Chapter 708 Hu Hai comes out] [first more]

So many people were still defeated by Xu Fu.

Lu Buwei’s heart trembled, and Xu Fu’s image in his mind was like a ghost at the moment.

How Xu Fu defeated the ancestor of Jianzong is already a mystery. Lu Buwei no longer thinks about Xu Fu’s skill. Now that the ancestors of Jianzong are completely defeated, what else can he do to deal with Xu Fu.

Lu Buwei still remembers what Xu Fu said in the alley next to Wangjiang Tower in his mind.

Sooner or later I will come to deal with myself.

For a few days, Lu Buwei tossed and turned, couldn’t sleep at night, and even woke up from nightmares.

The defeat of the ancestor of Jianzong now made him feel uneasy.

“Isn’t it possible that I can’t escape Xu Fu’s hand?” Lu Buwei, like an ant on a hot pot, kept spinning in circles in his study room.

“My lord, I’m back” Lu Zhi hurriedly walked into the study.

“Have you seen the ancestor of Jianzong?” Lu Buwei asked urgently, with the last glimmer of hope in his heart. He wanted to know what happened.

“No, I went to the place where the three of their masters and apprentices lived, but it seemed to have been completely abandoned. There was no one inside, let alone three people.” Lu Zhi bowed in the shadows and replied.

Lu Buwei lowered his arms and turned pale, and then slowly reached the chair in the study.

The three masters and apprentices of Jianzong Patriarch disappeared.

This only represents another kind of message that people don’t want to believe.

The ancestor of Jianzong was completely defeated by Xu Fu!

So they are also evading.

“Find him for me, find him as soon as possible, don’t come back if you can’t find it, 々.” Lu Buwei was frantic and almost roared out.

He was a little irritable, and suddenly threw the teacup on the table and smashed it on the ground. The teacup suddenly fell apart.

He didn’t want to let the ancestor of Jianzong live, because at one point, all three of his master and apprentice were alive, then Lu Buwei’s tricks against Xu Fu would be exposed.

Now Lu Buwei has only one idea to get rid of the three masters and apprentices of the ancestor of the sword sect. No longer let them appear in the arena.

Lu Zhi hurriedly said: “But my lord, I still want to protect your safety.

“Go away, find it for me, I don’t need your protection.” Lu Buwei roared.

It was the first time that Lu Zhi saw Lu Buwei’s gaffe.

“Yes, my lord, I will send someone to find the ancestor of Jianzong.” After a few breaths of silence in the shadow, Lu Zhi knew what he should do.

Then he turned around and disappeared. Lu Zhi was muttering in his heart: “If you don’t find the three masters and apprentices, I’m afraid Lu Buwei can’t forgive himself.”

After Lu Zhi left, Lu Buwei gasped violently, his eyes filled with horror.

“Xu Fu, I will definitely kill you, definitely.”

In the Xianyang Palace, Ying Zheng is sitting behind the Dragon Case. He has not rested for two hours. On the Dragon Case are piles of bamboo slips.

“My lord, have a cup of ginseng tea!” Eunuch Zhao Gao said with a porcelain bowl.

Yan Shun was sent out by Qin Wang Yingzheng to do an important thing.

Qin Wang Yingzheng sat behind the Dragon Case, propped his head with his hands, and looked at the pile of bamboo slips. He had a headache.

“Let it go, the widow is a little tired!” Qin Wang Yingzheng just waved his hand. Did not look up.

Zhao Gaochou paused for a long time and said with some worry: “Great King, you must relax at this time. Now the Qin Dynasty has to rely on the Great King to be able to support it, and the Great King should not have the slightest discomfort.

“Zhao Gao, how many years have you been with the widow?” King Qin suddenly looked up at him.

Zhao Gao was taken aback, and then said: “The slave has been following Your Majesty for more than seven years!”

“Is it so long?” King Qin Yingzheng was a little surprised. He felt a little ignorant of this Zhao Gao.

“These years, it has been a hard work for you. I have taken good care of the widows and have worked hard!” Ying Zheng raised his hand and held up the tea.

“Majesty, this can be said to be a shameless slave. The slave was born to serve the king. This is what a slave should do.”

“Haha, you!” A smile appeared on Wang Yingzheng’s face. His favor with Zhao Gao has increased a lot.

“Father, Father!” When Ying Zheng was about to question, a familiar voice rang outside the hall.

“Hu Hai is getting less and less educated. He is yelling outside.” King Qin frowned and his face was warm and angry.

Zhao Gao liedly said, “Majesty, is there a hurry for Young Master Hu Hai to see you?

Qin Wang Yingzheng put down the ginseng tea and frowned: “Why is he here at this time?”

Turning back to look at Zhao (Wang Wang’s) Gao “Go and see!”

Zhao Gao didn’t dare to neglect and quickly said “Yes!”

Immediately, he walked to the door of the hall in small steps.

When I came to the door, I saw Hu Hai kneeling outside the temple, and seeing Zhao Gao coming out, he immediately shouted eagerly: “Zhao Gao, Zhao Gao, you go in and tell your father, I want to see your father stretch out.”

“Prince Hu Hai, what’s the matter with the king at this time? Now the king is a little tired and resting. You might as well come back another day.” Zhao Gao’s tone was very tactful.

“No, no, Zhao Gao, go and tell your father, I will see his old man now.” Hu Hai’s tone was a little worried.

“Zhao Gao as long as you let me see my father, I will reward you with great rewards.” Hu Hai said. .

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