Chapter 678 Envious eyes]


As the cork opened, this crisp sound seemed to hold the heartstrings of everyone in the hall, and an expectation for elixir reached its peak.

And just as the stopper was opened, a fragrance and amazing aura began to diffuse.

“It smells good.”

“Is this really Xianlu? I feel much better.”

The guards whispered that this fairy dew contained amazing spiritual power.

After opening, it diffuses, the most direct effect is to make people feel the air becomes fresher.

Take a deep breath and incorporate the special scent of Xianlu, and you will feel better.

Ying Zheng just didn’t quite believe it, but now he believed that Xianlu in the porcelain vase was a little bit more convinced.

“It’s really not easy for Xu Fu to refine this kind of divine object.”

Qin Wang Yingzheng secretly said in his heart, and felt deeper 08.

He was the closest to the porcelain bottle. When the stopper was opened, he only felt a scent of fragrance penetrate into his nasal cavity, and his brain was clear and his spirit was shaken.

“Is it really Xianlu?” King Qin Yingzheng was extremely happy.

“Hey, there are so few inside.” Qin Wang Yingzheng was a little surprised. He glanced at the porcelain bottle and found that Xianlu was only one-third of the bottle.

“My lord, it is not easy to refine this fairy dew, and it needs a lot of medicinal materials. Now I can only refine so many.” Xu Fu said hurriedly.

Yan Shun and the guards in the hall heard the words, and deep in their eyes, a trace of desire rose up. This kind of fairy dew is what everyone wants.

It would be a blessing if I could own a little bit.

But obviously, the king of Qin is here to win the government, and everyone is afraid to make mistakes. Even if there are some thoughts in their hearts, they can only be suppressed in their hearts.

Who dares to compete with King Qin to win politics, no one has the courage.

Seeing the fairy dew in the porcelain bottle, King Qin Yingzheng couldn’t wait. He poured a few drops of fairy dew from the bottle.

“Alchemist, can I drink this fairy dew.”

Upon hearing this, Xu Fu immediately stood up and prepared to explain.

“My lord, this kind of fairy dew can’t be imported, it can only be applied externally.”

“Oh?” Qin Wang was puzzled.

The fairy dew on the finger was quickly evaporating.

“My lord, you first smear the fairy dew on your forehead.” Xu Fu quickly reminded Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng then smeared a few drops of fairy dew on both sides of his forehead, and couldn’t help groaning comfortably in his mouth.

The taste is like having a very soft little hand massaging the sun in a win-government.

Xu Fu also saw that winning politics was a little refreshed, so he fell face down again and said

“Weichen was in a foreign person a few years ago, and learned a little how to refine Qi. Your Majesty can spread the fairy dew on his back, and let the Weichen stick his hand on the king’s back. With the help of the power, the king’s body will feel ecstatic.”

“Oh, isn’t it? The alchemist will come up soon.”” King Qin Yingzheng heard this and said immediately.

“Yes, King.” Xu Fu stood up and walked forward, preparing to help Ying Zheng scatter the fairy dew in the porcelain vase on his back.

“No, the king, the king is the body of ten thousand gold, how can it be easy for people to approach.” Yan Shun looked at Xu Fu and said hurriedly.

“It’s okay. The alchemist is kind.” King Qin waved his hand: “It’s not someone else. How can it hurt me?”

Seeing that King Qin won the government and insisted on doing this, Yan Shun had no choice but not to discourage him.

However, Yan Shun’s hand grabbed the long sword around his waist, and he placed it there in a pose ready to strike, which made people a little scared.

Xu Fu walked behind King Qin and slowly dropped a few drops of the fairy dew in the porcelain vase.

Then a hand pressed close to King Qin’s back, the spiritual power in the body quietly circulated, gathered in the hand, and began to knead on the back of King Qin Yingzheng from top to bottom.

King Qin immediately felt a warm heat flooding his body.

As Xianlu entered his body, Ying Zheng felt his own blood melt immediately.

An astonishing spiritual power suddenly radiated from King Qin Yingzheng’s body, and Xu Fu immediately let his spiritual power accompany Xianlu’s medicinal power to run within King Yingzheng Qin’s body for three weeks.

Both Xu Fu and King Qin remained motionless, and everyone took it seriously. Yan Shun was a little impatient, but he dared not 647 to move forward easily, because Xu Fu’s palm was always on the back of Ying Zheng.

After half an hour, suddenly, a strange smell slowly spread from King Qin Yingzheng’s body and spread throughout the entire hall.

“Why is it so smelly.”

“This smell came from there.”

“Why is there such a stench in the hall.”

Many guards, including Yan Shun, covered their mouths and noses together, and their eyebrows were tightened.

“This smell seems to be coming from the direction of the king,” a guard said cautiously.


Everyone heard the words and hurriedly looked at it. Sure enough, the smell came from the direction of King Qin Yingzheng.

“Huh.” Even the individual’s breathing was slowly adjusting.

Xu Fu retracted his spiritual power and opened his eyes: “My lord, how do you feel all over your body?”

King Qin Yingzheng opened his eyes, and then he felt energetic, he no longer felt weak, and his body was also strong and powerful. And full of energy.

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