Chapter 707 Deal with the funeral] [first update]

Xu Fu floated down, taking his breath into his confidant.

Then he walked to the alchemy palace with his hands on his back, he was not looking at the three people on the ground.

Xu Fu was still very measured, and only used his sword energy to abolish the martial arts of the three people together.

As for their life and death, it is no longer within the scope of Xu Funeng’s care.

According to the physical strength of the three people, Xu Fu still believed that they could leave the alchemy palace.

Ying Miaoyan had returned to his room long ago, and it was the first time he saw Xu Fu with such skill.

Back to his bedroom to win Miaoyan’s heart set off a wave of waves.

“This matter should still be let the king know.”

Ying Miaoyan lay in the crack of the door and saw Xu Fu walk into the pill room.

After waiting for half an hour, he saw the candlelight in the alchemy room go out, and then quietly left the alchemy palace.

At midnight, a figure rushed to the Xianyang Palace in 08.

Entering the door of Xianyang Palace, Ying Miaoyan saw several guards approaching. “I want to see the king.”

The guards did not stop. Someone had already said hello. You don’t need to stop when you see Princess Miaoyan.

Following the announcement from the guard, Yan Shun hurried over, “Princess, is there something urgent to see the king late at night?”

Ying Miaoyan nodded, and Junshun didn’t ask any questions, and then rushed to King Qin’s palace with Ying Miaoyan.

Seeing Ying Miaoyan entering the palace, Qin Wang Yingzheng waved his hand to let the eunuchs leave.

He knew that winning Miaoyan must have something important to tell himself at this moment.

“Give your peace to the king.” Although Ying Miaoyan was a little panting, her manners were not bad.

“Get up, Miaoyan, what do you want to see the widow?” Ying Zheng looked at Ying Miaoyan who was kneeling on the ground.

“My lord, someone just wanted to kill Xu Fu.

King Qin stood up and helped win Miaoyan. “How is Xu Fu now?”

Ying Zheng was most afraid that Xu Fu would lose his life at this time, because the elixir of immortality had not yet been made.

How could Xu Fu lose his life if his wish to win the government was not fulfilled.

“Great King, Xu Fu has defeated those assassins, and now he is back in the pill room of the Alchemy Palace.”

Qin Wang Yingzheng breathed out a long breath.

Ying Miaoyan’s face was pale, and then he described in detail the scene where he saw Xu Fu fighting with others outside the alchemy palace.

When Qin Wang Yingzheng heard this, he kept frowning in secret, “So, Xu Fu made the noise just now.”

“My lord, can you help Master Xu?”

Ying Miaoyan pleaded, unknowingly that Xu Fu’s figure has been deeply imprinted in her heart.

King Qin Yingzheng returned to the Long Case, “Don’t worry, Xu Fu is my favorite courtier, I will definitely help him, so let’s go back first, continue to observe, don’t disclose to Xu Fu, I will secretly send more servants. Workers protect him.”

When Ying Miaoyan heard this, he hurriedly gave a salute, “Thank you, King!”

After Ying Miaoyan left, Yan Shun watched King Qin win politics, “Great King, is Xu Fu so good?”

As an emperor, Yingzheng naturally knows the existence of the ancestor of Jianzong in the arena.

Knowing his cultivation level even more, since Xu Fu can defeat the ancestor of Jianzong, it shows that Xu Fu’s own strength is very powerful.

This made King Qin very happy to win the government, “Yan Shun, you have the opportunity to learn from Xu Fuduo.

Yan Shun said: “Great King, Xu Fu is so powerful, how can his opponent be his opponent?”

Qin Wang Yingzheng shook his head: “Yan Shun, you don’t know that Xu Fu will not hurt you, and he can teach you some Qi refining techniques.”

Yan Shun suddenly realized that this is to win politics and let himself learn more from Xu Fu.

“The king can rest assured that when Xu Fu arrives at Xianyang Palace, the minister will ask him for advice.”

Seeing that his goal was achieved, King Qin Yingzheng returned to the dragon bed with a yawn.

Yingzheng had a dream at night. He dreamed that Xu Fu had taught himself the magic of refining qi, and that Yingzheng became a god who invited to swim in the immortal world and the mortal world.

Some things are kept secret, but as long as someone wants to know, they will always know through various methods.

Especially in Xianyang City, for some people with superior status and power. There are no secrets in the realm of Da Qin, unless it is about King 660 Qin’s victory, they dare not inquire about it.

Even though many officials did not reveal it on the face, they had already known this matter with a low heart.

They were also shocked when they heard that Xu Fu was hunted down. Something extraordinary seemed to have happened in Xianyang City.

After Lu Buwei heard the news that his subordinates inquired, he was terrified in his heart, and he is still very ambitious.

If others don’t know this, how can he not know? Lu Buwei really didn’t expect such a result, and he was happy again.

He somewhat regarded Xu Fu as a fairy-like character, perhaps only Xu Fu of the fairy level could explain his victory over these opponents.

The ancestor of Jianzong, the master and the apprentice, went out together, how could they be defeated?

All three of them are top figures in the arena, and the skill of the ancestor of Jianzong has reached the realm of the master.

The three of them still failed miserably. Thinking of this, Lu Buwei felt a little pain in his head.

Three people are now missing. Life and death are not yet known. .

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