after another: “Wei general also has this intention, and I am willing to lead the army in battle!” For a while, the crowd was indignant. factory,

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