Chapter 693 Palace Discussion】

“A person who has no foundation and power for a long time dared to challenge me like this.” Lu Buwei was a little frustrated.

“Xu Fu, I will let you know your own fate.” Lu Buwei heard the sound of a drum, which was a call for the ministers to go to the palace.

As Qin Wang Yingzheng’s guards announced the beginning of the early dynasty, many ministers arranged in a queue.

King Qin Yingzheng came out of the apse with a look of tiredness, and then sat on the dragon chair.

Although Xu Fu lowered his head, he still glanced over from the corner of his eye. “The king has been sleepless all night again.” Xu Fu mumbled to himself.

“This is not good for the body. I still have to hurry up to find the immortal medicine and refine the elixir of immortality for the king.”

The ministers immediately bowed and bowed, “Long live the king, long live, long live.

“No ceremony, get up, you guys have something to play.” Qin Wang Yingzheng stabilized his body.

“My lord, the minister has something to play.” Although Lu Buwei stood in the forefront, he still played loudly.

“Oh, what’s the matter with Father Zhong?” King Qin Yingzheng was a little surprised, because Lu Buwei hadn’t played for a few days.

“Great King, the minister wants to impeach Xu Fu!” Lu Buwei fell face down on the ground.

“What? Father Zhong, you are saying it again.” Qin Wang Yingzheng was startled to wonder if there was something wrong with his ears.

“My lord, the minister wants to impeach Xu Fu.” This time Lu Buwei raised his head and looked at the aloof King Qin winning the government.

“Father Zhong, do you really want to impeach Xu Fu?” Qin Wang Yingzheng tilted his upper body and asked his Royal Highness Lu Buwei.

At this point, Lu Buwei had already killed his family, and he couldn’t take back what he said.

“My lord, yes, 々.”

Lu Buwei turned his head slightly and looked at Xu Fu, his eyes narrowed, revealing a slightly fierce gaze. In Lu Buwei’s opinion, King Qin Yingzheng will certainly listen to his opinions.

“Father Zhong, go on.

King Qin won the government and did not stop Lu Buwei.

This makes Lu Buwei happy.

“Nowadays, in the land of Daqin, there are four wars, the people are in chaos, and the reasons are all because Xu Fu wants to expropriate virgins, which caused the people to protest and join the mob camp. Therefore, the Weichen hopes that the king will deal with Xu Fu and give the people of the world an explanation. .”

Lu Buwei said more and louder. A somewhat impassioned look.

King Qin Yingzheng calmly listened to Lu Buwei’s words.

Then looked at the ministers on both sides. “My ministers, what do you mean?”

“Weichen seconded! Master Zhong’s father”

“The minister also seconded!

Many ministers in the entire hall, upon hearing the words, all spoke, and agreed with Lu Buwei’s scribbles.

Xu Fu raised his eyebrows. He was not surprised by this result. Almost all of them were from Lu Buwei.

Prime Minister Li Si has not been unwell recently, and this has caused those who were still attached to Li Si to turn to Lu Buwei.

King Qin Yingzheng above the Xianyang Palace frowned. After all, Xu Fu did this for him.

But part of what Lu Buwei said is true, and a large part of the large-scale riot is indeed related to Xu Fu.

And in recent days, the mob has gradually become a climate, making him a little bit burnt.

Just last night, Ying Zheng also urgently found Meng Zhi and ordered him to lead Qin Bing to destroy the mob.

Seeing that King Qin Yingzheng did not speak, Xu Fu knew that the king was a little embarrassed, and it was time for him to speak.

“Master Zhongfu, it would be unfair to speak like this.” Xu Fu stood up from the crowd and fell face down.

Qin Wang Yingzheng motioned Xu Fu to continue.

“Could it be possible that civil strife can be caused by me alone?”

“Although you can’t Xu Fu, you have taken many children away to go to sea, laboring the people and hurting money, and arousing criticism from the people.” Lu Buwei was anxious to slander Xu Fu in front of King Qin Yingzheng. .

Xu Fu laughed.

Lu Buwei’s heart was shocked. He knew that he had fallen into a trap set by Xu Fu.

Lu Buwei looked up and found that King Qin Yingzheng’s face had cooled down.

This matter is related to King Qin. Xu Fu’s so-called these things are all in order to make King Qin win the elixir.

Lu Buwei was a little flustered. He still knows the temperament of winning politics.

Once annoyed King Qin, Lu Buwei had a few heads that were not enough to be chopped off by King Qin.

*” The king, the minister did not mean that. The minister just wanted to say that nowadays mobs are everywhere. As long as you deal with Xu Fu, you can alleviate the mob troubles. “Lu Buwei lowered his head.

Ying Zheng (Wang Lihao) is also a sensible person, and he also knows that Lu Buwei and Xu Fu have never been at peace.

“Okay, this matter about Father Zhong has nothing to do with Xu Fu, so the ministers don’t talk about it anymore.” Qin Wang Yingzheng dragged his tone.

“No big king, Xu Fu’s matter has a solid relationship with the Qin Dynasty, and the minister is willing to impeach him to death.” Lu Buwei secretly glanced at the ministers behind him.

“The great king, the ministers too. If you don’t deal with Xu Fu, Da Qin’s subjects will resist the great king.

Many ministers in the entire hall suddenly knelt on the ground. Everyone spoke in unison.

King Qin Yingzheng was furious, his eyes shot two murderous intents.

Disposing of Xu Fu was tantamount to letting the desire to win the government and seeking elixir fall to no avail. He didn’t want to see that he couldn’t live with Tianqi. .

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