Chapter 692 Looking for the skin with a tiger]

“Of course it was the collection of virgin boys and girls. Qin Min had long ago grievances in their hearts. Now that the five hundred virgin boys and girls have not yet come back, three hundred people will be expropriated. They heard about this matter, and some of them resisted directly. Joined the mob’s camp.”

“Hey, doing evil, all this is because of… Xu.”

Qin Song deliberately took a look at the doctor’s order, and then lowered his voice.

“Hey, keep your voice down.” Lang Zhongling hurriedly bowed to salute.

“The villain got it.”

Several ministers far away from Qin Song did not lower their voices.

“Heavenly dynasty, all caused panic because of this.” Some ministers were not afraid, and still discussed like this.

“Master Zhongfu, this time we must dissuade the king. Even if we need the heads of the ministers, the ministers will not hesitate.” An official said to Lu Buwei.

“You ministers can rest assured that as the father of Da Qin, I, Lu Buwei, will do my best. I will never let King Qin continue to expropriate virgins.”

“It’s so good to have 08 Zhongfu come forward..

Many ministers’ conversations kept coming from Xu Fu’s ears, and he smiled without paying attention.

Xu Fu just glanced at the people who flattered around Lu Buwei.

Was this incident caused by the internal strife in Daqin? This Xu Fu knew very well in his heart.

Its essence is because of the harsh punishment and excessive taxes imposed by King Qin, the people have been complaining for a long time.

He allowed these children to get rid of the harsh rule of the Qin Dynasty. It is a great thing to let the children live happily.

From time to time, Lu Buwei raised his head with a sinister smile on his lips.

At dawn, Xu Fu stood alone in the corner in front of the steps of the main hall.

Lu Buwei’s eyes narrowed. On the surface, he didn’t want Xu Fu to see that he wanted to isolate him.

Lu Buwei decided to test Xu Fu and see what the psychologist Xu Fu thinks at this moment.

He walked slowly towards Xu Fu.

“Alchemist, it’s rare for you to come early too!”

Xu Fu raised his head and watched Lu Buwei walking step by step, smiling at the corners of his mouth: “Hehe, Master Zhongfu, you came early.

“Alchemist, I’m still used to returning to Xianyang. It’s not as comfortable as the so-called overseas fairy mountain.” Lu Buwei was somewhat mocking.

“Master Xie Zhongfu cares. It’s pretty good here. Although the days are boring, there are always some clowns who come to me and jump in front of me. It’s also interesting.”

Xu Fu deliberately stared at Lu Buwei with wide eyes. It was as if Lu Buwei was the clown in his mouth.

Lu Buwei stagnated, his face a little gloomy. “This Xu Fu seems to be someone who doesn’t know what to rely on.”

However, in front of the ministers, Lu Buwei would not get angry easily.

Hearing what Xu Fu said, Lu Buwei laughed: “Alchemist, you are laughing, how can there be a beaming clown on the Great Qin Chaotang.” Xu Fu took a few steps forward, and the two almost met together.

“Just kidding, haha, Master Zhong should understand.” Xu Fu said seriously.

Lu Buwei did not expect Xu Fu to be so bold. This is simply a slander of oneself.

“I don’t know what the alchemist is talking about.” Lu Buwei shook his sleeves angrily.

“Xu Fu’s eyes narrowed, hahaha, and laughed a few times, “Is Zhongfu pretending to be confused with Xu Fu?”

After saying this, Xu Fu bowed his head and suddenly came over, and slowly said in Lu Buwei’s ear: “I said, don’t always let some jumping clowns jump in front of me, even if I am bored, I will feel bored.

Lu Buwei’s gaze collided with Xu Fu’s. The two different gazes were like the sky thunder hitting the ground fire. There was a violent fluctuation, and even the aura around the individual seemed to explode.

Xu Fu continued: “My patience is limited. If one day I really get bored, maybe I will do something unfavorable to Master Zhongfu.

Lu Buwei’s expression turned gloomy for an instant: “Xu Fu, are you threatening this lord?”

Xu Fu stroked his beard, “Master Zhong, I just told the truth.”

He never thought that Xu Fu would dare to challenge him. This caught Lu Buwei by surprise.

However, Lu Buwei was still an old treacherous and cunning, and said to Xu Fu: “Alchemist, you are your own words, will King Qin believe it? 653”

Xu Fu and Lu Buwei staggered their bodies: “Master Zhongfu, you are a wise man, I think you will understand.

Xu Fu walked slowly to the other side.

After being choked by Xu Fu for a few words, Lu Buwei’s complexion was sour and weak. This scene reminded him of a few years ago.

At that time, Xu Fu had been against him, but at that time he was still very young. He could only look up at himself, his height reached his chest, and he was cautious in his work.

But now, Xu Fu has caught up with himself, but he is so outspoken, not knowing whether it is stupid or strong self-confidence.

“Is it because Xu Fu is already the celebrity in front of King Qin?” Lu Buwei asked himself in his heart.

Lu Buwei’s hatred was slowly rising. He resented Xiang Bang a little bit, why didn’t he kill Xu Fu.

He prefers to see Xu Fu’s body in front of his eyes.

“Dare to threaten me. Xu Fu really doesn’t know how high the world is. You just defeated a few people in the world with a low cultivation base.” Lu Buwei thought in his mind how to get rid of Xu Fu. .


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