Chapter 680 Try to figure out what’s going on

After listening to Lu Buwei, he frowned. He wanted to step forward to dissuade King Qin from winning the government, but he did not speak after thinking about it. .

But the King Qin at this moment has been dazzled by the joy of the elixir, and even if they speak now, it is useless.

“The virgin matter is a different matter. The fairy dew that Aiqing dedicated to the widow this time, the widow decided to enshrine the alchemist as a lieutenant, reward five hundred gold, ten maidservants, and give a new mansion in Xianyang.”

King Qin waved his hand and said. Yingzheng wants to win over Xu Fu in this way.

“What, Taiwei!” “Yan Shun muttered softly on the side.

“How could this be!”

“How can Xu Fu be canonized as Tai lieutenant?” Lu Buwei’s expression instantly turned ugly.

“This is too unlawful.” Lu Buwei couldn’t stand it.

Several thoughts circled in his mind, and he finally stood up.

Taiwei is the highest military and political officer and is responsible for military affairs. Although he does not have military power and obeys the emperor’s orders during wartime, he is also one of the three males and stands shoulder to shoulder with the prime minister.

The key point of 647 is that Xu Fu was only an alchemist and had no substantive official position.

However, relying on the love of the King of Qin to win politics, he jumped from official to lieutenant, and Baiguan obeyed.

But now he was directly promoted to the same level as Lu Buwei, and he should not follow the promotion method and the law.

This made Lu Buwei very upset.

One of his alchemists was appointed as a lieutenant. How could this be possible?

Once there was no official position, so he was valued by King Qin. Now he is promoted to Taiwei, and there will be another opponent on the court in the future. Lu Buwei still hopes that Yingzheng will withdraw this order.

“My lord, no. Although Xu Fu has worked hard, but the position of Taiwei is too important. Moreover, Fang Shi is usually keen on medicine, and I am afraid that he does not understand the military. I hope that the king will take his life back.”

Lu Buwei fell to his knees and said solemnly.

King Qin’s victory was a little unhappy at once, and his decision was beyond doubt. Doesn’t Lu Buwei know that he is keeping his promises?

However, at this moment, Xu Fu stood up: “The king, the ministers also suspended the request of the king to take back his life. As Mr. Zhongfu said, Xu Fu is keen on pill, and he does not know much about the military, and the ministers will be far away in the future. Crossing the South China Sea, it is really impossible for the king to confer the post of Weichen lieutenant.

Qin Wang was stunned for a long time, but he did not expect Xu Fu to reject himself.

Lu Buwei was suddenly surprised, “This Xu Fu has changed his temperament today. Is it possible that Xu Fu has any other motives?”

Lu Buwei did not believe that Xu Fu was actually willing to implore King Qin Yingzheng to take his life back.

This phenomenon is really strange. You know, as far as he knows, although Xu Fu is not very keen on power and power, he will not be so reluctant to refuse the high officials who are sent to him.

There are naturally reasons why Xu Fu did this above the hall.

For power, he has long been less nostalgic, these rights and so on are nothing but a cloud of smoke, and he is not a man of power.

Xu Fu was single-minded just to give King Qin the power to grow and develop lifeless pill.

Therefore, the post of lieutenant is dispensable for him, and it doesn’t matter, what’s more, Lu Buwei is opposed to it now.

Lu Buwei is an (aibd) jester, Xu Fu still understands in his heart.

He also knew that Lu Buwei was a very jealous person.

Therefore, Xu Fu would not insist on this matter, and such a determined refusal can be more valued by King Qin’s victory.

Seeing Xu Fu speak, the expression of King Qin, who was initially a little angry, eased.

As a generation of emperors, he has always been decisive. There has never been such a situation.

Qin Wang Yingzheng felt a little bit hatred for Lu Buwei’s actions.

But what Xu Fu said is also right. He will go to sea soon, this position is really not important to him, and Xu Fu can think so, Qin Wang valued Xu Fu a little bit more.

“It’s still the alchemist’s reasoning. In this case, the canonization is temporarily closed. When the alchemist comes back next time, the widow will definitely reward it again.” King Qin withdrew his fate.

“Thank you, King.” Xu Fu fell face down on the ground.

“Okay, all of you return to your seats.” Qin Wang Yingzheng waved his hand.

Lu Buwei and Xu Fu immediately got up and stood under King Qin.

Xu Fu wanted to say goodbye, but King Qin was very interested in winning the government. He gave an order to let Xu Fu and Lu Buwei accompany him to have a feast on the main hall of Xianyang Palace.

The two naturally did not dare to defy, and the host and the host enjoyed themselves. A dinner party lasted for four or five hours, and Fang Yu stopped.

It was not until Yan Shun reminded King Qin Yingzheng to rest early, and then did Yingzheng let go of Jiu Zun, and the dinner really ended.

Xu Fu and Lu Buwei left one after another and left one by one.

Xu Fu got on the nest cart, and now he was waiting for King Qin to prepare three hundred boys and girls for him, and then he could set off to the South China Sea to search for immortal medicine.

There was a sound of horse hooves behind him, and a gorgeous nest car overtook itself.

Xu Fu glanced at it. It turned out to be the nest cart of Zhong father Lu Bufengwei.

From the gap in the car curtain, Xu Fu found that Lu Bufengwei’s triangular eyes were tightly closed, and a thin hand supported his forehead.

Completely immersed in thinking. Lu Buwei did not notice Xu Fu’s nest wagon next to him. He sat in the wagon, closed his eyes and thought, but he couldn’t calm down. .

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