Chapter 683 The Test of Beauty]

Bang bang!

A dull voice sounded outside the door. “My lord, the things you entrusted to me are finished.”

“Come in, the door is not closed.

The bamboo slips in the hand of Lu Buwei’s defense line walked behind the door of the study in the first time.

“Is it done?”

“My lord, don’t worry, I have already explained it.” It was still the voice of which entourage.

“Well, this time you must do a one-shot kill, cut the weeds and roots, leaving no traces.

One of Lu Buwei’s arm was cut in midair, and the whistling wind made a corner of his show robe dance.

“The adults can rest assured that the people who shot have always been utterly decisive. Even if something happens, we can’t be tracked down.

“I know this naturally, but I am always worried about Xu Fu. I still don’t know why there is always a deep 08 jealousy in my heart.”

“When he came back this time, the changes were too great, but he couldn’t tell the changes.” Lu Buwei turned his back.

The entourage followed him and closed the door of the study.

“My lord, the hostility on Xu Fu seems to be a little less, and he is less enthusiastic about power. I don’t know if this is just a superficial expression. If it is not, Xu Fu is even more daunting than Li Si.”

When Xu Fu returned to the alchemy palace, he had been busy refining the few pills in the alchemy furnace that had not been successfully refined. In the empty alchemy palace, there was only the sound of flames burning.

Xu Fu didn’t have the slightest sense of loneliness, on the contrary, there was a little excitement in his heart.

In a few hours, the pills in the pill furnace will be successfully refined.

This was the last pot of medicine Xu Fu refined before setting off.

Suddenly, the gate of the Alchemy Palace was pushed open, and a sound of Yanyu Yingying came.

Xu Fu quickly stood up from the front of the alchemy furnace, “Who is interrupting his alchemy process so late?”

Just as Xu Fu was about to speak, one of the guards ran a few steps and approached him.

“Alchemist, King Qin has sent the ten beautiful women who have given you to your alchemy palace.”

After hearing these words, Xu Fu took a few breaths, and then remembered that in the Xianyang Palace during the day, King Qin Yingzheng had given him a beauty.

Since the king’s reward, Xu Fu did not refuse, and said to the guards: “Let them come in.

Don’t look at Xu Fu alone in the alchemy palace, but there are a lot of rooms inside, which can accommodate a lot of people who serve.

The guard bowed to salute and waved to the door.

The door was wide open, ten beautiful maidservants were standing on the left and right, and the courtyard was brightly lit.

“Greetings to the sir.” “The ten servants said together.

Xu Fu nodded, and then stepped forward to ten beautiful women.

He walked around among ten beauties, and Xu Fu couldn’t help frowning because of the fancy fan’s breath.

“Master Xu, you are still satisfied. If you are not satisfied, the king said, you can reward other beauties again.”

The guard stared at the ten beauties and asked Xu Fu’s opinion.

Xu Fu smiled and said, “Very well, I want to thank the king for his gift.

“Well, if that’s the case, the slave will retreat first and have to report to the king.” The guard was about to retire.

Xu Fu sent away the guard, just about to turn around.

“My lord! My lord.” Ten beauties gathered around.

To say that a beauty is actually a maid or a maid serving people.

“Hmm! What do you want to do?” Xu Fu was a little bit unable to resist.

Looking at these ten humble girls, Xu Fu raised his eyebrows in deep thought. He didn’t like arranging maidservants at home.

Perhaps it was caused by previous thoughts, and he always felt distorted about this kind of enjoyment.

Xu Fu just likes to spend every day in the pill furnace and medicinal materials. When dealing with women, Xu Fu is completely blank.

In the previous Xu Mansion, apart from a few servants and those responsible for eating, he and a few guards were the only ones.

“You go and do your own things, you’re gone!”

Xu Fu thought for a while, but didn’t know how to arrange it. Anyway, he didn’t expect to stay for a long time, so he arranged it at will.

“Yes, my lord.”

Several humble girls were busy looking for their own rooms.

Xu Futuo took a leisurely time and returned to the front of the alchemy furnace.

The night was already very deep, and Xu Fu was a little tired. He suppressed the fire in the pill furnace until it was slightly charcoal, and then walked towards his room.

Opening door 647 and seeing the already made bed, Xu Fu felt that it was really good for someone to serve.

Walked directly over, took off the clothes that smelled of medicinal materials, and lay down in a very comfortable posture.

“Oh, so hard? Something got my waist.”

Xu Fu’s left hand reached under the bed and touched it.

“It seems to be a human?

Xu Fu was taken aback, stood up immediately, and quickly opened the quilt inside. When he saw what was in the quilt, Xu Fu felt dry.

Right in the bedding, a somewhat pretty young woman lay there, with icy skin and jade skin, white and rosy, shy face, her eyes closed tightly, her eyelashes trembled. Under Xu Fu’s eyes, his body was trembling slightly.

“Who are you and why are you here?” Xu Fu’s face was full of weirdness. It was really strange that a woman who was not wispy was lying on her bed.

Moreover, the woman was still naked, and Xu Fu’s heartbeat was throbbing when he watched. After all, he was a full-blooded man.

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