Chapter 681 Win over people’s hearts]

When he thought of Xu Fulu Buwei, he felt his eyebrows secretly. After he returned from Penglai Xiandao, the person who had always had a headache picked up the medicine and asked Qin Wang Yingzheng to like it.

There are also those medicinal pills refined by Xu Fu, which really caused Lu Buwei a headache.

“My lord, here it is.” “The horse screamed in a rhythm, and the nest cart stopped steadily.

After a while, the driver’s words came, and Lu Buwei responded, temporarily pressing his thoughts on his heart.

Then he stepped out of the nest wagon, and the guards at the back hurriedly approached in front of Lu Buwei and escorted him back to the mansion.

It didn’t take long for Lu Buwei to return to the room, but a small servant knocked on the door and entered.

“My lord, a few adults outside begged to see me and waited in the lobby.”

“Well, I know, just let them wait.” Lu Buwei waved his hand, not the slightest surprise.

The fact that Xu Fu was rewarded by the King of Qin in the hall must have made many people uneasy. Lu Buwei had thought of this a long time ago.

He had already thought that someone would come to his mansion.

Lu Buwei put on a slightly loose and comfortable gown and immediately came to the hall.

“Master Zhongfu!”

Seeing this, the seven or eight adults waiting in the hall immediately stood up and called out.

Lu Buwei nodded slightly. Then he waved his hand and sat on the main seat. Then he picked up the tea cup beside him without rushing and moisturized his throat with tea.

The adults saw Lu Buwei’s very plain appearance, but they were secretly anxious.

“Master Zhongfu…” one of the officials exclaimed with a worried expression on his face.

Lu Buwei glanced at him, then slowly put down the teacup, and said with a light smile: “What anxious, this thing scares you to such a failure, but it’s just a Xu Fu, what does it matter?”

“Yes, the lower official is a little irritable.” Hearing this, the former nodded and sat down again.

Everyone did not speak again, waiting for Lu Buwei to speak first.

The dim night, like a wave of ink, rendered the entire sky, and the cool night reflected many agitated ministers in the hall.

The more the ministers were like this, the more calm Lu Buwei appeared. He knew that his expression directly determined the mood of these ministers.

He took a sip of the strong tea, then drank it again, put the cup down, and looked at the ministers again.

“Let’s talk!” This sentence is neither light nor heavy.

“My lord, now Xu Fu has been deeply loved by King Qin Yingzheng, what should we do?” A minister stood up.

“What should I do?” “Lu Buwei showed a surprised expression, seeming to be very puzzled.

“My lord, you know.” The minister hurriedly said.

Lu Buwei did not speak, expressed or objected, but was silent for a while.

“My lord, Xu Fu doesn’t agree with us. If we speak ill of us in front of King Qin Yingzheng, we can do it.”

Another minister standing next to Lu Buwei couldn’t help this dull atmosphere.

Lu Buwei decided to give reassurance to those who followed him.

“The current court is not something Xu Fu could intervene if he said that he could intervene. Don’t worry. Since you have followed me, Lu Buwei, I will naturally look after you. If Xu Fu intends to make things difficult, he still has to see if I can agree, if Xu Fu calls. You, send someone to tell me.”

When Lu Buwei said this, a faint smile appeared on his face, “Don’t worry, Xu Fu will go to the South China Sea again in the near future. He has only a handful of days in Korea.”

0……Look for flowers……

Lu Buwei comforted everyone and stabilized their hearts.

“Yes, adults.” In the end, the adults could only nod their heads.

Since their father, Lu Buwei, was behind them, these ministers were not afraid that Xu Fu would sue them in front of King Qin.

“My lord, now Xu Fu is back, and the king is in good health. As for supporting the Empress Dowager Zhao Ji?” a minister cautiously asked.

Lu Buwei frowned. This is exactly what he is worried about.

Today, Lu Buwei saw Xu Fu wipe Xianlu on King Qin Yingzheng, and watched Yingzheng’s body change.

Lu Buwei no longer dared to think about Zhao Ji’s affairs. Lu Buwei was reluctant to even mention the matter of the poisoning of her husband.

“If Xu Fu sought immortal medicine in Daonanhai and refined it into the elixir of immortality, Lu Buwei’s previous years of hard work would have to give up all his previous efforts. He didn’t know how to marry poison and only knew how to drink and have fun every day. Now support is useless. Zhao Ji is just a woman and can’t accomplish great things.”

“Let’s keep the relationship with the queen first, but don’t waste too much effort. Let’s wait and see and talk.” Lu Buwei said weakly.

Several ministers nodded. In an instant, Lu Buwei suddenly had a thought.

The minister was very disturbed, and made a lot of plans and redeployments for Xu Fu’s arrival. Lu Buwei also relaxed the rest of the others. Several people discussed for a long time, and then left one after another.

After the ministers left, a follower walked out of the shadow in the hall.

“My lord. I have something to report.”

“Yeah. Let’s talk”

Lu Buwei nodded, feeling that he was thirsty today, and drank a cup of tea again before saying, “Is Xu Fu alone?” Factory,

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