Chapter 711 Fight between the brave] [first more]

When Mengwu heard Hu Hai’s words, he wanted to let Naishi vacate the battle.

As soon as he was about to speak, Hu Hai said again: “However, according to the intention of the monarch, you don’t have to be so hasty! The veterans of, they also embraced when they saw this, and they were willing to go to war!

Seeing the morale of the generals and the eagerness to fight, Meng Wu stroked the short beard under his forehead, smiled and said to Hu Xuan, “All the generals want to fight, how about the young man?”

Seeing Meng Wu’s question, Hu Hai thought for a while, and smiled: “Our army is new, and the morale is strong, so it is not suitable to avoid war! You can also take the opportunity to learn about the reality of the mob army, and be well-informed in the “sixty-six-three”!

The mob’s army is so active, so let General Chu Jian wait outside first. For us, we will lighten the fire and cook safely, then eat and eat, nourish our spirits, and wait until three strokes in the day, and we will have enough. Strength, I will meet him again, wouldn’t it be wonderful!”

The crowd laughed, and they all claimed to be wonderful. Meng Wu also smiled and said, “It’s a good idea to wait for work with ease and avoid the real and the illusion! Just do it!”

The generals claimed that they were! Actually, it was not that Hu Nu had such a whimsical idea, but that Hu Hai couldn’t accept the cold weather outside.

Zhao Gao didn’t speak, he just clung to Hu Hai.

“The son is right. Wait until the weather is warm and our Qin army is going to fight.”

As a supervising army, Zhao Gao found his position very well, and he didn’t say much about the return of the war, which made Mengwu feel good about Zhao Gao.

The sun gradually reached noon. Although the sun was not hot in winter, the army of Chu Jian who had been standing all morning still felt a little sour in his legs.

These skirmishers have never received formal training, so they can stay on the battlefield all morning with the courage in their chests.

Just when Chu Jian waited impatiently and was about to lead his army back to the camp, suddenly several cannons sounded from the Qin army camp.

Chu Jian took the reins of the war horse and looked up.

Fifty thousand Qin troops were deployed in front of the formation, with infantry phalanx in the middle and cavalry on the flanks. The Qin army did not send chariots this time, which made the formation more flexible and powerful, and able to advance and retreat freely.

Hu Hai, Zhao Gao, and Meng Wu stood in front of the two armies, and Neisten took the lead. The two sides reined in the string and began to look at each other.

Meng Wu couldn’t help but was taken aback when he saw it, and saw that the mob had very mixed equipment: regular sergeants with black armor and yellow clothes, and tribal warriors with leather jackets and square scarves.

There are also semi-regular sergeants wearing brown clothes and bamboo armor between the two. It’s just that these people are high-spirited.

In front of the two armies, a general was standing upright with a halberd, watching the Qin army coldly.

That unique temperament, even if you look from a distance, it will catch your eyes like a little black in a thousand flowers.

Hu Hai couldn’t help but set his sights on this person!

Nei Shiteng also raised his eyes to the front of him, wherever he looked, but he saw the leader, a burly, black body that gave people a strong sense of oppression even when sitting on a war horse.

The lines on the dark face are as firm as steel, and the protruding long nose also gives people a sense of majesty, especially a pair of eagle eyebrows are more like eagles that will rise in the sky at any time, giving people a murderous and proud Feeling independent.

Coupled with a sophisticated iron armor and a black giant halberd that is a long and a half long, the whole person looks even more murderous, especially if a mighty and impeccable warrior!

Several people in the Qin Army muttered in their hearts: “This should be Chu Jian, no doubt, such a majesty is really worthy of the former general of Chu!”

At this time, Chu Jian is also looking at Qin Jun: In recent years, the Qin Army has not changed much. It has always been a strict army with a complete range of arms. It only changed the original chariots into cavalry. 0 For Qin Jun Chu Jian’s heart I also admire it very much.

Chu Jian ignored Nei Shiteng and looked at the Zhongjun.

He also fought against the Qin Jun, and heard about the famous generals of the Daqin army. When he glanced over, Chu Jian saw the black armored purple wing and the white horse long sword Mengwu.

Adjusting the angle of view slightly, Chu Jian was surprised because he saw Hu Hai, a young and proud young man who was fluttering in white clothes.

Hu Hai’s appearance is quite a bit like when King Qin won the government when he was young. If he didn’t look carefully, he thought it was King Qin’s victory.

After watching, Chu Jian urged the horse under his seat, the horse hissed a few times, and slowly moved forward a few steps.

With luck in his chest, Chu Jian shouted: “General Mengwu, King Qin is innocent, tyrannical and easy to kill, why are you willing to be an eagle dog and come to besiege us?”

The bursting sound is like a thunderstorm, filled with the sound of gold and stone, and people can’t help but feel a kind of murderous spirit that penetrates the bones of the forest!

With this utterance, the soldiers after Chu Fitness started playing drums again. Hu Hai and Zhao Gao couldn’t help but retreat into the nest car, the sound made even the individual heart tremble.

Meng Wu laughed and said: “General Chu’s words are not correct. I, Wang Yingming, is a superb talent, and I am not waiting for people to know! In the general situation of the world, we must unite for a long time, and we must be divided for a long time. 1. Now that the Four Kingdoms have been destroyed, it can be seen that the fate lies in the Qin State, why don’t the generals obey the fate and return to our army. If so, I, Wang Renhou, must have great wealth and honor.

! “.

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