Chapter 661 Flip on both sides]

It means that I don’t plan to open the gates to fight back. Sima Lie saw Wang Wei behind him and said anxiously: “General, I request to attack, and General Yanjun will be blocked by the moat.”

Wang Li also saw the extremely dangerous scene just now. “General Sima, don’t underestimate the enemy. Yankui is also a brave general who has experienced many battles and should not be underestimated.

Only then did Sima Lie put away the figure that was about to run out.

The Yan army attacking the east was also intertwined with the defensive Qin army just now.

Seeing Wang Wei leading thousands of soldiers to join the battlefield, he instantly began to retreat.

Sitting on the horse, Yan Kui was even more unwilling to see the new round of offense being defeated.

Looking back at the tens of thousands of Yanjun who had moved behind him, he waved the reining flag.

The Yan army quickly organized a new round of offensive, and Yan Kui mixed the talents he could use into the recruits’ offensive sequence.

Let experienced veterans lead the ignorant recruits.

Watching the Yan Jun everywhere approaching the wall of Jincheng, Yan Kui waited for a miracle to appear.

The Yan army on all sides gathered to the east gate of Jincheng, and the Yan army launched another attack amidst the shouts.

They braved the arrows shot from the top of the wall and went over the trenches again to the obstacle area.

The defending Qin Bing did not counterattack as before, but stayed quietly inside the city wall.

Watching those Yan Jun slowly wriggling forward.

Sima Lie looked at Yan Jun, who was approaching the bamboo slips, in anxious heart, but with Wang Li here, he didn’t dare to order any more privately.

Last time, the Yan army, which was full of recruits, was only oppressed.

This time, however, it was different. The Yanjun advancing the front found that the Qin soldiers guarding the city had stopped moving, and the veterans in the local area even put out an attacking position and began to intersperse.

“It worked!” Yan Kui smiled, thinking that his strategy still worked.

“The follow-up troops continue to invest, don’t give the enemy a chance to breathe!”

He turned his head and said to people: “It’s time to light the agreed signal, and let the troops in the city cooperate with the troops outside to pinch this side.” In an instant, three fires were lit outside the east city. Thick smoke billowed.

Yan Kui felt that the results obtained by his flash of inspiration were huge, and he felt joyful when he saw the Yan army’s intention to drive straight forward.

Seeing that the people supporting the city should successfully break through the defense line of the defenders as soon as they come, they can then enter the city.

Defending the city is most afraid of losing one side, probably because as long as one place is breached, it will cause the enemy to bloom from the middle.

At that time, no matter how tightly defended the periphery is, it will become a dilemma of loopholes.

On the other hand, Wang Li received the news that someone in the city had caused disturbances, which made Wang Li somewhat blame himself.

Knowing that Jincheng had already forged an enmity with Da Qin under the management of Prince Dan.

Although Wang Li was complaining about himself, he didn’t panic in his heart.

He also knows that there are not too many people in Jincheng now.

There are not many Jincheng people in the city who meet Yanjun’s inside and outside, probably there are more than a thousand people.

These people are basically private guards of tycoons and clans, and only a hundred are ordinary Jincheng people.

They saw the Yan army attacking the city raising three pillars of smoke to the east and knew the direction to attack.

The fortifications in the center of the city and the periphery should be relatively complete. After all, this is the garrison’s barracks and food storage area.

Wang Zhi immediately ordered the lieutenant he had taken to send a thousand soldiers to Jincheng City.

0………Look for flowers…

Wang Zhi was also impatient. Hearing that Wang Jian’s commander had rushed to the periphery of Yankui, he sent Sima Lie, who was a reserve team, to the battlefield.

Wang Li put in his hands as much force as possible to kill and wound the Yan army on all sides.

Therefore, there is some emptiness inside Jincheng.

However, for those Jincheng people who are convicted of chaos, Wang Ben is still not a concern.

“The Qin soldiers on the Jincheng city wall appeared in a panic. We all insisted a little longer and tried to climb up the city wall, and then entered Jincheng and wiped out the Qin army in one fell swoop.”

Yan Kui shouted from the horse.

The generals that Yan Kui had accepted were cheering loudly. They were killed out of the dense Yan army and rushed to the forefront.

Seeing that he was about to successfully climb to the wall, the pawns who could not wield weapons were driven by the desire for victory, and the legs that had been unable to move were reinfused with strength.

At this moment, Wang Ben had already noticed Yan Kui’s strategy.

He looked at the situation of the entire battlefield. Except for the other three directions, Yan Bing’s offensive seemed to show signs of slowing down, and only the eastern city gate was fighting fiercely.

Yan Kui was clearly waiting for the final blow there.

“In this case, I will let you rejoice.”

Wang Zhi gritted his teeth and shouted: “Order all the Qin army to come close to the city wall and fight!”

The situation is unfavorable, and you can stick to the city. As long as the Yan army can’t attack, there is always room for persistence.

If you open the city gate to counterattack, you may be followed, and the advantage of Jincheng City Wall will be wiped out.

At that time, it was tantamount to harming the whole army. At this moment, Wang Zhi had no choice in the ceremony in his heart.

Fighting against Yan’s offensive soldiers is his only way. factory,

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