Chapter 694 Qin Wang’s intention]

Yingzheng said solemnly: “My ministers, since you are going to die, the few will make you perfect, come!”

After speaking, King Qin Yingzheng waved to the guards standing outside the palace gate.

“Nuo” followed the sound of footsteps, and a bunch of guards came to the Royal Highness of Xianyang Palace.

“The king thinks twice and hopes that the king will control his anger.

“The great princes and other officials are kind,”

Many ministers suddenly looked shocked and obviously couldn’t believe it. They couldn’t think that Zhong’s father Lu Buwei was not as important as the alchemist in King Qin’s eyes.

King Qin didn’t really want the officials in the Xianyang Palace to die. He just let his Wang Wei aggravate in the hearts of these ministers,

“You ministers, why don’t you want to die. This time the widow spares you. If you dare to do this again, the widow will make you perfect.” King Qin wins a domineering glance at the dozens of ministers who are kneeling in the middle.

“Alchemist, Xu Fu stayed, and the remaining ministers retreated.” Seeing Lu Buwei leading the officials down the hall, Xu Fu raised his head. King Qin’s expression eased a little.

“Alchemist, the widow recruited you to go to court today, is there something to discuss with you?”

Hearing King Qin Yingzheng talking like this, Xu Fu hurriedly saluted 653, “My lord, what’s your order?”

King Qin Yingzheng said: “Widows Ye Meng Shenren said that the evil spirits in the Xianyang Palace are too heavy. If you want the Great Qin Dynasty to flourish, you can only choose another palace.”

Xu Fu instantly understood the meaning of winning the government. “My lord, I will go to the city of Xianyang today to find a treasure for the lord.” A smile appeared on Ying Zheng’s face. “The alchemist’s matter is so important that it should not be humanitarian to the outside world.”

Ying Zheng was already telling Xu Fu that even Lu Buwei had not mentioned this matter. “My lord, please rest assured, Xu Fu will never pass it on to his servants.”

(aibd) Yingzheng nodded. “Alchemist, you have to do your best to choose the treasure in the fastest time.”

Xu Fu knew that King Qin Yingzheng still hoped that he would go to the South China Sea to find medicine as soon as possible, but because of the lack of virgins, Xu Fu would not go to sea.

Lu Buwei kept guarding the outside of the main hall. He waited until King Qin Yingzheng left before he stood in front of Xu Fu who had stepped down the steps.

Xu Fu smiled and walked to Lu Buwei: “What’s the matter, Master Zhong, are you disappointed? Do you think you can easily move to me now that you are the head of the group of officials?” Lu Buwei made smoke. Xu Fu simply doesn’t put himself in his eyes.

But Lu Buwei still held back, “Master Xu, what did the king tell you just now?”

Lu Buwei was anxious to know what Qin Wang Yingzheng had said to Xu Fu just after the officials left.

Xu Fu deliberately pretended to be unpredictable, “Master Zhongfu, King Qin said, I don’t need to inform you about this matter.”

He said twice and walked outside the palace gate.

Bang! It was the sound of Jiu Zun falling on the ground.

“Damn it, really Damn it, Xu Fu’s kid is deceiving too much!”

In the Lu Buwei mansion in Xianyang city, he was so angry that he slapped one hand on the table. The Jiu Zun in his hand was dragged to the ground by Lu Buwei.

He is the head of a hundred officials, the middle father of the dynasty, under one person, above ten thousand.

Now above the entire court, all wind directions must pass through him.

Almost no one among the ministers dared to fight for him, even the Prime Minister Li Si was afraid of him.

Even today’s Qin Wang Yingzheng has to respect him a little bit.

Even the two princes Fusu and Hu Hai should be called a teacher when they meet. This makes Lu Buwei always arrogant.

“My lord calms down, then Xu Fu brought the elixir of life to the king, and he was deeply loved by the king. Now it is the time when the limelight is in full swing. Now it is not the right time to oppose Xu Fu. King Qin loves Xu Fu. Make a longevity pill?”

Lu Buwei glanced at his men. Sitting down slowly and getting angry in front of the servants in his house means that he is an incompetent person. This is not Lu Buwei’s wishes.

Lu Buwei’s men found that the master hadn’t stopped him, so they dared to continue saying: “My lord, Xu Fu is complacent, but he doesn’t know that if the limelight is too high, he will become a big fan.

Lu Buwei was a little impatient, “Speak out if you have something.”

“My lord, we can wait patiently. When the king’s tolerance for Xu Fu is greatly reduced, the adults will be able to move to Xu Fu according to their comments.”

“Hmph, I will let Xu Fu live for two more days. I am really self-righteous, really I dare not move him.” Lu Buwei waved at several people.

Sometimes you have to make some choices. It’s just that this choice sometimes makes Lu Buwei a little embarrassed.

What Lu Buwei was worried about was that once he got rid of Xu Fu, King Qin Yingzheng would find his own head.

Therefore, Lu Buwei decided to choose a suitable person, looking for an opportunity.

“Master, Master Qin Song is outside.” A servant ran to Lu Buwei’s ear. Lu Buwei hurriedly walked into the study.

Qin Song saw Lu Buwei hurriedly salute.

“My lord, we played together today, but we didn’t even hit Xu Fu. It seems that the king still values ​​Xu Fu, so it will take a while.” Lu Buwei walked to the front of Daqin’s map. .

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