Chapter 660 Yankui’s goal]

Sima Lie bowed and said, “But please rest assured that the army is in the city.”

Wang Zhi waved Sima Lie down.

Besieged from all sides, the Yan army will definitely find the weakest place.

The wall of the East City was the most severely damaged, and it can be said that it has reached the point where there is no danger to defend.

That’s why Wang Ben put Sima Lie’s reserve team in Dongcheng.

Yan Kui launched a more violent attack on the city. His goal was exactly the same as Wang Ben’s judgment. The weakness of Dongcheng had been discovered by Yan Kui, so this time Yan Kui went into battle by himself. He hoped to capture Jincheng in a battle. .

Sima Lie had only five thousand troops. In addition to two thousand archers, there were two thousand soldiers, five hundred plain swordsmen, and five hundred spearmen.

Sima Lie always believed that Yan’s army was a mob and had not received formal military training.

Because even though Sima Lie stayed in the city as a reserve team, he would often go to the top of the city alone to watch the formation.

It took him many times to rush to reach the conclusion of 637.

Sima Lie believes that it is a suitable method to launch a counter-charge against this rabble, and launching a fierce counter-charge with combat soldiers can scare the enemy.

And the fact seems to be the same.

The Yan Bing approaching the Juma was attacked by the counter-charged soldiers and Piao Dao Bing approaching with a sword bayonet, and then an archer scattered the people behind the Yan army. The Wan Yu Yan army attacking the east turned around and fled.

Wang Zhi personally led the Qin Army to guard the South City Gate.

Because both the west gate and the north gate are strong walls.

The Qin soldiers that the Yan army did not carry strong crossbows and ballistas to defend are completely different. The Qin army on the city wall has five hundred crossbowmen. They know how to disperse as much as possible and then fire crossbow arrows at those Yan army who are ready to attack the city. .

Seeing the arrow rain pouring down, the Yan army’s attacking posture was not so anxious.

Yan Kui placed the most elite Yan army in Nancheng. It was not that he underestimated the enemy, but that there were not many Yan army in Nancheng, but most of them experienced a lot of wars. The courage and mentality have been cultivated in many battles. come out.

It’s not like the newcomers who attacked the East City, who just went to the battlefield for the first time, didn’t know how to save energy and were full of fear.

This is also the reason why Yan Kui has to go to battle in person.

But one thing is that all the Yan army are the same. Many of them are shooting crossbow arrows with military formation for the first time, so when they approached, many people didn’t know how to evade and were shot to the ground.

The crossbowmen were unable to play the greatest advantage of long-range attacks against the Yan army that was dispersed as much as possible.

Gradually, the Yan army approached the moat, and also approached obstacles such as Juma.

The strategy Sima Lie chose was to arrange the troops to form a front line defense on the damaged city wall, and then let the crossbowmen continue to kill and wound the Yan army climbing on the city wall, slowly bleeding.

Wang Zhi kept receiving reports that the two armies fought relatively smoothly in both directions of the west gate and north gate. There was basically no possibility of being broken by the Yan army in a short period of time, but there was absolutely no counterattack.

Therefore, among the four directions, Sima Lie of Dongcheng was relatively dazzling.

After a fight (aibd), the Yan Jun left a lot of corpses under the walls of Jincheng.

After Wang Zhicong started the siege, he kept listening to reports on the war. He himself was staying in the south of Jincheng. What he saw with his own eyes was that more than 5,000 people from his side were firmly blocking the Yancheng outside of Jincheng.

The report he heard was that the west and the north were also in a stalemate, which made him count the number of soldiers in the Yan army in his heart, and he was even more confident in his heart by counting Wang Ben.

Most of the Yan army was attracted to Jincheng.

Sima Lie, standing at the highest point of the East City Gate, constantly directed the Qin Army’s crossbows to fire powerful crossbows.

Seeing Yan Jun halting, Yan Kui felt extremely anxious and frowned frequently.

He already knew that there were only 30,000 defenders in the city. He originally thought that he could go down in one go, but now it looks like it’s not that simple.

Suddenly Wang Ben found that the Yan army attacking the city in front of him was shifting.

At this time, he also received a report, and the siege to the north and west almost stopped.

Only Yan Kui’s East City attack continued.

And those Yan Jun who retreated began to move to the east of Jincheng.

Wang Zhi understood that Yan Kui was going to hit all the troops to attack the East City.

Wang Zhi quickly transferred two thousand soldiers to Sima Lie, who was in the fierce battle with Zhiyuan.

Seeing the smoke and dust rising from Dongcheng, Wang Gui murmured: “I hope Sima Lie can hold on.

Sima Lie took the countermeasures just now and counterattacked again and again during the rest time of the Yan army’s offensive.

He knew that just sticking to what he thought was that he couldn’t hold the weak wall.

Only by strengthening the counterattack and allowing Yan Jun to receive greater losses can Yankui’s fierce attack be prevented.

This time the countercharge seemed to have encountered an opponent, which made his originally proud expression froze.

If it weren’t for the quick response and sending Pak Sword Soldiers and some Ge Spear Soldiers to reinforce it, then the five hundred soldiers who launched the countercharge should have been surrounded.

“Good risk!” Rescued the soldiers, Sima Lie did not dare to be arrogant and relaxed after re-stabilizing the front.

Wang Zhi finally decided that he had also moved to the position of the East City Gate, but he was still not at ease with Sima Lie.

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