Chapter 662 dilemma】

The rioting people in the city were quickly suppressed, and such riots were of no avail.

Yan Kui was only happy for an hour. Seeing that there was no sound of slashing in the city, he knew that the rioting people had been dealt with by Wang Ben.

The only option now is to attack Jincheng.

Yan Kui raised his eyes and saw that the thunderstones on the city wall fell like rain.

Those Yan soldiers who were about to climb the city wall fell one after another.

“General, let’s pull it off and make another plan, right?”

Almost the words of a deputy general just fell, and one of them galloped over and shouted “Report!!!”.

“Sixty-seven” Yan Kui felt a panic in his heart, and he smelled a hint of danger from the sweaty horse probe.

Quickly ride off the horse and knelt down on one knee: “Report to the general, I found Qin Jun eight miles away, tens of thousands! He is coming to our side.”.

Yan Kui almost fell from the horse. What worried him finally happened.

The current Yan army has been hit between the front and back. “Stay behind in the army to speed up, don’t have to come to the battlefield, rush to intercept the enemy army coming in front!”

The reason why Yan Kui was so panicked was because he knew that Liang Kun, his deputy, might have become Qin Jun’s ghost.

Quick ride should be “promise” and left.

Balidi is not far away from the cavalry. It takes five minutes to let go of the horsepower and rush. The east of Jincheng happens to be the plain again. Wang Jian’s first two thousand cavalry also saw the Jincheng everywhere in the beacon. Close to less than five miles.

Liang Kun was just as Yankui thought, already cut down by the king. Since receiving Yankui’s military order, Liang Kun has been complacent. This is a good opportunity for him to make merit.

Wang Jian knew that a group of cavalry from the Yan army was blocking him in the base camp, and he knew that Yan Kui was going to launch the most violent attack on Jincheng. Relying on his youth and vigor, Liang Kun yelled at Wang Jian, so that Wang Jian was angry from his heart to the courage. After three or five rounds, he shouted and cut Liang Kun under his horse with a long knife. The remaining Yanjun cavalry scattered and fled. King

Jian pointed at the front with his knife, “March with all his strength, strive to reach Jincheng as soon as possible, and defeat the Yanjun outside Jincheng.” Tens of thousands of sergeants shouted in unison: “Destroy the Yanjun, defeat the Yanjun.

There were only two thousand cavalry in Yankui camp, which was left by Yankui to guard the camp.

Now he can only use these cavalry.

There was also a lot of movement of the two thousand cavalry, and the smoke and dust billowed from a distance.

When approaching Wang Jian’s army, Qin Jun had already discovered it.

When Wang Jian heard the cavalry attacking, his heart felt a little lumpy.

Secretly said in his heart: “This is Yan Kui preventing them from continuing to want to get closer to Jincheng.”

However, I quickly reacted: “There can be no softheartedness against the enemy. In addition, continue to move forward, and must force Yan Kui, who is attacking Jincheng, to turn back and deal with us to relieve some pressure on the soldiers in the city.”

Having said this, the five thousand reserve team he left behind led the army to rush forward.

Both Wang Zhi and Sima Lie stood on the top of the city, and they closely followed the movement of the Yan army outside the city.

“General, the soldiers of the Yan army seem to be reducing the number of attackers.” Sima Lie held the long sword in his hand.

It seems that Wang Ben also heard the familiar horn sound, and he shouted in great spirits: “Reinforcements are here!” The Qin army guarding the city cheered.

Yes, the horn sounds. The Qin army uses war drums.On the land of China, only the Qin army will use the horn as a tool to transmit military orders. The Qin army that Wang Jian received blew the horn while beating, and these two sounds shook the sky. , So that the besieging Yan army turned back one after another

For almost an hour and a half of the battle, the defenders of Jincheng have been under pressure. In the situation just now, the Yan army was constantly attacking. It can be said that the morale of the defenders of Jincheng has been greatly affected. If there is no reinforcements, it may be supported, but it is estimated that it will not be long.

There are reinforcements coming. Although I don’t know how many reinforcements there are, the phrase “reinforcement is coming” is of great significance to the defenders of Jincheng who are fighting hard, meaning that their resistance is not a dying struggle, but a meaningful fight. .

“Kill!” “Kill.”

If it is said that the morale left by Wang Zhi’s department was only 60%, the more and more clear horn sounded into the ears of the soldiers who were fighting. Although the morale of the whole army was not restored to 10%, at least It has risen to 80%.

The troops that have been desperately resisting must have tenacity. Some of the city walls that were about to be broken by the Yan army were forced to re-stabilize their lines, and the defenders on the three walls cheered even more when they heard the sound of the horns.

These soldiers of the State of Yan, who had just arrived outside the city wall of Jincheng but were unable to attack, were originally in a state of ambition or even a little anger. They also appeared to be less attentive when they resisted the Qin army who fought back from the top of the city at 1.3.

After all, being on the edge of the Jincheng city wall and not being allowed inside is very morale hurt.

Now, they are still outside Jincheng, a step away so far away to those Sergeants Yan.

The Qin Jun, who had thought that he was going to die, was a little bit looking forward to it because of the arrival of reinforcements.

The heart full of mind is to block the enemy and wait for the rescue of reinforcements, and the combat power displayed is naturally different.

“It’s General Wang Jian’s troops here.” Sima Lie saw a big flag fluttering in the wind.

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