Chapter 682 Find someone to do the work]

Xu Fu was in the alchemy palace, but there was only one person. Lu Buwei sent someone to inquire at the first time.

“Yes, sir, as you said, Xu Fu really stayed in the alchemy palace, and there was no one with him.” The black shadow entourage replied in a low voice.

“The guards aren’t there?” Lu Buwei asked with some disbelief.

“No. Those guards are guarding outside the Alchemy Palace”

“Hehe, Xu Fu actually stayed alone in it, so courageous, he didn’t need guards to accompany him.” Lu Buwei’s face was filled with a surly smile.

“In that case, this is really a good opportunity. “Six, Four, Seven,” Lu Buwei said softly: “Let’s find them.

“Yes, sir.” The entourage nodded respectfully, and then disappeared into the darkness.

Lu Buwei stood up and looked at the thick night outside the door, his face also becoming colder with the icy night. Something was muttering in his mouth.

“Xu Fu, you can’t do it this time. Since you choose to come back from Penglai Xianshan, then don’t leave. Perhaps Xianyang is the most suitable place for you.”

The night is getting thicker and the wind is fine. In a relatively remote place outside the city of Xianyang, there is a dilapidated attic. Looking around, there are some dilapidated houses around it. It used to be a very prosperous village.

However, in order to build the defense of Xianyang, King Qin had all these villagers moved out of this place. Now it has become desolate, lonely, dilapidated, without any people, and there are weeds and withered air everywhere.

In the night, the pavilion looks like a ghost, standing there quietly, there will be a few crows from time to time.

The defense of Xianyang city gate is as solid as golden soup.

However, no matter how strong the defense is, it can only block part of it.

At the corner of the city wall, a figure jumped onto the tower with just a slight leap, and left Xianyang City quietly, but the gatekeeper did not know this scene.

The figure went out of the city gate without stopping, and went straight to the remote and deserted village outside Xianyang.

When he saw the pavilions in the darkness where only the figure could be seen, the black man stopped.

Bang bang bang!

But no one answered in the attic. The man in black was very patient. After three breaths, he raised his hand again, bang bang.

This time there was a low voice in the attic, which made people feel uncomfortable in the earrings.

“Please go to the top of the building.”

“It’s better to be respectful!”

Then the door was opened with a creak, a gap appeared, and the figure quickly entered and then closed the door.

Although the outside of the attic is dilapidated, it is a different scene, simple tables and chairs, similar to a restaurant, but very tidy.

The outside shadow walked straight to the top of the attic.

In the darkness, there was a person sitting at the central table.

The figure walked over and sat on the opposite side.

“Who is this time?” the man in the dark asked.

“Xu Fu”

“Well, how could it be him?”

“You ask too much.”

“He is back?”

“It’s none of your business, don’t ask if you shouldn’t ask, isn’t this your rule?”

“Just curious, after all, he is not an ordinary person.”

“I’m back, you have to be ready.”

“Don’t worry, I will let him die in the third watch. The king will not stay at the fifth watch 0.” This tone was said with a kind of murderous air.

“This time only Xu Fu was in the alchemy palace alone.

“Oh, only him, then your Lu Mansion should be able to do it too.”

“Not long after he came back, King Qin was very fond of him, so you can clean it up.”

“Okay, don’t worry.

“Remember, don’t leave a handle. The reward will be given after the matter is over.”

“My hands and feet are always clean. It’s just this reward?’

“Don’t worry, you won’t be disappointed.

“Well, do it in time?”

“The sooner the better, I’m afraid Xu Fu will leave Xianyang in a few days.”

The figure nodded.

In the dark night, a dark shadow walked out of this seemingly abandoned attic again.

Lu Buwei was holding a few bamboo slips behind the book case, and seemed to be reading the content on the bamboo slips.

In fact, Lu Buwei’s thoughts have already gone elsewhere.

“My lord, let me serve you and sleep?” The two maids walked to the outside of the study with pink lanterns in their hands.

“Forget it, you guys go to rest first.” Lu Buwei was not sleepy at all, or could not sleep, some things were not done properly, and his mind would always be affected.

This is the habit of Lu Buwei as an official for many years. He can sleep safely only after getting the exact answer.

He needs everything to be firmly controlled in his own hands.

The waning moon poured into the wine, reflected on the ground in the middle of the room through the window lattice, and the hazy moonlight spread out like water, with ripples.

Lu Buwei’s mood was like the moonlight swaying on the ground, and ripples rose in layers. .

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