Chapter 679 Disgusting]

“Why is there such a stench?” Ying Zheng heard the smell, frowned immediately, and then felt his whole body slimy.

He looked down slightly and found that his exposed arms were covered with black dirt, and when he looked down at the dragon robe, there was even a layer of black dirt.

“Yan Shun, order to go down, and the widow should take a shower.” King Qin Yingzheng also covered his nose.

Just about to walk back, Ying Zheng then said to Xu Fuyan, “Alchemist, you are waiting for the widow in the temple for a while,”

Then hurriedly left with the support of Yan Shun.

Xu Fushili then returned to his seat.

He knew that King Qin Yingzheng was going to clean the dirty things that were excreted from his body.

With the departure of King Qin, the people of His Highness began to discuss.

“The stench came out of King Qin’s body just now. Could it be that the fairy dew is really not good enough to remove the dirt from the body.”

The guards and maids of His Royal Highness were surprised and envious.

“Master Xu, this time I have done a lot of credit. I am afraid that the king will be rewarded with such a efficacious fairy dew for the king.”

This voice came from outside the hall. Xu Fu followed the voice and looked at it. It turned out to be Zhong’s father Lu Buwei.

Lu Buwei was originally going to see King Qin’s victory in politics early, but after seeing Xu Fu holding Xianlu to offer to the government, Lu Buwei stayed in the corner of His Royal Highness.

Winning politics also only cared about the kind of comfort that Xianlu brought to him, so he ignored Lu Buwei.

At this moment, Ying Zheng went back to take a shower and changed clothes, and Lu Buwei came out.

Xu Fu is also very clever, so he hurriedly gave salutes. “Master Zhong said and laughed. Xu Fu only asked Qin Wang to be with the world forever, without any other thoughts, 々.”

It’s just that Lu Buwei didn’t listen to this sentence, he was thinking of something in his mind.

Xu Fu is now the celebrity of King Qin Yingzheng. Now that Xu Fu is not eliminated, it will be too late until Xu Fu has really made the elixir of immortality for Yingzheng.

As soon as he had this idea, he saw Yan Shun walking out from behind with Qin Wang Yingzheng who had finished the bath.

Lu Buwei saw the appearance of King Qin, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he was shocked.

The king of Qin in front of him was striding forward to win the government, and his spirits were so vigorous, his eyes were like electricity, and he was no different from the domineering king of Qin when he was young.

However, the former King Qin was like an old man who was almost late, weak and weak.

But this kind of mental outlook must be completely different from the previous one!

“It seems that Xu Fujinxian’s Xianlu really works.” Lu Buwei thought to himself.

“Haha, haha.” “Qin Wang Yingzheng walked to the back of his dragon case, his face was cheerful, and he burst into laughter.

After King Qin stood still, he then sat down, his eyes slowly sweeping towards the crowd.

The guards and many of the palace ladies felt that the domineering expression in King Qin’s win-zheng eyes was heart-palpiting.

With ambition and determination to dominate the world, King Qin, who made the trembling vassal kingdoms of all directions, returned again!

“Congratulations to the king! Good health.” Lu Buwei said, prostrated on the ground.

With this congratulation, there was a voice of admiration and congratulation in the whole hall.

“Wish the king live forever!”

“Congratulations to the king forever!

“Hahaha.” King Qin Yingzheng laughed wildly, feeling very comfortable in his heart.

He didn’t know that what Xu Fu gave was just ordinary Xianlu.

However, this extremely contrasting change in his body is indeed real.

Only the panacea can change one’s physical condition in a period of time!

“Good. Alchemist, the fairy dew you worship makes the widow happy.”

“Alchemist, this time you are going to sea, you must have something to find medicine for the widow. If you find the three-flavored medicine, the widow should be rewarded. If you don’t know what the alchemist wants, the widow can agree to it.”

King Qin looked at Xu Fu with an open smile.

**” Great King, the Weichen should do things for the Great King, and should not ask for rewards, but the Weichen does have one thing that needs the help of the Great King. “Xu Fu bent over and said.

“Oh, what’s the matter, alchemist, please tell me.” Qin Wang Yingzheng fixed his eyes on Xu Fu.

Xu Fu pondered for a moment: “Majesty, the minister still needs to collect another three hundred chapters of boys and girls to go to the South China Sea again?”

“What? Three hundred boys and girls are needed?” King Qin frowned. He didn’t expect Xu Fuhui to make such a request.

In the heart of Yingzheng, he hoped that Xu Fu could put forward the demand for gold and silver. As long as there was an idea of ​​wealth, Yingzheng knew that Xu Fu was completely in his own hands.

Unexpectedly, Xu Fu made such a request (Wang Ma Zhao). Xu Fu looked at King Qin’s expression a little displeased.

The voice slowed down and said: “Majesty, this trip to the South China Sea must be a tortuous and bumpy trip. Weichen heard that there are immortals living in the South China Sea, and the immortal’s residence is the source of the Sanwei Xianyao. I want to use the three hundred boys and girls to evoke it. Three flavors of immortal medicine.”

Qin Wang Yingzheng nodded when he heard this. For Yingzheng, it should be a very simple matter to use three hundred boys and girls to call out the three-flavored immortal medicine.

As long as he can live a hundred years old, he is willing to add three hundred virgin boys and girls.

Ying Zheng looked down at Xu Fu who was prostrated in the middle of the hall, “Alchemist, don’t worry, I promise you!” King Qin promised.

“Thank you, King!” Xu Fu bowed again. tell.

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