Chapter 709 Relief trip] [first more]

A gleam of light flashed in Zhao Gao’s eyes. Zhao Gao is also a wise man, he knows that he dare not offend the two princes.

“Prince, I will tell King Qin now and let him summon you.” Zhao Gaogang was about to return to the palace, and I heard King Yingzheng Qin say in his ear: “Zhao Gao, let Hu Hai come in.”

Hearing this, Hu Hai got up and packed his clothes, anxiously wanting to come in.

Zhao Gao felt a little disappointed. He didn’t send this favor to Hu Hai’s heart.

However, Zhao Gao still had a humble smile on his face, “Prince Hu Hai, please come in.” After speaking, he made an inviting posture to Hu Hai, and he fell behind by half a step behind Hu Hai.

Seeing King Qin, Hu Hai immediately knelt down on the ground, with a panic on his face: “Father, the big thing is not good.”

When King Qin Yingzheng saw this, he frowned and was a little dissatisfied: “You are a son of a dynasty, why are you like this? As a son, you must always pay attention to etiquette, and you may be a prince in the future. How can you show all your expressions on your face? Come on, be more stable.”

660 Hu Hai paused for a moment and stabilized his tone.

Then he fell face down on the ground. “Father, I heard that Chen Sheng and Wu Guang’s army surrounded Meng Zhi and Fu Su’s army.

Hu Hai’s voice still brought out some anxiety, “Our eldest son of the Qin Dynasty is about to be killed by those mobs, what should the father do?”

Winning the political anthem glanced at Hu Hai, who was kneeling down, and said in his heart: “It seems that Hu Hai has been caring about national affairs. I will cultivate and train him well in the future. Maybe he is also a talented person.

Seeing that Yingzheng hadn’t spoken for a long time, Hu Hai said anxiously: “Father, I am willing to take the soldiers to relieve the trapped siege of Fusu and Mengzhi.”

Ying Zheng heard that he was overjoyed, Meng Zhi had already come to the secret report, and those mobs bewitching the surrounding Qin Min were all involved in this riot.

According to Meng Zhi’s idea, these mobs were killed together. Unfortunately, the eldest son Fusu, who won the government, did not agree with this approach. Surrounded by his own army.

Seeing this secret report, he almost went into a rage when he won the government, and he felt a bit resentful for Fusu.

“Fusu is too charitable and not suitable for being the king of a country.”

Now that Hu Hai takes the initiative to ask for a fight, he wins the political battle against the Dragon case.

“Hu Hai, the father sent you to lead fifty thousand soldiers to solve the encirclement of Mengzhizhifusu.”

After Hu Hai shouted out his father Wang Yingming, King Qin waved his hand with a smile, “Hu Hai, I will send you a soldier and a supervising army when you go to rescue the siege.,

Hu Hai said: “But let my father arrange it.

Yingzheng waved to Zhao Gao: “Zhao Gao, the widow will send you to supervise the army, and Meng Wu as the lieutenant will join Prince Hu Hai on the expedition.”

After Hu Hai thanked the King Qin, he left the Xianyang Palace.

Zhao Gao couldn’t calm down for a long time. This is a beautiful job, which also shows that winning politics believes in himself more.

Zhao Gao decided to seize this opportunity to make himself truly a caring person for King Qin to win politics.

Ying Zheng also saw the excitement of Zhao Gao, “Zhao Gao, go down too, and follow Hu Hai when you are ready.”

Aibd also has its own plans. Seeing that Lu Buwei and Li Si Xufu have formed a triangular struggle, winning the political still wants to choose a person who is in a hurry to stay with him.

To be honest, winning the government is still very willing to see some struggles in the DPRK, so that the ministers under them will not be idle, let alone thinking about some bad things about winning the government every day.

With the struggle, the winning government can also see the true face of the Minister of Korea and China.

Hu Hai ignited the troops and led Mengwu Zhao up to the city of Xianyang.

Hu Hai is not very proficient in the art of war formation, which is why the winning politicians sent him a deputy.

Meng Wu and Meng Zhi are family friends, and I was very anxious to hear that Meng Zhi was besieged in Chenzhou.

The three men, Hu Hai, as the general, drove all the way, with flags covering the sun, billowing in smoke and dust, and traveling hundreds of miles a day in order to get in touch with the encirclement of Mengzhi and Fusu as soon as possible.

Not long after, Qin Jun arrived near Chenzhou.

“My son, the mob’s army is in front of you. Should we set up a big camp?”

Meng Wu sat on the horse and watched Hu Hai stick his body out of the nest cart.

Hu Hai did not want to ride a horse along the way, which made Zhao Gao very comfortable. He could sit in the nest cart with Hu Hai.

“General Meng, after setting up a camp, let the detectives go to investigate the situation of the mob’s army.

Hu Hai showed the style of a general, although he knew that the marching war still relied on Mengwu.

Meng Wu nodded his hand and said, “Master, in front of our Daqin army is an army of 100,000 mobs. They blocked the way and besieged Fusu Gongzi and General Mengzhi in Chenzhou City.”

Hu Hai stood on top of the nest cart and looked forward.

In the vagueness, he saw some messy troops and heard some shouts.

“General Meng, I’ll leave the camping to you.” After that, Hu Hai returned to his nest cart.

It’s not that he didn’t want to show up, but Hu Hai didn’t know anything about camping.

Meng Wu didn’t say much. In Xianyang, King Qin Yingzheng once confessed to him that everything must follow the leadership of Hu Hai. .

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